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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 29 minutes ago, MickeyDelux said:

    This is the point that many don't want to address.


    It is not a 'new law'.


    Thai immigration hasn't done anything.


    The foreign gov'ts are no longer providing a means to qualify for a loop hole in the Thai law.


    So who's the bad guy?


    Everyone is the bad guy, except for the person that has been knowingly and repeatedly using a loop-hole for years and years.


    You say that since I follow the rules Thai immigration has put in place it gives me a 'high and mighty' attitude or gives me a 'since of superiority' just goes to show how delusional your thinking actually is.


    Best Wishes


    seems to me they came up with a solution that was win win for everyone - easy for us (show bank statements) and easy for them to verify (thai bank)


    i mean, we can't really expect them to know the statement format of every bank in the world!! many countries like thailand don't use roman numerals nevermind thai ones!


    (and for the record getting 12 statements sent over from abroad through the post is MUCH harder than you think - ask anyone trying to get their tilak over to the UK to confirm that, its been a pain in the ass for me i'm like 3 months behind already and 1 has gone missing!!)


    they could have just thrown us all under a bus and said 'not my problem' and demanded we all put 800K in the bank


    under the circumstances the solution is far from perfect but its certainly could have been worse




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  2. 7 hours ago, kritsana77 said:

    I have friends in Central America, Colombia and the Pacific side of Mexico who love it there. I am headed on a six month tour of great food,drinkable beer and margaritas. LOS has one of the three. See ya fellows.


    yeah but Thailand has Sangsom, Chang and Hong Thong!


    oh wait.. :cheesy:


    i have friends on the pacific coast of mexico too and they love it, say its similar to thailand but much better beaches



    • Confused 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    never been on the ferry when it, been more than 20% full if they put the price down to 500 baht sure they,d make more profit long term.


    what's waiting when you get off the ferry in pattaya?


    friendly songtheaws waiting to whizz you cheaply into the action zone or a horde of screaming 500baht taxi mafia?



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