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Posts posted by returnofthailand

  1. seriously guys, think about it, all the money we spend for nothing at the end. could have been invested intelligently instead.

    a good example is marriage, I m sure many of you would have not been married if they know how bad their relation would be.

    all this money spent on marriage, dress, rings, house, cars, then even more on divorce, lawyer, ...

    and people still don't get it. they get remarried 2x, 3x, even 4 times and many finished assisted by their nanny state.

    what's wrong with farangs?

  2. people say they like their cheap phone but when they call me I can not hear them(metallic sound with wind noise) . I have a quality phone.

    I don't talk a lot with them as it s just irritating.

    get a good phone for Pete sake... all these cheap phones at 2k baht have bad microphone, even if you get second hand of an expensive brand, it s still much better than a new cheap phone.

  3. we all live better not because of good economy, but of antibiotic.

    if antibiotic didn't exist, we would be dead. life expectancy was 40 yo, not so long.

    imagine, just a cut on your finger and you would be dead a few months later.

    everything is much easier these days, and we complain for the pound going 10 percent down ? give me a break.

  4. I'm ok with it being around 50 baht to the pound. I really can't see it going down much further than say 44 baht to the pound. To put that into perspective ,that's about 100 pounds sterling less on every thousand pound I spend every month. All that needs to be done is save 100 pounds per month. Bye bye fitness first for the Mrs ( not that she done anything else but take selfies anyway) that's 3000 baht right there. I will cut out the mon morning pi#s ups ,that's another 3000 baht. I'm already up. Simples.....

    Everyone needs to stop panicking. And please stop talking about the great era of 70 baht or more to the pound, it really wasn't helping when it was in the 50s let alone now! ....

    As I said stop panicking !!!!!!, ahhhhhhahhhhhhhhhahhhhh

    Sure, and following that great bit of logic, no matter how far the pound drops to the baht, just stop more spending and start taking notes from those posters who claim they live very nicely on B20k/mo.

    I live very nicely with less 20k. I live in a high rise building facing the sea, I don't need air conditioning and I take cold shower everyday. my last electric monthly bill was 200 baths. I eat fruits and chicken everyday directly from market, I ride a scooter, and I have still plenty of money to spend around if I want.

    I spend probably less than 14k. just last month I spent 8k baths all included.

    I told you to save money and live cheap.

    you will realize than more you save, more you make money and more things you can get , it s just amazingly amazing.!

    God created the universe from nothing, it s possible for you too.

  5. best topic of the year. I agree with all of you.

    I m still in my high rise building with full equipment for much cheaper than a farang usually pay.

    how? this is simple, in Thailand, as you certainly know already , there are 2 prices, one for Thai and one for farang, but apparently you guys still didn't figure this yet you all think you are soooo smart. but not so smart when it s a question to pay less. you can easily get more for less if you follow my million £ advices.

    I give you an example, a guy rent a condo, he pay more than me because he has ac and hot shower installed , he pay 2000 or even 3000 baths more and barely use the ac.

    instead he could simply rent a condo with nothing inside in a nice condo, for half the price and buy the equipment. installing hot shower will not cost you very much. as for ac, forget about it. in a high rise building with fresh air from sea you don't need anything. a fan will be enough.

    you can live very comfortably with 3k a month and buy what you need. I know of a guy he rent an empty house at 5k. he is probably richer than you. why richer, because he doesn't spend his money in unnecessary things like most American do. anyway, up to you, when the shit will hit the fan, you will all be back with mommy.

  6. if you have to go to farangand, u are a true loser. I can live very confortably in Thailand with 15000 baht a month.

    Jesus, how much u need to feed your dumb stomach and wash yourself 2x a day here.? I got pretty much all for free and I live in a high rise building with fresh air, fan, lift, water, food market, beach, fruits, .... the 5 stars lifestyle and 0 stress for the price of 9sqm in UK.

    in the other hand, if you can not come to Thailand to live here, you are a total loser too. probably you have no cash and your farang wife took it all.

    all you need is to work only 5 years in farangand to retire in Thailand(you save, you invest and voila) . losers work 40 years and still can not keep their cash more than 6 months. I know guys who lost all.

    then people told me i have to pay tax, I told them I don't need as it s for resident only and I would be gone. my country tax on residence, not on citizenship. this is how I took my retirement very early but people are still very jealous of my 5 stars life style.

    they always ask me questions about how it is possible to live with 15k baht, but I tell them sometime like last month I spend less than 9k. they reply "gosh this is what I pay for my cell phone and cable TV" so I replied " what you want in life, be a sheep or be a real free man?" then the reply they have their mom, furniture, a car to pay, and many other kind of dumb excuses.... people are worthless these days. no need to talk to them. just a waste of time.

  7. I don't work in Thailand, I don't work at all and I m off radar legally because I have informed my country I m gone. they can not tax me because my country tax on residence and not on citizenship( put this law in your head once for all) and I don't stay long enough in one country except Thailand. Thailand taxes only money done in Thailand and as I don't make any money here they can not tax me as I m a tourist.

    no tax, no money, nothing for them... I keep 100 percent for myself and for years no problem. so what country will run after me and for what? I know tax investigators and they know my situation. so far they have not been able to do anything than asking how many days I stay in my country.

    I make sure I don't stay more than 180 days. this is so funny that you American guys think(brainwashed by irs) that everybody must pay tax when it s so easy to not pay anything at all . it just took me 5 minutes to avoid to pay tax for years and I have saved already hundred and hundred of thousand dollars . all bad comments usually come from jealous people

  8. I always give money. and look at me today? I m a successful money maker and brilliant ideas always come to my mind everyday.

    just today :

    this morning when taking my usual cold shower, I calculated briefly that I was using 30 litters/daily for 2 showers and water to brush teeth. my bill is for 100 liters a day, where these extra 70 liters comes from? probably flushing the toilet . so this is where I need to save now . flush less or drink less. as I m a genius saver(and a winner) , I got the bright idea to hold my pee. 2 advantages (if you are not too old) : 1.you create muscle body and 2.you waste less time and electricity in toilet.

    total saved after a life : 2.5 millions baths that can be invested in something else than wasting flush water(time, electricity, toilet cleaning...) .

  9. I understand there is no way to avoid being taxed(for americans) . you pay tax in Thailand or in the USA.

    you must file a tax report to the irs if you make more than 1000$

    90k$ are deductible if you pay tax in Thailand. but you still need to pay your tax in Thailand and prove it to the irs. correct?

    I heard now that the irs is raiding many accounts. so if you have over 10k in non usa account and you are part of the USA club, I hope you filed with fbar

    it sucks to be an American . especially if you are young.

    I will show up to my country and tell them I don't pay tax. how can I? there is no interview like in the USA , I just pass a gate at the airport with my chiped passport and I m inside my country after scanning myself my passport.

    I think nobody have asked me any questions since I was born except if I had something to declare.

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