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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I corrected you on your own topic and perhaps Rand is the serial liar. “No one has been hospitalized for” the omicron variant of COVID-19. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/07/rand-paul/sen-rand-pauls-ad-was-wrong-claiming-there-are-no-/ “Sorry Dr Fauci and other fearmongers, new study shows vaccines and naturally acquired immunity DO effectively neutralize COVID variants.” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/26/rand-paul/his-continued-sparring-fauci-sen-paul-oversimplifi/
  2. You should read the link to your own topic: "Paul continues to attack Fauci over issues relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine."
  3. "Sen. Rand Paul has earned a reputation as one of Congress' more creative conspiracy theorists. In fact, a year ago this week, the Louisville Courier-Journal's Joseph Gerth asked the public to consider whether the Kentucky Republican is "a QAnon conspiracy theorist, an Alex Jones crackpot or a garden variety kook. Or all three." https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/rand-paul-concocts-new-fda-plot-punish-conservatives-n1288082 "Rand Paul has a *very* wacky theory about ivermectin Rand Paul is, by training, a doctor of ophthalmology. Which has to do with eyes. Not infectious disease. That fact hasn’t stopped Paul from repeatedly challenging Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in congressional hearings. Or from openly questioning the efficacy of mask-wearing. Or raising questions about the Covid-19 vaccine. Paul’s latest? He’s insisting that ivermectin, a drug used in rare instances in humans to treat maladies including intestinal parasites and head lice, isn’t being studied as a possible treatment for coronavirus patients because of politics." https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/31/politics/rand-paul-covid-19-ivermectin/index.html
  4. Rubbish: In addition to his anti-Israel statements and actions within his official capacity, Mokhiber’s social media presence demonstrates that he is not able to fulfill his mandate objectively. The consistent use of hate-mongering rhetoric by a senior official of Mokhiber’s stature normalizes anti-Israel sentiments across the UN human rights system. The posts, therefore, constitute a violation of his obligations to the UN. https://unwatch.org/exposed-top-human-rights-official-craig-mokhiber-deep-seated-anti-israel-bias/
  5. Thanks for that @transam I saw an edited clip of that but watching the full ten minutes really drives home the powerful message by that reporter who is one of the few who was given access to the unedited clips of the atrocities committed by Hamas. Horrific acts of murderous brutality carried out with glee by Hamas and the appalling acts by Palestinian onlookers in Gaza when bodies of those taken from Israel were brought in. A lot of good insight from him on how Israel has been left to this alone (Gaza) while the likes of Egypt and Jordan watch from the sidelines with no intervention to help.
  6. Exposed: Top UN Human Rights Official’s Hatred of Israel Yet when it comes to attitudes toward Israel, it is clear that the antipathy of the council is matched by that of many in the OHCHR bureaucracy. A case in point is Craig Mokhiber, who holds the influential position of Director of the New York Office of the OHCHR, and who has served in various capacities at the United Nations since 1992. Mokhiber has played a key role in the UN human rights system over three decades. Yet his long history of publishing virulently anti-Israel statements makes him unfit for a role as a leading UN official, let alone for its human rights office. According to the UN Charter, staff must be held to the highest standards of “integrity.” Such standards include fairness and impartiality in conducting one’s work. Yet top UN human rights official Mokhiber has committed gross and systematic violations of his duty of impartiality. https://unwatch.org/exposed-top-human-rights-official-craig-mokhiber-deep-seated-anti-israel-bias/
  7. More sick under duress hostage videos released by the terrorists, an elderly woman and a 13 year old child. Said they prepared to release a 77-year-old woman and a 13-year-old boy for humanitarian and medical reasons, but only if "appropriate measures" were met. Source BBC
  8. Disgusting decision, if there's trouble I hope the met police chiefs head will be served on a platter
  9. The man charged in last year's attack against Nancy Pelosi's husband goes to trial in San Francisco The man accused of breaking into former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home, bludgeoning her husband with a hammer and seeking to kidnap her goes on trial Thursday. Opening statements are scheduled in the federal trial of David DePape who prosecutors say assaulted then-82-year-old Paul Pelosi, sending shockwaves through the political world just days before last year’s midterm elections. The attack in the early hours of Oct. 28, 2022, also highlighted how conspiracy theories and misinformation that spread online can fuel political violence. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ap-nancy-pelosi-san-francisco-tom-hanks-joe-biden-b2444293.html
  10. We seem to have a world 'data base' now of illnesses caused by 'pathogens' and 'viruses'. You didn't know about it? https://gisaid.org/
  11. US says Hamas puts children 'in danger' The White House has responded to UN Secretary-General's comments yesterday that Gaza is "becoming a graveyard for children". "Hamas is putting these children and their families in danger," US spokesman John Kirby said. Speaking at a press conference, Kirby added that Hamas were "building tunnels under their hospitals" and using children as hostages. Source BBC
  12. For the fifth consecutive day, the IDF has opened another evacuation corridor today for civilians in northern Gaza to move south:
  13. The IDF and Hamas operate on the same level of inhumanity. Hamas apologist through and through Mojo
  14. B’Tselem – Less Reliability and Credibility, More Politics B’Tselem’s flawed reporting is relied-upon by Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) organizations for their anti-Israel campaigns. In one of B’Tzelem’s recent publications entitled “Israel in the West Bank: 47 Years of Temporary Occupation,”3 this mélange of flawed factual and legal analysis, as well as partisan political prognostications and criticism, are particularly evident, undermining any purported claim to reliability by B’Tselem. B’Tselem acknowledges on the one hand that the term “occupation” is a legal term describing the status of a territory seized in armed conflict and not being part of the occupier’s own sovereign territory, pending diplomatic agreement determining the status of the territory. However, on the other hand, B’Tselem goes on to make unsubstantiated and reckless political value-judgments that Israel “apparently considers the West Bank, and particularly Area C, as its own, a part of its sovereign territory,” and that “one of its policy objectives is to drive Palestinians out of Area C, at least in part to facilitate its future annexation to Israel.” https://jcpa.org/article/btselem-less-reliability-credibility/
  15. these ones? The videos were captured in 'head-cam' cameras before the Kfar Aza attack and exposed how boy soldiers are being trained by Hamas commanders as the next generation of terrorists. https://www.wionews.com/world/are-hamas-resorted-to-training-kids-to-defend-gaza-reports-suggests-so-647418
  16. Indeed. Hamas has been committing war crimes for years fireing rockets into Israel.
  17. Professor Holmes and just about every doctor and scientist in the world don't agree with you. But you have around 14 or 15 mates who know the truth................
  18. Because nothing justifies the Oct 7th attack's, once you realize that you can move on instead of living in the past
  19. Such is nature even before the white coats: “We have discovered that most groups of viruses that infect vertebrates – including humans, such as those that cause well-known diseases like influenza – are in fact derived from those present in invertebrates,” said Professor Holmes, who is also based at the University’s multidisciplinary Charles Perkins Centre. The study suggests these viruses have been associated with invertebrates for potentially billions of years, rather than millions of years as had been believed, and that invertebrates are the true hosts for many types of virus. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/11/24/world-of-viruses-uncovered-in-nature.html
  20. You'd think Hamas would have released the hostages to put an end to it eh
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