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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I don't have a crystal ball to tell the future sorry just call out falsehoods when I read them
  2. This topic is about the war in Israel and Gaza which started on Oct 7th................. We could also go further back with previous Hamas war crimes but what's the point, its also off topic
  3. I know all I need to know about you, the evidence is in your bias posts.
  4. Oh look, the apologist Hamas supporter who claims that they never committed war crimes is talking about me despite having me on ignore. @Neeranam I believe you are obsessed by me.
  5. You seem to think that just because there are plenty of other links out there that I believe you read them, thats funny........
  6. Back on topic, Hamas not only using the Palestine population in GAZA as human shields but also.................. Hamas 'brutalises and subjugates Palestinians' - UK foreign secretary The UK foreign secretary James Cleverly has told the BBC that Hamas "has habitually brutalised and subjugated the Palestinian people for its own political ends". "It's worth remembering that Hamas published videos of water pipes funded by the EU being torn up and turned into missiles," he said on Radio 4's PM programme. Cleverly also claimed that Hamas is using "fuel which could be used for the desalination plants to turn sea water into drinkable water... is being used to send rockets into Israel". https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67201465
  7. No I wont forget yesterday, I know you'd like me to because I was calling out your false statement.
  8. Really, a personal blog by an Greek Economist who refuses to condemn Hamas. You really think that's a credible link.
  9. Jeez, some rant there mojo....lol "The New York Times, with all the resources available to them, have yet to get to the bottom of the mass murder at the Gaza hospital - perhaps it is a bit early for internet keyboard warriors to be spouting off, eh?" The New York Times, is that where you place your faith..... Over and above the already released statements of Western Leaders and their intelligence on this. Ok cool.................... Hamas Fails to Make Case That Israel Struck Hospital Six days after Hamas accused Israel of bombing a hospital in Gaza City and killing hundreds of people, the armed Palestinian group has yet to produce or describe any evidence linking Israel to the strike, says it cannot find the munition that hit the site and has declined to provide detail to support its count of the casualties. But in the days since, as new evidence contradicting the Hamas claim has emerged, the Gazan authorities have changed their story about the blast. Spokespeople have released death tolls varying from 500 to 833, before settling on 471. The Hamas-run health ministry has also declined to release further details about those 471 victims, and all traces of the munition have seemingly vanished from the site of the blast, making it impossible to assess its provenance. Raising further questions about Hamas’s claims, the impact site turned out to be the hospital parking lot, and not the hospital itself. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/22/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hospital-evidence.html https://archive.ph/hrVTe
  10. This 40 minute video was only released yesterday, plenty of undisclosed footage and details in there, so no false, you've not read multiple articles on this.
  11. And the Israeli response had no intent on killing innocent Palestinians No, if they wanted to do that they would have killed far more
  12. To be honest I just don't understand their mindsets. Attempting to minimize the extend of the Hamas barbaric attacks and make comparisons with Israel's retaliation is sick.
  13. You missed that its the intent that counts. Hamas's barbaric war crimes against civilians, raping, torturing, beheading, executing and kidnapping was done with intent.
  14. Well then you'd be waiting for reports for a very long time then wouldn't you, facts are not always available until after investigations..duh........
  15. Isn't it important to correct mistakes, do all media outlets correct them? Here's the no paywall link for you, its not hard https://archive.ph/QBjUM
  16. Read this and weep......... https://www.npr.org/2023/10/20/1206157206/israel-hamas-war-crimes-international-law-geneva-convention
  17. Another lie from you, you complain of being accused of being a Hamas apologist but that's exactly what you are. Of course the incident on the 7th Oct was a war crime by Hamas, as well as a terrorist massacre. Despite Hamas being an irregular force, it is subject to the same international humanitarian law as Israel Defense Forces soldiers. The Palestinians, joined the Rome Statute in 2015, which established the International Criminal Court in The Hague, so the ICC has jurisdiction over the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "Premeditated, planned and deliberate killing of civilians — that's a clear war crime," head of ICTJ Fernando Travesí. "the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that targeted Israeli civilians, killing some 1,400, clearly fits within the definition of a war crime. Hamas militants took about 200 others hostage — an act also explicitly prohibited by the Geneva Convention." https://www.npr.org/2023/10/20/1206157206/israel-hamas-war-crimes-international-law-geneva-convention
  18. Here's the church, it was a strike by mistake on a building next door. image source Try another source for your information.
  19. Well yes, breaking down polls into age groups always has differences. But overall its 80% Still waiting to see your claim of 60% of Americans polled support the Palestinians
  20. Yes you did, your exact words were "Its wrong for Israel to use this as a lever" Go back in your hole
  21. Well not the ones I posted.....look them up and the polls you posted also do not show that so unless you actually gather them up with similar questions and aggregate the results then all this is conjecture from you. The latest poll again states: More than 80 percent of Americans are siding with Israel amid an ongoing war against Hamas in a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4268117-americans-overwhelmingly-support-israel-in-war-with-hamas-poll/
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