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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I don't care for any more victim blaming, been enough on this topic already
  2. Jewish actress told not to leave London theater due to pro-Palestinian rallies In a Saturday evening tweet on X aimed at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Opposition Labor Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, she wrote: “Another Saturday post matinee and I have been asked not to step out the theatre because of all the demonstrations and marches going on.” “London 2024 — ridiculous isn’t it,” added Oberman, who did not say who had told her to stay indoors or the nature of the apparent danger. It came after, earlier Saturday, Sunak said that extremism against the backdrop of the Gaza war was undermining the UK’s democracy. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-actress-told-not-to-leave-london-theater-due-to-pro-palestinian-rallies
  3. A book snippet is just that, one small piece from a very large piece of text. No context to it. Like I said, same a a link to a paywall website
  4. A book snippet, bit like a link to a paywall website, not a lot of good to anyone
  5. I know you don't either: "Nowadays, the word Zionist is often used as a swearword. As a negative label." https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/are-all-jews-zionists/ House Passes Resolution Declaring Anti-Zionism A Form Of Antisemitism—Some Democrats Are Critical https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/12/05/house-passes-resolution-declaring-anti-zionism-a-form-of-antisemitism-some-democrats-are-critical/ 'We all know that anti-Zionism is Antisemitism and if you do not support Zionism, than you do not support Jews' https://twitter.com/i24NEWS_EN/status/1760046831155745105
  6. Israel does not accept that the court has jurisdiction over its control of the West Bank Off topic nonsense, nothing to do with the hostages that was talked about who are in Gaza
  7. Putting up posters of captured innocent hostage, women, children and elderly guys is not a pro Zionist act. Anyone can do it and many non Jews have and will continue to do so.
  8. Nonsense. It's his own country and putting up posters of held captives taken by terrorists is more than appropriate. Link to your claim that Israel is refusing to be held accountable by the world Court. That's a serious claim
  9. Well considering this was about 2 state solutions. The point is Israel does not carry all the blame as another poster suggested
  10. Not before this episode. Israel PM Ehud Barak offered Arafat a series of far-reaching concessions as part of a comprehensive peace arrangement. In return, Arafat was asked to end the conflict. The PLO summarily rejected the Israeli proposals and never offered a counterproposal. Instead, the PLO-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA) initiated a massive premeditated wave of violence. Arafat’s war of terror (the so called “al-Aqsa Intifada”) was unparalleled in the scale and relentlessness of its terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. A total of 1,184 Israelis were murdered. https://besacenter.org/palestinian-rejectionism/#
  11. Why. I have never asked any Russians where they stand. The UK also happens to be their country
  12. What are we missing here? What you are missing is not reading the string of posts and jumping in at the end without reading the context. Try again.
  13. But you said Zionists are the same as Hamas? Your realty playing tricks on you again.
  14. Why did Palestine in 1947 refuse to adopt the UN partition plan that offered to establish two states, one Jewish, the other Arab. You seem to be very concerned with everything the UN does or states
  15. That depends what part of London you go to. Hackney has the the largest concentration of Hasidic Jews in Europe. Spot them a mile off.
  16. "We've been eating animal feed for two months," he said. He must have missed the previous 4 convoys that same week, either that or he's telling porkies. Israel was involved in organizing at least four such aid convoys to northern Gaza this past week https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/03/02/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news https://archive.ph/P2uMM
  17. One of the problems is trying to mask antisemitism by using the term Zionist. We all know how often its used that way and the Jews do not like it used as a form of hate speech directed that them. "Nowadays, the word Zionist is often used as a swearword. As a negative label." https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/are-all-jews-zionists/ House Passes Resolution Declaring Anti-Zionism A Form Of Antisemitism—Some Democrats Are Critical https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/12/05/house-passes-resolution-declaring-anti-zionism-a-form-of-antisemitism-some-democrats-are-critical/ 'We all know that anti-Zionism is Antisemitism and if you do not support Zionism, than you do not support Jews' https://twitter.com/i24NEWS_EN/status/1760046831155745105
  18. So when in a protest area make sure to blend in by wearing a hijab or if your a man a nice green headband band like their favourite Hamas terrorist?
  19. Deflection Sharp increase in anti-Muslim hatred in UK, particularly against women https://aseannow.com/topic/1321439-sharp-increase-in-anti-muslim-hatred-in-uk-particularly-against-women
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