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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. So off topic deflection on Syria then
  2. They punched through in some 30 places along the border and were overrunning military bases and the nearest towns within minutes. Yes links: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/11/12/hamas-planning-terror-gaza-israel/
  3. I know you want to jig out of your claim via deflection but its not worked: "thermobaric grenades designed to instantly turn houses into infernos."
  4. "Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War"
  5. Your claim: Hamas went on 7th October 2023 outside Gaza with only AK47's and DIY RPG of 105 mm. Not true
  6. Why would you see one, were you there? I did provide a link to this in the morning
  7. Up to you if you believe it or not but yes he heard himself talk, it was not dreamt up An Israeli first responder to the October 7 terror attack has claimed that Hamas terrorists roasted a baby in an oven in shocking video testimony. Asher Moskowitz, of the United Hatzalah first responder group, published a video of himself speaking to a camera, delivering his witness account. In it, he claims he saw the remains of a baby who had been baked to death in an oven at kibbutz Kfar Aza, where more than 100 civilians were killed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12703453/Hamas-killers-roasted-babies-oven.html
  8. You forgot the thermobaric grenades designed to instantly turn houses and cars into infernos.
  9. Israel used as false war propaganda that Hamas wanted to attack whole Israel + West Bank. Really, never read that anywhere? Why would they use that as propaganda when what Hamas carried out was horrific enough in itself?
  10. Obviously some need their memory jogged on what actually happened and the massacres and kidnappings that took place all filmed by Hamas themselves:
  11. Gaza people voted for Hamas. Damascus_(dpa) _ The Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas will not accept a two-state solution as a means to end the conflict with Israel, the movement's Damascus-based politburo chief said Saturday. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/opt-hamas-political-chief-rejects-two-state-solution
  12. Yea, and plenty of vid footage on twitter of them firing those at people fleeing in cars
  13. Probably as non bias as Al Jazeera right?
  14. You just gave a link to BBC to cite your debate, I did the same in kind but you say my one is propaganda, go away troll
  15. This was discussed 2 days ago, did you forget? Did you also forget all the rockets that Hamas fired?
  16. What's that got to do with the my post? nothing. Israeli archaeologists help find remains of Hamas attack victims They have been combing through and sieving the ash from burnt houses in which families from Kibbutz Be'eri, Kfar Aza and Nir Oz were murdered, the Israel Antiquities Authority says. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67343928
  17. Because he's repeated it numerous times..........lol
  18. Yes that's what happens when you are transparent with figures and the forensics starts to sift through all the body burnt to ash parts via DNA, the final count on the deaths is still yet to be revealed let alone naming.
  19. Wait first you did your best to convince me, then you said you didn't care, and now you seem to be concerned again.................ok, I give up and get back to the actual topic on the daily events as I just posted above
  20. Seeing as they are on the ground you should get Al Jaz to have a word with "Abu Rish Director General of Hamas Health Authority" and ask him why, second tweet down
  21. Ok I believe you...........^^^^ Like the guys who put up links to credible sources about Hamas claind of Israelis release of lions to eat palestinian children
  22. yea whatever, you were were the one caught out playing games, now off topic rubbish
  23. Yet you just admitted it in the post above..........lol
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