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Posts posted by returnofthailand

  1. don't be jealous Gerry.

    more savings I did in my life : I didn't pay one penny to study when I was young . all paid by my government. I saved 150'000$ plus compound interest. with the money saved I can buy your house (probably filled with junk) . but why should I? I have a great life in my high rise condo and lot of free time for myself. I rent.

    you don't impress me with your Ferrari, Caviar and expensive watches. my account is fully loaded and I can rent a car if I want . I can change car every day if I want, get a Ferrari today and a Lamborghini tomorrow, ....you don't impress me but you know that already.

    having a car parked is a waste of money. think about it , 1 million baht spent (not invested, many people use the wrong word, the right word is spent, not invested ) on a dumb car used only a few hours a week, you have to pay for maintenance, insurance, depreciation, tires, fuel ... idiots even borrow money for these dumb plastic cars.

    solution is the bus baht, 10 baths and you are good to go anywhere you want . even idiots pay 20 baths because they think farang should pay 2x more.

    I save probably another 15000 baht a month by not owning a car. what about that?

  2. some people here make me laugh here by their degree of ignorance.

    I don't have to pay tax because I m not a resident . I didn't file for residence for years.

    I don't have kids going to school, I m not married.

    guys, you have been brainwashed by the "everybody have to pay tax".

    there are millions of people who pay no tax at all and have and make money. I m one of these.

    i have nothing to worry, I can not be taxed on income , taxed and fined by who? again my country can not tax me as I m Not a resident. for this privilege, all you need is to be a citizen of a country who tax on residence and leave your country (this big advantage is only for all countries in the world except USA and etria)

    if you are an etria citizen sorry guys, you are screwed. and if you were born in the USA, you are screwed even further as it's not possible to give up your USA citizenship if born in the "land of the free"

  3. I don't care about caviar. my friend from Russia bring me tons of caviar every year I m sick of it.

    I drink champagne too but I don't like alcohol so much.

    I m not impressed with your spending and your fake 5stars lifestyle , it s like a guy I met who spend 20 millions in a house in Thailand set to a Thai name, now probably living back in his farang country after his gay friend quit him. just another showoff dumb farang.

    new tip for you: you just have to go to a nice hotel . no need to register, pay 100 baths to reception and you are free to use the swimming pool and fitness room. what about that?

    (if you nice with the lady, she will let you use the pool for free)

    again, I just saved a few thousand baht and have a kickass life.

  4. just saw today on Fox news that a poor lady has been seized 30k dollars from the IRS for non reporting account through FBAR protocol. and a guy has been seized 200k.

    they say it s not right as they didn't commit any crime. not declaring an account is not a crime for the DOJ. seems to me IRS is making their own justice.

    (suing the IRS would cost too much and they don't have the cash)

    it s nice to be a EU citizen. I have several account in different countries. so all these rules don't apply to me (for now)

    the truth is I don't really care about tax. if I don't receive anything by mail, I do nothing. I make my money through investment mainly stocks and bonds.

  5. I probably change my underwear more than you. do you prefer to live in farang country above poverty line(just above 1000$ a month in the USA) and still no be able to eat and dress correctly? or live under poverty line (35k baths/month ) and live well in Thailand with condo in a high rise building, scooters, beach, nice weather, bus transport, fly with a jet, good food?

    I m living a very nice life with half of a poverty line salary. just this morning, I woke up with a very sexy lady sleeping near me, watched TV, and ate fruits and crackers with my coffee. what about that?

  6. I m taxed based on residence, and not on citizenship. this is why I mention I m a EU resident.

    all money I make is from Europe mainly, and as I m a tourist here with a tourist visa in Thailand and never stay longer than 3 months consecutively, I don't have to report anything. it s like I m living on the moon or in international waters. that s the nice thing to tax on residence Vs citizenship.

    I heard USA is the only country with etria who tax on citizenship. maybe these 2 countries should unite together and make one flag for both (sarcasm).

    my life is sweet. this is years I have not filed any tax report and the money is still raining on my account.

  7. my God, guys you seem to be so jealous of my 5 * lifestyle.

    probably you came to Thailand thinking to be like me and you lose it all from the landing in Bangkok. I have a few friends who lost all their money, saving, retirement. all taken by a lady or all spent in some dodgy business scams. these same guys now make fun of me. I think you are one of them.

  8. You couldn't find a model that wouldn't require opening your wallet? Prices like 998 and 1,438 seem lavishly extravagant. You could live happily for 2 weeks on that sort of cash. Skip the fan I think you would only feel guilty sitting in the cool breeze thinking of how you could have potentially invested those funds into something that could have paid off better financially for you. You have stuck it out this long, trust me now is not the time to start doing yourself any favors.

    Also consider it isn't just the entry price for the fan but think of how your electric bill is going to soar afterwards. It is one thing to buy a Lamborghini and quite another to keep fuel in it.

    555 very funny. how much these fans cost for electricity vs ac? 30 bahts a month vs 4000 bahts probably.

    I 'm a winner here. again....

  9. I m thinking to buy a wall fan. it s for my bed. summer coming, it s time to cool our body down.

    what can you recommend? at big C I have found hatari 16 inches fan (wall fan) for 998 bahts and 18 inches(wall fan) for 1438 bahts

    what do you think about table fans? , these fans seem to wobble after a few months. and frame just vibrate. I got 2 of these and they are bad. the supporting plastic bar got play and vibrates.

  10. So he was stopped for "behaving oddly"?

    That must apply to quite a few foreigners in Thailand....

    We'll no doubt be missing lectures here about how a successful "digital nomad" can come to Thailand and "learn things" on the internet and stay in expensive hotel rooms, which makes him smarter than us.

    Sad, we won't have this fountain of wisdom around anymore, 555

    I m surely smarter than the majority. I will spent 7500 bahts for the month of June.

    nice condo, nice food, ....I spend probably 12x less and have a better life than in Europe.

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