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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Your rationale in a comparison of a nurse blogger making money from clicks and Gates is about as ridiculous as is possible. Re read my post.
  2. Good..................can't wait but you forgot the important bit, so long as they can be verified by source
  3. Yea enjoy your lunch, try not to be so flippant on your return, this is about a serious war started as a result of a horrific terror incident on the 7th Oct. Not your daily amusement playground: "Very powerful video by Israel’s Football Association about Israel’s missing children — the dozens of child hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza since Oct 7."
  4. What's more to the point, I can't see you posting it either chef. Your credibility remains zero
  5. Link to something that does not exist....................lol another FAIL
  6. Nothing silly about victim blaming, more to do with showing pure ignorance, similar to your holocaust analogy.
  7. You seem to be hanging on to this narrative in all your posts now, very weak. No matter how true or not that is does not solve the current war started by Hamas on 7th Oct.
  8. Facts are facts no matter who is the messenger, that's why there are links contained within any reports to take you to the source and verify yourself. Besides which do you really think its only Factcheck.org that has exposed his misinformation?
  9. I know I made the right call. However it was absolutely true, the humour is a by product of the reality of some of those conspiracy theories that were prevalent at the time with others now, just as evil taking their place. The actual subject matter and question you wanted to raise, a comparison of a nurse blogger making money from clicks and Gates is about as ridiculous as is possible. I suspect that was also intended to be humorous but if not then try again. This is not about Gates.
  10. Very difficult to turn the people away when they offer $10,000 for each Israeli kidnapped and an apartment and get a huge amount of funding from Iran. What makes you think I went to Wiki and cherry picked? "They are a mini-army," said a source close to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter. He said the group had a military academy training a range of specialisations including cyber security, and boasts a naval commando unit among its 40,000-strong military wing. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-hamas-secretly-built-mini-army-fight-israel-2023-10-13/
  11. Yes, Hamas is also some 40,000 strong and very rich, lets also remember that all citizens in Israel are innocent
  12. I don't know if you are or not they are anonymous..lol maybe you are secretly supporting me.........
  13. It does and especially its own citizens Indeed so Hamas should stop the rockets and terror attacks. Perhaps they could at least start with changing their charter calls that calls for the elimination of a race of people? Would be a good start right?
  14. Its also anti semitic: During the Second Intifada, Palestinians killed by Israelis were referred to as "martyrs"; Israelis killed by Palestinians were not.
  15. No, its up to Israel to defend its citizens from terror attacks and daily war crimes and you may want to remind Hamas about how many Palestinians they kill daily with the rockets that land back in Gaza
  16. The important point is did he achieve his dastardly plan to micro chip everyone with a tracking device with every shot given. That's what the predictions were at least, would love to see if the conspiracy theory came true....lol
  17. Nothing to do with the study, all to do with his summary of it, I especially like this rant....lol "In the lead up to the first world war, Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, founded an institution called ‘The Other Club’. Its purpose was to enable politicians from across the broad political spectrum to meet together over lunch outside of parliament with leaders of business and industry, the media and renowned thinkers to discuss pressing issues in need of novel solutions. The existence of The Other Club is credited with the swift formation and efficient operation of the cross party coalition that Churchill formed soon after his appointment as Prime Minister in 1940 to win WWII."
  18. What makes you think this food nutritionist has a more credible degree than anyone here "PHD in Psychology from an Ayurvedic yoga university" unaccredited
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