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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. 2021 "One of our schools...less than half a kilometer from our compound, you can see it from our compounds very close, the [Israeli] military bombed, put two missiles into the courtyard of that school. They destroyed a tunnel going underneath that school. And again, with precision. They struck exactly at one end of the tunnel and the other end of the tunnel. So they closed it off, basically. Very clear. They knew exactly what they were hitting. Many people told me through my four years, there's tunnels everywhere and it's a safe assumption." The guy saying this above was the top U.N. official in Gaza. An Israeli TV interview cost him his post when it was published. Again more evidence the UN new about tunnels and even new about the IDF carrying our precision strikes on them in a school. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/18/1056254276/gaza-united-nations-schmale-palestinians-israel
  2. Israel created Hamas and later turned it into a military force. False, why lie? Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin in 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada against the Israeli occupation. It emerged from his 1973 Mujama al-Islamiya Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas#:~:text=Hamas was founded by Palestinian,affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
  3. Enough of this denial about ages, its a deflection to your claims, pre teens are also trained by the terrorists to become terrorists and kill Jews. https://nypost.com/2023/10/30/news/israeli-survivors-explain-how-hamas-indoctrinates-children-to-become-terrorists/
  4. No that is because it is not the first vid, the first video you claimed that the children were 16 - 17 so just to stop any bickering of ages I got this one where there can be no argument that they are far younger. Back to your claim that started this: Really? Come on. Did you not read the earlier links supplied that proves Israel does exactly the same thing? Can you show me a link where Israel does the same as this?
  5. Well you could always look at an AFP news agency for even younger, around 8 = 13 years old. So same questions Links to those claims........................ Are you also claiming these children are 16 - 17 in this vid? If so can you point me to a credible link to that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pw8SO0GOJU
  6. My post only says nothing by itself, its part of a string in response to another poster. I never said you can't post, stop making things up.
  7. Links to those claims........................ Are you also claiming these children are 16 - 17 in this vid? If so can you point me to a credible link to that.
  8. Do you think Hamas needs to be dismantled first and the hostages released along with ceasefire before a solution can be achieved?
  9. Wait a minute, lets take a step back before you go through like a bull in a china shop. In the last response I had from you from another post regarding the tunnels you claimed that UNRWA closed them so had in fact dealt with them. First you asked me if I was on drugs: Are you on drugs? This is a report from the UNRWA reporting about events they found on UNRWA premises. How is this covering it up? They found it, reported it and blocked the entrance to the tunnel. What is your complaint? I pointed out to you the a US official from the UN denied they had ever known about such tunnels, he was lying, do you acknowledge that or not? The video of him denying is in my post. Once you acknowledge that I will then get on to this latest response from you.
  10. Plenty more evidence in the link below for the denialists https://unwatch.org/un-watch-reports-on-unrwa-staff-antisemitism-and-incitement-to-terrorism/
  11. Yes I am on drugs for a couple of medical reasons, would you like my Hospital records? Did you notice I was quoting my own post that had the UN official denying they knew anything about tunnels last week?
  12. The UN last week said they never More evidence the UN new about these tunnels for years but lied through their teeth last week: 29 November 2022 The presence of a man-made cavity underneath the grounds of an UNRWA school is a serious violation of the Agency’s neutrality and a breach of international law. Moreover, it exposes children and Agency staff to significant security and safety risks. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/unrwa-strongly-condemns-neutrality-breach-against-agency-gaza 04 June 2021 UNRWA condemns the existence and potential use by Palestinian armed groups of such tunnels underneath its schools in the strongest possible terms. It is unacceptable that students and staff be placed at risk in such a way. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/neutrality-and-inviolability-unrwa-installations-must-be-respected-all
  13. Yes lots, here's the first one for you. Every session of the UN Human Rights Council features a standing agenda item targeting Israel. No other country in the world—not Iran, Russia or North Korea—is singled out in this fashion.
  14. Euro-Med Monitor prolific Hamas supporter, consistently spreads blood libels and conspiracy theories about Israel. More confirmation about who you follow
  15. You have completely lost your moral compass. Another vile post from you. Firstly that report was from before the first batch of hostages were released. More importantly, your statement below which I've highlighted is revolting. To attempt to claim that the conditions of Palestinian prisoners was worse than that being suffered by the hostages is inexcusable.
  16. There are sources for all of it. Its widely available, here's the first points source: "Hamas to demand a far higher price for the freeing of other categories of hostages: elderly men; male civilians of military age who are considered “combatants” by Hamas; and actual soldiers, male and female." https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/11/30/israels-truce-with-hamas-is-drawing-to-a-close https://archive.ph/f4XeE When you acknowledge that point I get to some of the others.
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