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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I've debated plenty on this topic at the beginning and its been on THIS topic. Trolling and baiting? I suggest telling the truth is just that. the truth
  2. Strange because you flamed me 3 times for suggesting you were going off topic
  3. The US has also independently confirmed there is a Hamas command center under the hospital and at other hospitals, its not only the IDF
  4. As most should know as its all over the news, IDF have now stormed the hospital. Here's a statement direct from them: Operational Update: IDF forces are carrying out a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area in the Shifa Hospital, based on intelligence information and an operational necessity. The IDF is conducting a ground operation in Gaza to defeat Hamas and rescue our hostages. Israel is at war with Hamas, not with the civilians in Gaza. The IDF forces include medical teams and Arabic speakers, who have undergone specified training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians being used by Hamas as human shields. In recent weeks, the IDF has publicly warned time and again that Hamas' continued military use of the Shifa hospital jeopardizes its protected status under international law, and enabled ample time to stop this unlawful abuse of the hospital. Yesterday, the IDF conveyed to the relevant authorities in Gaza once again that all military activities within the hospital must cease within 12 hours. Unfortunately, they did not. The IDF has also facilitated wide-scale evacuations of the hospital and maintained regular dialogue with hospital authorities. We call upon all Hamas terrorists present in the hospital to surrender. https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1724579353193754958
  5. No murder and much worse is what happened on the 7th Oct, lets have some honesty here
  6. Most of us need feedback, else we are posting in a vacuum. Says the poster who admits to having 2 or 3 pages on his ignore list
  7. For those that live in the Al Jazeera bubble and don't believe that the terrorists are in the hospitals hiding out with the locals: A reporter for Al-Jazeera, Hamas's main propagandist, interviewed a Palestinian at a Gaza hospital. The man says: "Why is the resistance (Hamas) hiding amongst civilians? Why don’t they go to hell and hide there?" The startled reporter abruptly cuts him off. I hope the man is OK.
  8. I got it right, nothing justifies the brutal rape, mutilation and murder all in one act of a woman. Sick to even attempt such a shameful remark
  9. Nothing like throwing in victim blaming as deflection for such horrific rapes
  10. The apologists on here will of course deny, deflect or come up with some other whacky and sick conspiracy theory to refute the horrors of what really happened. Mutilating a women while raping her, then shooting her in the head while still in the act of rape. More extremely disturbing details emerging from the horrors the terrorists inflicted on some of the Nova festival music women. First hand account from a survivor and witness to the inhuman, barbarous rapes that took place. Other evidence from the terrorists own video footage. Israel festival attack survivor says she saw Hamas rape woman Israel’s police commissioner Yaacov Shabtai told the BBC after the briefing that this was not a one-off testimony. The nature of some of the violence was hard to speak about, he said. "You heard how they cut part of the body between one rape and another,” he said. "So you understand those guys came to do something: it’s not the rape, it’s to insult the human being." So far, there’s little sense of the scale of sexual violence carried out by Hamas during the October attacks, but a police spokesman said they were looking into “multiple” cases. Source. BBC
  11. Me and Owl have had many debates on this and we both agree to disagree on some. That is healthy and what a forum is about
  12. I've never received and Xmas well-wishing before, makes no difference....lol But hey, you do add value to the forum in other ways, your diary is awesome and you should concentrate on that rather than conspiracy nonsense
  13. I agree with @Morch numerous times actually but you admitted yourself you've been suspended 12 times
  14. Yes it does in my opinion and via law got it?
  15. Yes she's had her right, now we are expressing ours, her opinion not based on any legal basis, she is wrong, everyone including Israel has a right to self defense.
  16. Her opinion is clearly wrong, everybody has a right to self defense including Israel
  17. I didn't see any antisemite (Judeophobic) post in this topic. Been deleted by the mods including your latest video
  18. What? An opinion piece. She also opinions that "Israel has no right self defence" B.S.
  19. Truth and integrity were left behind on the first page with this poster
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