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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. There's a whole article there with sources and evidence, what anecdotes would you be referring that deflects from what the article states? Are you still in denial about the kids receiving terror training?
  2. Have you read the charters, both of them? In fact, the new document differs little from its predecessor. Much like the original, the new document asserts Hamas’s long-standing goal of establishing a sovereign, Islamist Palestinian state that extends, according to Article 2, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and from the Lebanese border to the Israeli city of Eilat—in other words, through the entirety of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza and it is similarly unequivocal about “the right of return” of all Palestinian refugees displaced as a result of the 1948 and 1967 wars (Article 12)—which is portrayed as “a natural right, both individual and collective,” divinely ordained and “inalienable.” That right, therefore “cannot be dispensed with by any party, whether Palestinian, Arab or international,” thus again rendering negotiations or efforts to achieve any kind of political settlement between Israel and the Palestinians irrelevant, void, or both. Article 27 forcefully reinforces this point: “There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.” https://archive.ph/9jXLG https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/ A senior member of Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas has encouraged Palestinians across the globe to kill Jews A senior member of Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas has encouraged Palestinians across the globe to kill Jews, drawing outrage from both Israeli and Palestinian officials as well as a U.N. envoy. In video from a speech to participants of weekly protests on Friday, Fathi Hamad, a member of the movement's top political body, can be seen calling on Palestinians across the globe to carry out attacks. https://www.voanews.com/a/middle-east_hamas-official-condemned-after-calling-palestinians-kill-jews/6171870.html
  3. You are deliberately misrepresenting what I have posted, dishonest but its how you roll. Its all very well having me on ignore but if your going to talk about me at least have the guts to do so directly. It does not stop me however addressing your dishonesty again. For your information, the 7,000 figure is Hamas produced, however even if true or less it is of course far too much and the suffering for the babies and innocent children killed is awful. Its what Hamas wanted of course, part of their plan. As Jake Sullivan said yesterday. "Hamas on October 7 “massacre[d] 1,200 people in a brutal and savage way. They then turned around and went back into Gaza and hid behind a civilian population, using civilians as human shields, using protected sites like hospitals and schools for military purposes, embedding themselves among the innocent Palestinian people,” while vowing to commit more attacks and destroy Israel." You claim the kids in Gaza are being trained in the army. You are deluded, they are being trained by Hamas in military style with real weapons on how to abduct, and murder Jews. You attempting to down play that reality is what speaks volumes. This is what some of those 7,000 kids can look like, yes anyone 18 years and younger, some of the so called children released by Israel when there was a pause with hostage/prisoner exchanges.
  4. Since October 7, Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have also continued to carry out constant attacks against Israeli civilians, including the indiscriminate firing of over 12,000 rockets and mortars at Israeli cities, towns and kibbutzim across the country https://www.gov.il/en/departments/general/israel-hamas-conflict-2023-humanitarian-efforts
  5. I keep to the truth and don't make pathetic denials about the kids in Gaza receiving terrorist training including if you had watched the vids re enactments of hostage taking. But don't let the vids fool you, its not only physical activities, its in the written curriculum too which is just as bad, if not worse and we are talking about UN run schools and teachers. They reformed their textbooks in 2014 to 2016 and the result is a curriculum with no mention of a possibility of peace with Israel, but which does contain antisemitism, enthusiasm about violence, examples of how jihad is the most important thing in life, that death is better than life, that it's good to cut an enemy's throat. [student]"I'm ready to stab a Jew and drive [a car] over them." Another says: "We have to constantly stab them, drive over them and shoot them." Yet another adds: "Stabbing and running over the Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians. I'm going to run them over and stab them with knives." It's the school system that wields the greatest influence on the awareness and ethos of a society. And what they teach the children in the Palestinian school system – where most of them study at UNRWA schools – is that Israel is an amorphous thing, not even a state, a Zionist entity, and that it must be destroyed," she explains. "The goal of the school system is not to discuss the 1967 borders, but to return to the pre-1948 situation. The children say so specifically. It's a society on hold." Marcus Sheff heads the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, an organization that analyzes textbooks worldwide. His organization has devoted many years to researching textbooks in these schools and its reports repeatedly show how UNRWA's educational materials incite violence, glorify martyrs and suicide attacks, demonize Israel and promote antisemitism. https://archive.ph/7x9vG https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2023-12-12/ty-article-magazine/.premium/how-unrwa-became-the-second-most-important-organization-in-gaza/0000018c-5deb-d798-adac-fdefaf450000
  6. Considering you don't read the whole topic except dive in and out making bizarre claims and opinions then look for low hanging fruit so you can pounce and ask for a link let alone the numerous other parallels topics that does not exactly mean much to me.
  7. Rubbish, they are receiving terrorist training, keep your head in the sand apologist. They start them early........ Chilling footage of kindergartners re-enacting terrorist drills in Gaza
  8. Really, how many do you want to see? Did your sea cadet training also include launching rockets, how to use RPG's and automatic machine guns?
  9. Kids terrorist training camp anyone? Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps
  10. And? its biased sure, it watches the watcher but reports on facts. Seems you've got nothing better to do than deflect and blame the messenger. UN Watch has also exposed many of UN staff in Gaza schools enabling terrorist training for kids. Report Finds Naval Blockade by Israel Legal but Faults Raid UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate. But it said that the way Israeli forces boarded the vessels trying to break that blockade 15 months ago was excessive and unreasonable. https://archive.ph/vY4fq https://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/02/world/middleeast/02flotilla.html
  11. From the BBC..................... Mark Regev - a senior adviser to the Israeli prime minister - has rejected comments made by US President Joe Biden that Israel is "indiscriminately bombing" parts of Gaza. On Tuesday, Biden told a closed-door fundraising event that Israel was losing international support as a result. Speaking to the BBC, Regev says the assertion is "not true". He adds that, at a meeting earlier today, the Israeli military showed the US its "rigorous process" of selecting targets.
  12. Hamas killing its own Gazans WATCH: Hamas violently seize a humanitarian aid convoy and shoot civilians on their way. Gaza deserves better. #FreeGaza from Hamas
  13. You are going back to discussions we had weeks ago and picking out any snippet you can to troll asking for a link. Separately Monday, the Kan public broadcaster reported that two companies of troops from the IDF’s Commando Brigade, which were deployed to the Gaza border during the Jewish holiday season in September and October, were sent to the West Bank just two days before the October 7 massacre. The 100 or so soldiers were redeployed to the West Bank’s Huwara, the report said, following a shooting attack there against an Israeli family. The commando soldiers had been deployed to the Gaza border by the orders of the Operations Directorate, and they were not part of the regular forces securing the border, according to Kan. A large number of troops had already been operating in the West Bank amid a rise in terror over the past two years. https://www.timesofisrael.com/more-details-unveiled-of-idf-intel-on-oct-7-plans-consults-hours-before-hamas-attack/
  14. Here's the vid from the Israeli gov of those 70 terrorists surrendering and leaving the hospital grounds where they were fighting from. Israel says it's arrested 70 Hamas fighters; Hamas accuses Israel of blocking hospital care Israel's military says it has arrested more than 70 Hamas members at a hospital in northern Gaza, as health officials in the territory accused Israeli forces of preventing medical staff from providing care. A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces, Avichay Adraee, said the fighters had "surrendered with their weapons" at Kamal Adwan hospital. Writing on X, he also posted a series of images showing men stripped to the waist giving up what appear to be guns.
  15. The only inconvenient truth in that post of yours is that you again have not read the topics on this war and instead spew out unsubstantiated claims and worthless opinions. Much like your own lame comparisons to the hostages Hamas is holding and the prisoners Israel is holding. Or your unsubstantiated claims that Israeli war crimes are happening each day. Or even your claim that "every able bodied person actively assists or fights for them." [Hamas] in Gaza or 100% of Gazans support Hamas. You've also not read any of the posts on here that displayed sheer anti-Semitism in the extreme, posters claiming that Oct the 7th was all a conspiracy theory and it was really Israel that killed most people. Or posters laughing at the rapes and torture of the Israeli women. You've also not read and other posters insisting on calling Hamas freedom fighters rather than what they are. Terrorists. Nah your claim "Some people have a problem here with accepting that almost all, if not all, Israeli critics here also condemn Hamas. It's one of those inconvenient truths apparently" Maybe true for some but certainly not all
  16. More terrorists surrendering. From the IDF spokesman More than 70 Hamas activists surrendered with their weapons to the IDF and Shin Bet forces in the Kamal Adwan Hospital area in Gaza! IDF forces, in cooperation with the General Security Service, worked in the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital and found a building used by Hamas elements that contained combat equipment. During the activity around the hospital, the fighters killed a number of saboteurs in various clashes. More than 70 members who left the hospital were arrested and taken for investigation, carrying weapons and weapons. The saboteurs were taken away, accompanied by the field investigators of Unit 504 of the Military Intelligence Authority and the Central Security Agency’s commanders, to follow up on investigation procedures. https://twitter.com/AvichayAdraee/status/1735253381189386432 Video in the link
  17. No justification for the Hamas slaughter and ongoing hostage taking whether it happened in a vacuum or not.
  18. Yes correct, the last thing a Hamas supporter wants is to come across an Israeli in real life
  19. Yes I guess you just close your eyes when you get to one of my posts, the truth can be difficult I know.
  20. why was one of the Israeli hostages held by a UN teacher in Gaza? What children at UN run schools in Gaza learn: "I'm ready to stab a Jew and drive [a car] over them." Another says: "We have to constantly stab them, drive over them and shoot them." Yet another adds: "Stabbing and running over the Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians. I'm going to run them over and stab them with knives." Links already provided
  21. I would like to read a post from you condemning the treatment of the Israeli and international hostages that were and are still held by the terrorists first.
  22. @SecBlinken: "This could be over tomorrow if Hamas got out of the way of civilians - instead of hiding behind them - if it put down its weapons, if it surrendered. And what there ought to be...is a call on behalf of the entire world for Hamas to do just that."
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