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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Couple of days ago. Hamas said no hostage would leave Gaza alive unless their demands are met. Some already been killed. Others including children sexualy abused. Starting to see the difference here? The are numerous other reasons but even you should know you'll be digging another hole you can't get out of if you try to stretch this one out.
  2. Just to add to that, more UN enabled Terrorist training for kids: "They teach us that the Zionists are our enemy and we must fight them," says one 12-year-old boy. Another says: "They teach us that [Jews] are bad people. They killed our young" "We know what there is on every page in every textbook of 12 or more Middle Eastern countries, and while all the important Sunni countries have been improving their textbooks in recent years – only the PA is going the opposite way" How UNRWA Became the Second-most Influential Organization in Gaza After Hamas With a budget of over $1 billion a year, control over half the schools in the Gaza Strip and reported connections to Hamas, critics charge that the UN agency is playing a key role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict https://archive.ph/m07fO https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2023-12-12/ty-article-magazine/.premium/how-unrwa-became-the-second-most-important-organization-in-gaza/0000018c-5deb-d798-adac-fdefaf450000
  3. LOL, snap, did that last year, the temptation is too much, never bothered with ignore since.
  4. A reminder that its still a hard fight for Israel on the ground going door to door fighting. Ten soldiers, including two senior officers, killed in Gaza fighting and deadly ambush 9 troops of Golani Brigade, Air Force’s Unit 669, killed in one of the deadliest incidents of ground offensive so far, taking toll to 115; combat engineer killed in separate clash. Ten Israel Defense Forces soldiers, including two senior commanders and several officers, were killed in heavy fighting in Gaza, the army said Wednesday, bringing the death toll in the ground offensive to 115. Nine of the soldiers were killed in a battle in the heart of Shejaiya, one of the deadliest single encounters since troops pushed into the Strip. https://www.timesofisrael.com/ten-soldiers-including-two-senior-officers-killed-in-gaza-fighting-and-deadly-ambush/
  5. Nope, nothing to do with Rabas claim but to do with what you said:
  6. That's strange, I responded to a poster who was claiming everyone in Gaza supported Hamas and all abled bodied men actively assists or fights for them. I put him right however and let him know its not 100% with one of those polls.
  7. I'm, always wary of reports or evidence if supplied by local reporters in Gaza: AP and CNN said on Thursday that they would no longer work with Mr Eslaiah, one of the freelance photographers, after HonestReporting posted a photo of Mr Eslaiah being kissed by Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader. https://archive.ph/9bIbI https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/11/10/freelance-photographers-not-hamas-accomplices/
  8. I don't believe you, you claim to have me on ignore but I often see a laughing emoji pop up on a post when you are the only other online..............lol
  9. You were not the only one to make such obvious comments weeks ago, much of the media and even key players in this war did as well. However you are the first to revisit it to try and make a point.
  10. It really is as simple as this to end the war and to stop Hamas using every last Gazan as sacrifice, Israel at the UN yesterday If the @UN wants this war to end, it should tell Hamas to surrender and return the hostages. Here’s the phone number. [+970 955373765]-SURRENDER-NOW https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1734695754474889620
  11. Those same posters will ignore what else he said yesterday, here a couple of snippets taken from another of his speech's: "But most of all, we condemn Hamas’s using rape, sexual violence, terrorism, and torture of Israeli women and girls without equivocation, without exception. You know, they — I saw some of the photographs when I was there — tying a mother and her daughter together on a rope and then pouring kerosene on them and then burning them, beheading infants, doing things that are just inhuman — totally, completely inhuman." "Israel has a tough decision to make. Bibi has got a tough decision to make. There’s no question about the need to take on Hamas. There’s no question about that. None. Zero. They have every right." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/12/12/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-campaign-reception-5/
  12. B.S. You know who he's referring to, enough with your lame attempt to bring in the Nazi's on this
  13. Can uou provide credible links to the daily war crimes? I can provide links to daily war crimes by Hamas happening now.
  14. Don't worry, the UN knows that Hamas have been using hospitals, schools and mosques for their terror activities. Oh I edited out your flame from your reply.
  15. Back on topic and some excellent footage here of the house to house fighting. Last time I saw the terrorists throwing grenades they were at innocent civilians hiding in safe rooms and bunkers at the music festival. Here we have a Hamas terrorist throw a grenade out of the room he's trapped in, the IDF soldier is hit but comes back to finish him off, close up. Its the second kill he had within a few seconds. Great stuff. "This might be the most badass video released by the IDF yet. Headcam footage shows a reservist of the Combat Engineering Corps’ elite Yahalom killing a Hamas gunman in an apartment in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, before a grenade is hurled at him by a second operative. The soldier, despite being wounded, gets up and rushes at the second gunman, killing him from point-blank range."
  16. There you go again, I've already responded with proof that is not the case and rather than spoon feeding you with links also told you that recent polls are in this topic. Which you have obviously not bothered to read otherwise you would not still be assuming 100% of Gazans support Hamas. "A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack." November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development (link to source poll in article). When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack. Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way. Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip show a little less consensus but the overall majority supported the attack. A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack. Showing a greater rift than that of the West Bank, 20.9% of Palestinians living in Gaza opposed the attack to some degree. https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-773791
  17. Is this man also irrational in realizing that Hamas is using civilians as a human shield? Do you have a link to this claim of yours? "I'm saying that support for Hamas in Gaza is 100%." Hint, check back in this topic for polls done after Oct 7th.
  18. Doesn't get much more direct than this from Hamas
  19. "They became psychotic, they had hallucinations," Eitan added. Israeli hostages 'drugged and sexually abused' Israeli hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas and taken to Gaza were drugged to keep them docile in captivity and some were subjected to sexual abuse, according to a doctor treating some of those who have been released. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67672759 Hostages were drugged, abused in Gaza: Israeli doctor Hostages hauled into Gaza during Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel were drugged to keep them docile in captivity and subjected to psychological and sexual abuse, a specialist said Monday. "I've never seen anything like that" in 20 years of treating trauma victims, said Renana Eitan, director of the psychiatric division of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Centre-Ichilov. "The physical, the sexual, the mental, the psychological abuse of these hostages that came back is just terrible," she added. "We have to rewrite the textbook." https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231211-hostages-were-drugged-abused-in-gaza-israeli-doctor
  20. What else would you expect to find in a Gaza Mosque, after all the schools provide terror training so its only natural to have a fully rounded curriculum. This Mosque boasts a high level indoor target practice room along with matching camo decor and plenty of killing toys.
  21. This Amnesty @Neeranam? Any Excuse to Attack Israel: Amnesty International’s Propaganda on Gaza Amnesty International is among the most active NGOs that systematically promote demonization of Israel , BDS, and antisemitism – under the facade of universal human rights. In recent years, this bias and discrimination has been reflected in its “apartheid” campaign, extensive efforts to exclude antisemitism as a human rights concern, and undermining the implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition to combat hatred of Jews. In the wake of the barbaric Hamas massacre of 1,500 Israelis and the kidnapping of more than 200, Amnesty has exploited these events to amplify demonization and delegitimization of the Jewish state. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/amnesty-internationals-propaganda-on-gaza/
  22. Translated by an unverified twitter account of a Bahraini journalist/Photojournalist my Instagram who has provided just one snippet who we don't even know is correct or not........lol Nice terrorist propaganda there troll "Yesterday, Hamas released a short video of Yarden Bibas, a hostage whose wife and two small children (4yo, 10 months old) were also abducted. He was forced to sit in front of a camera, was told his family is dead, and was fed propaganda text to recite while sobbing and visibly shaking. These sick motherf**kers continue to enjoy torturing civilians, and causing pain and suffering. It’s a gut wrenching video and if there’s any person who even remotely thinks that it progresses the Palestinian cause or peace, even by an inch, his sick too." https://twitter.com/Elad_Si/status/1730495782258606407
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