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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. @thaibeachlovers & @Neeranam you should both start up a Hamas fan page. Talk about all the posters you've got on ignore and happy clap each other.
  2. Hamas broke the truce, guess they wanted to use the Gaza population as human shields again
  3. There are so far 22 pages of posts with information and debate in this topic, some with lots of facts and reality, others not so much. How many pages are you seeing to declare whether its true or not? @thaibeachlovers
  4. Here's what the Hamas leadership thinks about remaining hostages: This is absolutely ridiculous- CBS Host asks a Hamas Leader how many Hostages are still alive, his answer? “I Don’t know” "the number is not so important"
  5. Within the last couple of days the number of named hostages being declared dead by Hamas has increased now to 6. Arye Zalmanovich, 85 Eliyahu Margalit,75 Guy Iluz, 26 Maya Goren, 56 Ronen Engel, 55 This is without the 10 month old baby her brother and mum. There are still a few of the female hostages that were taken that have still not been released and who knows if they are alive. Perhaps their plight in captivity was so horrific Hamas thought it better to kill them. This is one of them, still missing, the jeep was captured being driven into Shifa Hospital. Source Source
  6. Report: U.N. Teachers Celebrated Hamas Massacre As war wages on between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, a watchdog group is releasing a new report that reveals how UNRWA teachers in the enclave, funded largely by the U.S. and EU, indoctrinate Palestinian children and promote terrorism and antisemitism. Entitled “UNRWA: Hate Starts Here,” today’s report uncovers 20 UNRWA teachers and other staff members who celebrated the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians on their social media accounts, collected by the non-governmental organization UN Watch, an independent human rights monitoring group based in Geneva. The new cases are in addition to 133 UNRWA educators and staff who were exposed for promoting hate and violence in UN Watch’s last report, released in March 2023. https://unwatch.org/report-u-n-teachers-celebrated-hamas-massacre/ Musk calls for change in education in Gaza: 'Fed propaganda since they were children' Elon Musk emphasized the importance of changing the education system in Gaza during a trip to Israel on Monday to meet with leaders and see the sites of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack. “These people have been fed propaganda since they were children. And it’s remarkable what humans are capable of if they’re fed falsehoods from when they are children,” Musk said. “They will think that the murder of innocent people is a good thing. That is how much propaganda can affect people’s minds.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/propaganda-children-musk-gaza-hamas-israel 25,000 Gaza youth finish Hamas-backed paramilitary training
  7. Hamas have just announced the death of yet another hostage. "It has now been confirmed that Mia Goren, 56, was murdered by Hamas in captivity. Mia was a member of Kibbutz Nir Oz, where she worked as a kindergarten teacher and caregiver to the children of the kibbutz for many years. Her husband, the late Avner Goren, also 56, was murdered on Oct 7. Hamas had kidnapped Mia from her home that day. They murdered her in captivity in Gaza and continue to hold her body. Hamas are just absolute monsters, sub-human!" https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1730569611219751369
  8. Good article, here's the no paywall link: https://archive.ph/9fJgc With orders from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s top spy agencies are working on plans to hunt down Hamas leaders living in Lebanon, Turkey and Qatar, the small Gulf nation that has allowed the group to run a political office in Doha for a decade, the officials said. The assassination campaign would be an extension of Israel’s decadeslong clandestine operations that have become the subject of both Hollywood legend and worldwide condemnation. Israeli assassins have hunted Palestinian militants in Beirut while dressed as women, and killed a Hamas leader in Dubai while disguised as tourists.
  9. Bkk Brian, THANKS for your reply. I now understand...kind of. None of my comments were about Wanchai, and he and his situation are the main topics of this thread. Exactly, so back on topic then
  10. Your not my pal, you seem to be attributing lots of partnerships here, I'd stick to the topic if I was you
  11. I quote many sources including AJ when its appropriate. I am not limited as you are. You are also wrong, the BBC had a reporter in Gaza at least up until a few days ago Rushdi Abualouf. AP, CNN and many others also use free lance based directly there.
  12. Topic: "Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival" The resulting conflict between Israel and Hamas has left 39 Thai compatriots dead, 19 wounded, and 30 abducted. But amidst the tragedy, Thai worker Wanchai’s resilience shines through as he battles back from the brink. Communication proves a formidable challenge for Wanchai, a 44 year old Thai survivor, as he navigates Israeli medical care. With only Thai at his disposal, his silent strength speaks volumes, earning admiration from medical staff despite the language barrier. .....discuss
  13. Best start moving folks, you've been warned. Oh and blame your friends Hamas The IDF published information regarding the evacuation of Gazan civilians for their safety in the next stage of the war. The map published divides the territory of Gaza into zones according to recognizable areas. This enables the residents of Gaza to orient themselves and to evacuate from specific places for their safety if required. The IDF's website and spokesperson in Arabic released the relevant information on social networks. This map for Gazan civilians was published in announcements distributed by the IDF in Gaza: https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1730527502127296998
  14. There are two sides, one with the terrorists or the one without, its really as simple as that. Just because the poster is against the terrorists does not make him blind to faults on either side. Of course we know which side you are on
  15. lol, Anadolu Agency or AA, launched in 1920 and was originally founded by Halide Edip Adıvar, Yunus Nadi Abalıoğlu. It is the official state-subsidized news agency of Turkey. “Turkey is again the world’s biggest prison for professional journalists.” https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/anadolu-agency/
  16. Yes of course it is...lol Now just a few reasons why its not @Neeranam Al Jazeera report that Jewish employees of 9/11 targets were informed of the attacks beforehand, a report which was also criticized in an October 2001 New York Times editorial The organization held a 2008 on-air birthday party for Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese terrorist convicted of killing four Israelis who was released in July of that year, later admitting that its coverage of Kuntar's release violated its code of ethics.[6] The organization's Beirut bureau chief said, "Brother Samir, we wish to celebrate your birthday with you" and called him a "pan-Arab her In May 2019, AJ+ produced a video denying and minimizing the Holocaust. Al Jazeera said it had "swiftly deleted" the video, stating that it had "violated the editorial standards of the network". The video stated that "[the] number [of Jews murdered in the Holocaust] had been exaggerated and 'adopted by the Zionist movement', and that Israel is the 'biggest winner' from the genocide. During the 2023 Israel-Hamas war, Al Jazeera was conducting an interview with a wounded Gazan resident, who blamed Hamas hiding amongst civilians for his wounds; Al Jazeera promptly ended the interview Al Jazeera has also been accused of pushing Hamas propaganda, repeatedly broadcasting statements by Hamas' military and political leaders calling for a broader uprising and aligning themselves closely with Hamas' preferred language for the conflict https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism
  17. Temporary truce is over and fighting has now begun again Israel says it has resumed combat operations against Hamas https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-12-1-23/h_743cf718f497f9bed76b29c8c1c1b4e5
  18. Is this your other go to media source apart from Al Jazeera? New Arab also Qatar owned
  19. To graphic to post a link to that but its out there unfortunately, an awful vid of the attempted beheading of a Thai worker who was still alive when the hack started, carried out with a shovel type tool. PM me if you really want to see it.
  20. Yet you still introduce him as: "Famous Thai vlogger and long term Pattaya resident"
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