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Posts posted by returnofthailand

  1. it s impossible to pay 35 years of pension. some people now go beyond age 100.

    you start to make money at 40, after paying 10 years of debt or more.

    retirement at 65, so you have saved for 25 years only.
    25 years against 35 years of retirement .? where the money come from.?

    I call this a ponzy scheme, a scam...yeah they print money all day long.

  2. I prefer live in a room like a prison and live in a cool town than living in an American house and be in detroit.
    sitting 7h a day in front of a TV watching Netflix or else and eat frozen pizza is very boring.

    sometimes I live in a shit room, sometimes in a 5 stars hotel. sometimes in a high rise condo in Pattaya. at the end, I sleep well, I eat well.. and I m happy.

    life is not about your house and your junks in your garage . life is about experience and love.

  3. I m under 50 and paid just a little for my retirement, but not enough to live decently as I have worked and live in foreign country most of the time and didn't work very much . so 0 for me. I don't believe the retirement system will exist in 15 tears time. oh yes you will still get retirement at 105 years old. lol

    retirement has been invented after the 2nd world war and at the time there were 7 workers for 1 retire . now we have 2 workers for 1 retired. and soon 1 worker for 3 retired. .
    do you see the trend here ? do you think it s improving in a good way or in a bad way.?

    instead I saved good money already.
    and in case I finish on the streets, I will ask for assistance. and then I will probably live like a king. free housing free food free pocket money free transport free holiday to Thailand... and worse case, I apply as a refugee in Germany.... lol

  4. when you compare I can live with 300$ in Thailand, I have calculated in the USA for same life style I will need 3000$.

    in the #1 country when you lose your job you are in the big dodo with no much safetynet. your savings in the USA will be gone in a few weeks resulting in a high stress level. you will probably finished by borrowing money and become a debt slave. this is what they want. let be honest, we are milk cows for the Rothschild and other bastards who run the big banks.

    here in Thailand, one month work cover me for 1 year unemployed life style (room, scooter, food) . pretty much if your work 5 years in Thailand and make good money you can take your retirement, of course in the USA they don't want you to have a good life, they want you to pay and pay until you drop dead.

  5. yep. I got a second hand netbook that look like new, even people have been impressed when I opened the packet . I installed a copy of window 7 and it works very well. has dual core processor, 2gb, hd and Harman speakers. really nice and fun to use.

    just saved 35000 bahts from a apple netbook. I got it for 3000 bahts, did I win again? yes I did. with money saved I can now pay my rent for another 2 years and no worry.


    The way that post reads to me is that you know 2 farangs working in Thailand without work permits and you have been offered a job under similar circumstances. If thats the case, you are contributing to the problem already.


    There is nothing to stop a Thai employer getting a WP for an employee as long as they meet the manpower ratio and the financial conditions required. Clampdowns on illegal work are not going to change that factor.


    You need an income of £18,600 to bring a foreign wife to settle in the uk. But I understand now you need a letter from your embassy proving you earn enough to do that before you can get a thai marriage visa! Which still takes a month to process. I was offered the opportunity of getting my visa  there and then, if I was willing to renew my visa to retired non marriage visa.


    I told them I was happy to wait the month.  

    Na mate, I just keep up with recent events. Clearly the Thai government is focussing heavily on PRC Chinese owned businesses at the moment. The small fries will mostly be left alone. This is a big political game being played by Thais at the moment because they want a bigger piece of the Chinese tourism pie.

    not at all. they all work with a work permit now. and recently I said to a guy I won't do interview if they don't sponsor for a work permit, this is non-negotiable.

    they replied a few weeks later that now they are willing to make work permit.

    few years ago they came to me like "we employ as a test and if we like you we do work permit for you" yeah sure! I told them I need a work permit or no deal.

    if you are caught working without a work permit, you will be ban for up to 10 years or maybe forever if you are involved in a accident with result of injured or dead people.

    do I want to take the risk and be in jail because I have broken the law? no way.

    so f... employers who ask you to work illegally, again f... them all...!

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