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Everything posted by Brahmz

  1. Phillips reliable and works well. Get for 1100-1300THB on Lazada
  2. Statement from your bank to Immigration must show a 400,000+ balance for 2 months prior to submitting annual application to renew. Rest of the year you can reduce the balance without any problems. They (immigration) only look at the 2 month period before a renewal application.
  3. https://britishop.com/ Coming soon https://www.cheese2meatyou.com/
  4. Tai Chi This will improve your health and help you to avoid injury in any situation. For best results, change your diet as well. I recommend a raw food keto diet. https://www.ibsexplained.com
  5. You load up your cation exchange resin with sodium cations by passing a sodium chloride solution through it. Then by putting the house feed water through the resin, you exchange the calcium ions in the feed water for sodium ions. You will need a test kit to find out how often to regenerate the resin with sodium chloride. Another method is to use a reverse osmosis membrane system. This will likely be more expensive but need less maintenance. This one works by not allowing calcium ions through the RO membrane.
  6. 400K is peanuts and take a good look at what you get for it. The returns are priceless.
  7. This condition occurs because your immune system is defective. To fix it permanently you need to change your diet. Go here https://www.ibsexplained.com/ Download the Keto Diet and eat it. Contact me if you decide to do this, and I will give you instructions for a Thai version of the diet. I have been eating this way for 12 years. It works.
  8. The chair is to reserve the spot for you, so you can go to their shop.
  9. You will save about 50% getting it done here. However 3-5 visits over a few months are required. Preliminary work Drilling out roots, may take several visits Measure up for crown Making crown and fitting it.
  10. I make my own. About 2-3 times a week I take my shirt off in the early morning and irradiate my lily white skin for 5 minutes with a little gentle solar UV. Very effective. If you have a brown skin you will need to do it for longer.
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