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Everything posted by aussienam

  1. SIMP to the rescue. It sounds like the female was too busy on her phone and not clear with instructions where she wanted to go. That would p*** me off too. But never mind, in this day and age of virtue signaling and SIMPs, a guy is guaranteed to come along and 'save the day', despite if she is right or wrong.
  2. Unfortunately Google Play geoblocks certain apps. You can change your Google Play app account location once a year I believe. Set it for Thailand and it should appear on the Google Play app store. I have changed my location already when back in Oz to access Australian apps and cannot download the TM30 app as a result, until a year.
  3. Back in 2006-2008 I had a Vietcombank bank account with a debit ATM card whilst residing there, that I opened in HCMC. I left Vietnam with a few Million VND in the bank, thinking I'd be returning some time soon. Not the case. I am heading back to Vietnam, this time for a trip to Danang for a week. I have lost my bankbook and only found the expired ATM debit card. I tried finding online a way to email Vietcombank, with no luck. I don't even know if my account would still be active and if the funds still there. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  4. Let's see if a proper forensic examination is made to check all braking components. Wondering if police here carry that out like in other countries? Or because no serious injuries/death it's handed back to insurance to use one of their contracted mechanics to do the investigation? (Hoping no brown envelopes). Also crash scene, skid marks on road to show where brakes applied? Or none at all? Dash cam footage and CCTV? Witnesses? Also wondering if police will check driver's phone records to see if in a call, texting, etc and whether any hands-free systems were in place? I am paranoid at lights and when turning with oncoming vehicles here. So many drivers on their phones and being distracted as well as speeding.
  5. Hmm, yeah that will work. Pull a gun on the debt collectors/repossessors. No repercussions expected by this fool. Oh yeah, fleeing with the car will work. All he has done is delay the inevitable plus multiplied the problems he has. Lose the car and prison on top. Idiot.
  6. Police did him and you a favour! By not busting him for drunk driving the insurance claim was accepted. If denied then possibly you'd have never been paid for the repair bills. Twist ...Meanwhile ... after being let go, he ran into ten pedestrians and killed them
  7. Yep. Exactly. Meanwhile, after riding around Pattaya town today, I see scores of farangs without helmets. Each one is potentially a rejected insurance claim and a desperate Go Fund Me plea on social media of they don't die. Sure, many Thais flout the law, but repercussions are not as severe (financially), albeit possibly another brain oozing out of a cracked skull on a roadway.
  8. Horrific for the poor woman. Hope she recovers as best she can and gets a good lawyer. First I've read of an incident like this on a travelator. I am sure its happened somewhere before. I have read of similar happening on escalators where people have been caught and mangled. I just read full story. This was a lack of maintenance issue. Loose bolts not clamping down the section where the walkway disappears, so a gap big enough to grab a foot and then drag it under. Maintenance engineers liability as well? Was there cost cutting and scheduled maintenance lacking? Or negligence by signing off on a faulty walkway? Was it reported before? Is it also a design fault from the manufacturer? And were they aware of it? If so did they publish warnings? How liable is the airport boss? Was he negligent, complicit in having knowledge of the fault, was he hoodwinked by engineer staff? Did he over rely on them without personal visual oversight? Or a delegate also negligent? Would be interesting to see what the full reasons were.
  9. Why? I take due care when driving. Been driving and riding for nearly 40 years. But there is a severe lacking of appropriate warnings, signs, barriers and other safety measures, with a lot of road works in Thailand. Yes, better driving standards for sure are needed. Key word is prevention. Your silly comment holds no substance and is just frivolous.
  10. I see it as possibly a dual negligence matter. She failed to take due care when driving. The construction company perhaps failed to follow roadwork requirements to set up visible signs, reflective barriers, etc. Not to worry, she just needs to find one of the 'dime a dozen' SIMPS that will throw money at any young lady with looks.
  11. I am hoping the police have been making extensive enquiries regarding the man's acquisition of the Bentley to determine if it has been legitimately obtained. And also determining the man's business here in Thailand. What is he possibly hiding? Fake plates could be used for many reasons. Evading tolls I doubt for someone legitimately owning a Bentley. Evading speeding fines from speed camera detection -.perhaps.
  12. Scratching my head ..... isn't it supposed to be the other way round ..... Chinese scamming Aussies and others in crypto related scams!!! Hope the Aussie crooks get a nice stint in prison.
  13. The type of scam these Chinese were running is called the "Pig Butchering Scam" known as 'sha zhu pan', (杀猪盘). Chinese mafia syndicates operate it and it rakes in billions of dollars globally. Obviously a huge problem that has ruined many lives and not enough is being done about it. Needs more international collaboration to get more results.
  14. He deserves to be fined. Okay. Is stupid behaviour. But why the big song and dance over a traffic infringement? Millions of young Thai boys, teenagers and men commit all sorts of dangerous acts on their bikes all day every day. Add the millions of crazy 4-wheeled drivers too. Ok, the show-off Russian disrespected Thailand. But Thais thumb their nose at the law all the time. How about leading by example. Practice what you preach?
  15. With Thailand on the fence regarding its allegiance towards China or USA, it's no wonder the US has backed off supplying Thailand with F35A jets. Imagine a conflict where Thailand are in dog fights with other F35A jets flown by US fighter pilots!
  16. My guess is that most people who speed do it because they enjoy the sensation of riding fast" An assumption too!! ????
  17. Would be great if beer prices dropped to same prices you can get in neighbouring countries and more variety. More cheaper priced beer on tap would be ideal. Craft beers as well. The beer monopolies here are very obvious with humongous tarrifs. At least local production would help.
  18. No sympathy then if it is yet another tosser on the roads with some stupid urge to speed and show off. 99.9% of the time there is no urgency, just testosterone fuelled and false belief that their speeding and riding prowess somehow impresses the rest of us to the point we all go home and ferociously mast*****e over these wan***r riders. Same as the idiots who ride around revving the guts out of their bikes with loud pipes = desperate wan***s. If I ride fast and die I deserved it. This idiot deserved it. Lucky no innocents caught up in the carnage.
  19. Aussie dollar still on the slow decline, now at it's lowest since Dec 2020. Spending power reduced by about 5% every Baht increase (based on a rough historical average of AUD dollar ranging between 20 - 25 Baht.) Sux having Aussie dollars.
  20. I don't like the two tiered (and triple tiered) systems in Thailand. But, I'm not against charging foreigners for this one. Most of us don't pay taxes and not Thai citizens. COVID has been downgraded from being a pandemic by WHO. Vaccines are optional now and fair enough government foot the bill for Thai citizens, but a relatively small fee of 380 Baht I think is okay. During the lockdowns, and high deaths sure, it should have been free (it was) but time to wrap this up. Foreigners pay for influenza vaccines, and COVID death rates (with new strains being far less deadly, coupled with higher immunity) have dropped down to getting closer to flu viruses. Just my opinion.
  21. Incredibly sad. Poor family with their country under attack from Russia, with massive death and devastation, perhaps they came to Thailand for respite, to recover maybe from trauma and to give their son positive memories in his youth. Now destroyed. Ten minutes is a very long time for a drowning incident and even if he could at all regain consciousness, it will be with severe brain damage. Just tragic.
  22. The owner’s post expressed surprise at the character of the woman who had outer beauty and appeared to be well-dressed, but had chosen to behave in such a manner. Beauty is merely skin deep. A physically beautiful person does not mean her character is also beautiful. As demonstrated here. Pity if Thai culture actually correlates beauty to being a good person. Ugly therefore may equate to an undesirable character if this was the case. A very flawed and unfortunate assumption. Beautiful women (Thai pretties) in Thailand (like other countries) do get a lot of excessive attention, causing narcissism, self-entitlement, spoilt, greedy, lazy types. Why try hard when men are throwing money at you and cleaning up after you? The new age uber SIMP, woke culture.
  23. Could take the matter to a civil court, but of course there's the usual hefty legal costs involved to fight for justice and most times, when seeking relatively small amounts, it just isn't worth it. Life isn't fair. At least the repairs are covered. Out of pocket costs for a budget end car rental for the inconvenience should be obvious but alas not in this case.
  24. Wow. If this woman's account of events is in fact true, then we have a likely psychopath roaming the streets. Psychopaths can start off just like this, psychologically traumatizing their prey for kicks. Later building up to their ultimate fantasy of torturing and murdering their victims. He had power over that lady whilst trapped in his car. Police and Thai taxi authority should be taking complaint very seriously, to potentially prevent something horrific from happening to an innocent person/s. Maybe he's already done it. If she asked to be let off and driver refused, then that's also technically kidnapping.
  25. Agreed, she was a dog breeder who sold them. She could have offered discounted or free to people before she killed herself. Taking other loves with you is selfish. They didn't choose to die. Same as when parents kill their kids in murder suicides. Obviously deluded thought processes going on that prevent logical, humane alternatives. I don't see humor in it like some posters do.
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