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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Can't believe the food pricing is the same. Yeah maybe you can get some chicken and mushroom pasties on a buy 2 packs for £3 job but last week I nearly ordered a small fish and chips and the price was £10.45. I cancelled it and opted for a save loyalty and chips for £5.50. Pricing on food is a joke and quality costs a lot compared to Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, NilSS said:

    Well I've been a 'guest' for 20 odd years, my entire family is here and I'm going through the citizenship process, so what's your definition of permanent? What would I do with an address in the UK, have my DTAC bill sent there? I've had the same number for 10 years, I'm not sure what's not permanent about my arrangements.


    There's a difference between burning bridges, and letting go. I imagine some ecpats find it hard to let go, so they keep an address of some sort in the place they still consider to be home. 


    Regarding your business model, the market is already awash with virtual offices and mail forwarding services, you write as though this is some brilliant new idea. 

    It's not my business model it was a service which I found that seems to offer a lot more besides a virtual address. If you had read there offerings you can see there menu is more advanced than a VO.


    My suggestion was in line with the OP's request but if you cast your mind back as far as 20 years ago I'm pretty sure you will recall such a question you posed to yourself. It's a normal train of thought for many expats I expect.


    Best of luck with the citizenship process. That does sound permanent.





    • Like 1
  3. On 6/21/2018 at 9:12 AM, BritManToo said:

    Have you seen her marriage certificate?

    Have you seen her 'Kor Saw 2' from the Amphur office (she just needs her ID card to buy one and will show her current marital status)?


    You can't do anything before you've checked she is actually married.

    (Women often lie about such things)

    Please advise what kor saw 2 is?


    Is it thai for marriage certificate?



  4. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You really do .

    You have taken the figures from one bad season that Chelsea had to try to prove something that has happened over three years .

       You ignore the good two seasons that Chelsea and Courtois had , and use the one bad season to try to prove a point .

        You would need to look at the whole complete figures from 15-18 to be able to come to a conclusion

    Lol two good seasons yet he was supposed to be the LONG TERM option. Lol.


    Between 15-17 cech was better.

    So 2/3 cech was better. Age is irrelevant at this point as cech has outlasted courtois in the Premier which proves the decision to replace Cech with courtois was a mistake and the new keeper has just over 50 la Liga appearances to date and has been sold at a massive Mark up which If Chelsea had moved earlier knowing courtois was a contract Rebel, could have saved over 50m.



  5. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    That is a distortion of facts .

    Kepa had a 17.9 M release clause in his contract and RM showed an interest, his Club , Bilbao then offered him a 7 year contract with a 80 M release clause , which he signed .

    Lol. Yes exactly Chelsea were foolish enough to pay 71m which is a transfer fee, for a keeper who is a good prospect at best and in terms of experience he is years away from courtois and the two really cannot be compared at this stage. Major mistake. Major. You never heard of him before news break of interest in him. Knee Jerk reaction purchase.

  6. Just now, sanemax said:

    Those figures are out of date .

    Give the figures from 2015 to present 

    Courtois played 120 games for Chelsea , your figure has him down as playing 46 games in a season that was disastrous for Chelsea , finishing 10 th

       It was a bad season for the whole team and wasnt because Courtois wasnt any good .

       Give the complete figures from 2015-2018

    I don't need to. In the time cech left up until 2017 he outperformed your guy. He had a bad season last season but overall he's been better than your old keeper and has outlasted him as a premiership keeper too. So the long term option was more of a long term prospect than he was actually a long term option. Spent more time waiting for him than you did working with him. Makes perfect sense.

  7. Kepa, capped once but considered one of the most promising goalkeepers in Europe having impressed for his country through the junior age groups, has a release clause set at €80m (£71.6m). Bilbao are braced to lose the 23-year-old, who has travelled to Madrid with his agent before a 10am flight to London on Wednesday morning, having come close to selling the youngster to Real for only £17.9m in January

  8. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    No Cech hasnt , his form has been on the wane for the last few years , last season Cech only kept 11 clean sheets in 38 appearance and Arsenal fans were calling for him to be axed (as they were doing so the season before)

       Transfers are different to contract buy out clauses .

    Transfers , you negotiate a price with a club .

    Contract buy out clauses , you just say heres the money and hes ours , even if they dont want to sell



  9. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    In his prime , Cech was better than Courtois .

    But in the last few years , Courtois has been better than Cech

    It was the right decision at the time to let Cech go and bring Courtois in .


    Yet the stats from 2015 to 2017 show cech v courtois was not even close and cech:


    Played more games

    Saved more shots

    Conceded less goals


    Than courtois.


    Let's not forget one was mid thirties and the other mid twenties and the old man outshone his younger rival. Buffon to PSG is not a holiday keepers have longer careers it was and now looks like a very bad decision and the stats back it up too.

  10. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Wait , Cech was sold  when he was 33 years old and he had a few years left in him . Courtois was bought into replace Cech .

    Chelsea couldnt play Cech and Courtois in the same team, so, one had to go and Chelsea choose the long term option .

       Courtois was sold low, because his contract was going to expire next year and he would have moved for free , which lowers a players value .

       Chelsea didnt buy Kepa , they paid his contract cause .

    Lol long term option. Cech has outlasted your long term option for a rival and continues to be a top 6 keeper. Kepas contract buy out clause is just another way to say transfer fee. Even sarri has said Kepas not as good as courtois yet. Google it if you need assurances.



  11. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Petr Cech, Courtois , Cudicini , Ed de Goey , Chelsea first Choice keepers in the last 20 years , all excellent , World class , cannot see how you can label them as "gaffes" , if the new keeper continues playing as they did, I will have no compliants

    Cech was sold too early courtois was sold too low and kepa has been purchased at a grossly over priced value and your keepers predecessors have both been better than their successors. Kepa is decent but not as good as courtois and Cech was better than courtois. That's not my idea of improving your squad and for silly money too. You just purchased the 7th best keeper in the Premiership for 71m lol.

  12. 9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    It probably wouldnt have made no difference at all .

    The reality is that he just used his kids as an excuse for RM to come and get him .

    Another truth is that when he was on loan to AM , he was a promising young goalkeeper , destined to be one of the worlds best , although not ready to displace Petr Cech .

      Courtois is a good goalkeeper , but he hasnt/didnt reach his potential at Chelsea.

    He doesnt command the box and hes not too good at crosses , good shot stopper though

    CECH was better but RM needed a decent keeper for years and got an absolute bargain consifering he was rated keeper of WC too. Some proper gaffes have taken place with Chelsea keepers and the 71m you just spent looks like that trend may still continue. 

  13. 10 hours ago, Scooby and Puppy said:

    They’re are still the lazy ones.. my wife has a donut franchise, (does well), but she can’t get the staff to sell at the traffic lights very easily. On a normal/good day they can make about 580-600 baht a day,  but they just start for a week, and then not turn up. The only ones who stay are her immediate family members, the rest just come and go. I thought it was pretty good money for a non-educated thai.. 

    I brought some donuts once from a traffic lights. I'd have brought them again if they had a no sugar option. The other thing we buy is small yoghurt drinks from traffic light sellers but we always check the sell by date.

  14. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Chelsea shouldnt loan players out to other teams abroad , just incase he meets a woman there and gets married to her and has Children and then that relationship finishes and She doesnt want to move herself and the kids to the UK and he then wants to move back with her ?

       Yep, should have considered that when sending players out on laon.........................

    Missing the point as usual.


    The loan of 3 years was excessive and allowed him to feel at home in the city for whatever reason and had Chelsea kept him on his toes a bit and moved his loans to other countries or teams. Could have been the difference. On the same note fair play to the lad he has moved to RM and is citing his children as his main motivation but the truth is he is line to win more trophies and play for a better team and the foods nicer and I'm sure his wage is too. 

  15. 16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Chelsea fans are usually quite understanding about players moving on to other Clubs .

       Courtois replaced Club legend Cech , when he was still in his prime .

    He then ran his contract down, refused to sign a new contract and orchestrated a move to RM , using his Kids as an excuse why he wanted to leave .

        He left Chelsea for half price , because he wouldnt sign a new contract .

    Maybe if Chelsea had brought him back from Madrid quicker than the 3 years they let him stay there, he would not have developed such strong ties to the city. Seems that long term loan really cost CfC

    • Like 1
  16. I have been looking at this for a while and this market looks like it is about to become mainstream.


    This service is a UK based service. They accept mail for as little as 0.60 a letter and scan it too for £0.90. The scanning alone is valuable for record keep8ng purposes but the point of scanning is it allows you to read the mail online. Pretty clever.


    Must be a US version.





    • Like 1
  17. Brexit pfffh if Brexit was such a factor in signings how come there are not more clubs singing this and not signing nowt?


    Danny rose is gonna be coming out of mute mode and bashing the lack of new additions any moment. And just like the wages being abysmal before, he would be right, again.



  18. First and only girlfriend and is still my first nearly 4 years later. I made a big point to myself when I came here first and decided to be alone for a long time without any short time shenanigans either. That actually paid off as whilst I was single I did have a few dates with a Laotian and a kibd of hiso Taiwanese woman and then I met the Mrs and we escaped from bkk and that decision I think was the best one we made at the time.

  19. The illogical pricing is extremely common and it's kind of fun and keeps you on your toes when doing the shopping.


    I think it sets a point to thai people to think more before they buy.


    So many examples but my favourite is the 2 pack of deodorant 19 baht more than individual exact same item. So for example.  Single item 75 baht. Exact same item in double pack. 169 baht.


    I thought maybe the extra cost was based on only having to pick up the double pack once and therefore saving you the hassle of having to pick up two singular items lol.

    • Haha 1
  20. I want a joint bank account with my Mrs.  


    We have a child together and whatever goes into that account I could walk away from if it really came to it.


    It's nearly 4 years together though so I'm ok on that front for now.


    So we are not married and I only visit thailand.


     I do have a bkk bank account already but I need to purchase a house for her and boy in the near future and again I do not mind that we are not married but my concern is that say she died and I put the cash in her account it could be difficult or even impossible for me to access for our sons well being.


    Vice versa she does have access to my bank through ATM card but if she needed a big amount that may equally be difficult for her.


    So is a joint bank account the best solution and is there a term in such an account which ensures the surviving party would have full access?


    Can this be done in our non married non resident relationship?


    I've put this in general as I'm after a lot of input. Hope that's OK. 



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