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Everything posted by Brahmz

  1. Might be ringworm, a fungus infection.
  2. Swiftpoint Padpoint buy on Ali Express THB5000
  3. Brahmz


    https://shopee.co.th/Cheese-(ชีส)🧀-Tasty-Edam-Vintage-Mainland-470-g.-(!!แถม!!-เจลเย็น-2-แผ่น)-i.231226120.13244281947 Get the Vintage... best Cheddar at best price.
  4. Dear Notrub. I am a Yoga Teacher trained in delivering Yoga Nidra. You can do everything by yourself. Go here and follow the instructions... https://ibsexplained.com/IBS_relaxation_therapies.pdf
  5. You are here because this is the 'right' place for you. Its where you can do the things you were born to do.
  6. Go to shopee.co.th online and search for 'chai tea'
  7. Yes, we too are receiving frequent calls and SMS messages purporting to be from the PEA. These are all fake/scam. We have been to the PEA. They know nothing and our account is fine.
  8. Chaiyaphum When you get here, I can provide a special diet that will cure your asthma.
  9. The mastic/plastic is old and has micro-cracks in it. The Haiter cleans the surface but not the mould growing inside the mastic. Only remedy is to replace the mastic with new stuff, that has an anti-mould additive.
  10. Lazada is mainland Chinese owned. There are dishonest sellers playing 'tricks'. When you complain nothing happens, the sellers are still there years later. Ask for a refund.
  11. Get yourself a litre of cold pressed black sesame oil (Lazada) Apply liberally on all dry areas daily. Eat two spoonfuls every day, after a meal. If a rapid improvement does not occur the problem may be psoriasis. This is caused by eating cooked animal foods without sufficient fat. Ask me for more info on this problem.
  12. Google this... P0238 KS1 circuit Boost pressure circuit.
  13. Depends on your age... I started with a Retirement Visa but 'graduated' to a Marriage Visa. Reason: Health insurance is ridiculous when you pass 70. A Marriage Visa is more paper work but doable, you need 400,000 in the bank, and dont need health insurance. The Retirement Visa is less paperwork, but you need 800,000 in the bank and health insurance. At 74 I am in excellent shape and dont need health insurance.
  14. You do not have any free will. You have been sent here to carry out a number of tasks. A good way of looking at it is that you are an actor on the stage of life, with a script to action. You must follow the script, you are not allowed to vary it, the only thing you can change is your delivery. It can be bad or good. So, the power that governs the universe is pulling your strings. Make your delivery a classic performance.
  15. All overseas SMS messages seem to be blocked in Thailand. Messages from my bank are always blocked. I ask them to send emails only. But if the sender has a Thai server (Google, Microsoft etc.) then the message can be sent via the internet to the Thai server and delivered via SMS.
  16. Potassium citrate is readily available on Lazada. It is sold by the kilo. A uric acid problem is better treated by eliminating red meat from your diet and eating white meat in modest quantities with some fat. That is local pork and chicken. Salmon from Norway is best eaten raw.
  17. I make yogurt and no heating is necessary in Thailand most of the year. Average Temp is above 30C and yogurt is very good, it needs about 24 hours at room temp. If you are up a mountain or in an El Nino winter when temps get below 20C you may need heating. But I just leave it for longer 2-3 days instead of one.
  18. Fruit = banana, dragon, la mud (sapodilla), grapes, mango 3 raw egg yolks 30g sunflower butter, freshly made Cup of moka Cup of oolong tea
  19. The local farmers market here has Tandoori chicken, cooked in big earthenware pots with a charcoal fire in the bottom. This is much superior to all the other chicken I have eaten.
  20. Just use Lazada or Shopee They are likely to be owned by Chinese And many of the shops selling there are in Mainland China You will pay a little more, but get usually, prompt delivery Watchout for the odd scam shop tho.
  21. Most Thai cities have tailors that can make you shirts/suits etc.
  22. Always check inside your boots & shoes before putting them on! A da kaap bite will cause intense pain and your foot will swell up for a week or two. AND don't wear flipflops while gardening.
  23. Yes here in Chaiyaphum ATMs are disappearing slowly. There are now bigger gaps between them. The banks and the Govt. want us to pay for everything with smart phones. Cheaper for them and bigger profits. However most of the small farming economy runs on cash. They wont be happy if it disappears.
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