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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. possible he has turned quote notifications off and doesnt even know you are quoting him?


    i have them turned off too.. stops me getting all bent out of shape by some of the losers on here ????




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  2. 56 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    But presumably applications will still be able to be submitted in person at the Embassy in London? If I've understood your link correctly, that certainly seems to be the default option in any case in the event of it not proving possible for an account to be created for online application purposes.


    wow there are still people in the UK without access to the internet?



  3. 36 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    Just watched the intro so far. Don't think the Thai authorities will like what they see but it's the Thai way to come up with a denial and sue and/or ban DW for damaging Thailand's image.


    I'll watch the rest this evening.


    P.S. I was expecting it to be in German!


    its says later the tourist police accompanied them only allowing them to film the good side of thailand, they had to film covertly to see the other side.


    sounds like north korea


    some other notable sections:

    the government in bangkok wants to increase tourism to 50M/year

    big companies make the bulk of the money

    locals work for minimum wage trying to survive


    i'm lucky i got to see most of the islands before mass tourism arrived but even 6 years ago, the last time i was in the south, i saw many of the things documented in this film including national park beach bays full of floating trash, floating islands of trash offshore and the relentless outflows of waste water into the sea.


    we finally left samui after 8 years living there when we flew onto the island one year and noticed a brown halo around the whole island. "thats what you swim in" my wife said. we left soon afterwards.



  4. 14 hours ago, impulse said:


    I'm sure lots of Thais don't see "sex, booze and the like" as drawing the kind of tourists they'd like to keep coming.  Something unsettling about seeing your country's daughters being rented out as sperm receptacles and your streets loaded with morning-after puke puddles, even if it is in the name of money. 


    For every drunken monger they lose, there's a family looking for a less disgusting place to spend their holiday cash.


    Not saying they're doing it right.  But I salute them if they're trying to get away from being a destination for debauchery.  It may take decades.  And they may have to try different tactics in different areas.  But in the end, families spend more $$$ and do less damage to the infrastructure and to the culture.



    well, though i admire your ethics, have you actually spent much time travelling around thailand?


    everywhere from the smallest village to the largest cities has its very own 'destination for debauchery' though in the rest of thailand they are lined with karaoke bars rather than beer bars and the girls sell themselves from 100baht upwards rather than 1000baht up.


    i'm sorry but its just the thai way and if we (meaning westerners) all disappeared tomorrow the sex industry would carry on unabated.


    its (unfortunately?) a big part of their culture.


    not a dig at you by the way it just is as it is.




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  5. 1 hour ago, freedomnow said:

    Online pre-approval will probably come in next 18 months in South-East Asia like the UK system is rolling in with a few speedbump delays. Then many will get bounced at the online stage as their history will be easy to view like airports.

    Death of the TV long-stay method coming soon I'm guessing, as everything interlocks around Thailand regarding MFA/immi systems being out of sync for history checking...


    With the Chinese projected numbers next 5 years, they will no longer need to deal with the above queues anymore for cashflow.


    yeah i can see it rolling out worldwide.


    gonna hurt a lot of married expats too



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  6. 7 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    Besides it being completely legal, another aspect that is blatantly clear, is just how irate it makes the old fogies. 


    They hate seeing young, happy, carefree Westerners, having a great time here while easily making money.



    Time for another Chang, moan, and stress over health insurance and how to get around needing 800k in the bank, while the Thai you pay to be your partner squawks on the phone in a language you don't understand while munching on bugs and chicken innards?  ????


    in fairness young guys thai GFs still squawk on the phone in a language they dont understand while munching on god knows what :cheesy: and its pretty rare they picking up the tab ????

  7. On 5/27/2019 at 9:53 PM, Happy Grumpy said:

    You don't need to have a Thai WP to pay Thai tax on your income in Thailand.



    correct, if you bill using a thai account


    but what if your blog sold elephant pants.. fulfilled from china, to clients in USA, billed by an eastern european payment processor that deposited said funds into a UK bank account? 


    all done automagically whilst you sipped mai tais by the pool?


    coz, duh, thats how it works.


    smart nomads are owners not workers


    the only 'work' done is in the setup




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