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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Surreal sights at the undefended Russian border and the volumes of western military supplied amour to Ukraine pouring through. CNN reporter on site
  2. You seem to forget that Hungry was also holding out. What concessions did Finland and Sweden give to Turkey and Hungry? Here's just one example for you. Finland lifted its nearly three-year-long arms embargo on Turkey in January as part of its effort to improve the two countries’ relations. You seem to think its all to do with F16's from the US that were certainly not gifted as you put it.
  3. Stop lying, where did you quote this Overall, we rate The Guardian as Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks over the last five years. Here is your post:
  4. No Cherry picking, you missed the conclusion for the Guardian: Overall, we rate The Guardian as Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks over the last five years.
  5. NEW YORK POST: "They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words " GUARDIAN: "They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words" Instead of cherry picking.
  6. Agree, the gas chambers of Auschwitz and the others serve as all we need for remembering the horrors of their crimes.
  7. Both rated mixed Why did you miss out all the failed fact checks in the Guardian? Bias cherry picking. They are both rated Mixed. Get used to it
  8. This is exactly what it was designed to do, bring the war home to Russia. Success https://x.com/GlasnostGone/status/1824447691776028711 Watching this war since it began two years ago, Zhenya kept thinking "this could have been my city"."Well now it is."
  9. Its got the same credit rating as the New York Post. "Mixed" Make of that what you will. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-post/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-guardian/
  10. A Russian apologist dreaming that Putin has the upper hand and parroting the nuclear rhetoric line.
  11. Why would I be disappointed with your pure speculation that Putin has the upper hand in this. It's your narrative all your posts
  12. Your Russian inspired version of humour is not amusing and very telling and you still have nothing
  13. Not interested what Putin has to say to be honest, I don't believe he has ever put his cards on the table either.
  14. sheeple who refuse to think When you have nothing call those you don't agree with sheeple.
  15. Here we go, you need to quote what I actually said in response to your misleading post instead of making up what I said. Back on topic and talking about truth bombs, I am still waiting for links to your claims that Ukraine was targeting civilians.
  16. Oh I don't believe the nuclear option narrative either, it was just the poster was I responding to that claimed it was in Putin's favour
  17. You made a claim, I disproved it. Your triggered again by your own dishonesty
  18. Misleading again, you also said: However, whether those members who want to join become members or not is up to NATO and above all the United States.
  19. A bit more truth for you. Ukraine opens military office in occupied Kursk region Liberation continues...
  20. If the war criminal Putin unleased a tactical nuke in Ukraine the US could indeed lob one back, preferably into Crimea.
  21. More dishonesty from you, to join NATO needs a consensus among all Allies. There is no special weight given to the US vote. One of the primary reasons it took so long for Finland and Sweden was permission from Turkey.
  22. If you don't deal in dishonesty then provide a link to your numerous previous claims that Ukraine was deliberately targeting civilians "Ukraine had the misguided idea that attacking civilians would ferment revolt and interior unrest, stoking oppostion to Putin. Again, this has failed"
  23. More irony and projection of your previous deflection on the Hamas claims and still no links of your unsubstantiated claims about me. On another note, you may want to actually post on the topic and not individual posters rather than continually avoiding the atrocities of Hamas. "Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War and the wider Middle East Conflict. Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
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