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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 13 hours ago, ozmeldo said:

    The Thai arent crying. This is as old as the hills here.


    Set a dumb farang up with a business


    Build out the office/resty/pub whatever


    Sell them durable goods


    Watch as the business tanks, laughing all the way to the bank.


    meanwhile.. set the brother up as the new 'manager'


    watch as the business now tanks


    clear out the brother and everything else


    up the rent whilst waiting for the next mug westerner


    repeat the cycle 12 months later


    .. yeah, they're proper Warren Buffets over here LOL ..



    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mogandave said:


    If TI wanted to get rid of expats, they could have just changed the rules and made it more difficult to stay. They could have just announced that the letter would no longer be accepted and mandate whatever requirements they saw fit.

    I’m guessing they want to get rid of a few deadbeats and or criminals and or people working illegally and or tax evaders.

    Maybe both the embassies and TI are full of spiteful morons trying to create problems for everyone, but I doubt very much that is the case.




    my wife used to tell me a story of how her friends would handle unwanted advances from Thai men. in order for him to not 'lose face' they would invite their friends along to dinner dates with him and purposefully order expensive food and drinks. they would repeatedly do this until the hapless guy got the message gave up and moved on to another woman saving embarrassment all round.


    knowing this do you think immigration would:


    A) change the rules disavowing us completely, or

    B) keep raising the bar until we get the message give up?






    • Haha 1
  3. makes me laugh those on here justifying this route


    its not the asian way, pilots don't do it & you don't pay 20K+ just to 'fit in with the system'


    call it what it is lol


    for my 2 penneth, this is way worse than using a system in a way it wasn't supposed to be used. ie: full time living on ed, tourist or voa's - you are paying a bribe for an IO to overlook the seasoning requirement on your application.


    i hope to god BJ doesn't take a look at these applications because he is aware it was something mentioned in the case of the indians in udonthani being busted for fake marriages. 






  4. 1 hour ago, JLCrab said:

    But what about those poor helpless down-to-earth people with wives and families who would not otherwise be able to stay in the Land of Smiles?


    they still have the option to go to Savanakhet and get a multiple entry non-o based on their marriage & with no financials. inconvenient especially with the border bounces every 90 days but better than a long flight home alone.



  5. 17 minutes ago, simon43 said:


    Well, if that is what will happen to you and your family, then you need to man up and accept that - 'cos there is absolutely zero chance of any embassy listening and acting on your complaints - zero, nothing, nada...


    Update:  ... and you would do all the above for the sake of not putting 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account??


    if he has it, if not very sad story. i hope it works out



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  6. 23 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

    I don't think TI will accept original documentation. It is also easy to fake when people can fake SS card and Passport and bills, The only easy solution is to see the money in the bank. I don't understand why people are reluctant to show 65K in the bank. Do they want the same thing to continue to avoid any disruption in their plan to stay in Thailand?


    have immigration confirmed 65K in a bank each month is acceptable now then?


    do you have a source you can link please? it would solve a lot of problems for those believing only an embassy letter plus proof is acceptable post 1/1/19



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  7. 16 hours ago, Thian said:

    Thai working in construction? In Thailand they won't do it, for punishment big Joke should force them to work in Thai construction for 5 years.


    within reason, anyone will do anything if the price is right


    160baht to smash rocks in the sun all day? yeah, not many thais are going to do that LOL




  8. yeah, yeah, heard it all before when they launched the 'good guys in bad guys out' campaign, 2 years on and i can't think of a single thing that has made my yearly extension any easier.


    sorry Thailand i feel its 'all stick no carrot' time again i'm afraid.


    just for once it would be nice if they helped the legals out BEFORE the crackdowns.. i won't hold my breath though

    (and that goes for all facets of life here not just immigration)




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