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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Exactly and here was that fictitious story: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1714820640090308908
  2. The moral equivalency of your post has just set a new low.
  3. Head of Hamas security forces killed overnight, just announced on the BBC World News Channel via Palestine media.....
  4. Told you already, don't need to watch or listen to your propaganda from twitter Channel "Brainless Partisans" https://twitter.com/BPartisans/status/1714974397193126248
  5. I don't need to contact your new friend in Amman via your propaganda twitter channel "Brainless Partisans". He's asking for an independent Investigation. Better ask Hamas, they control the area and hospital, they are the ones who have picked up any debris
  6. “The Senate Intelligence Committee has received and reviewed intelligence related to the attack on al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. Based on this information, we feel confident that the explosion was the result of a failed rocket launch by militant terrorists and not the result of an Israeli airstrike,” Sens. MARK WARNER (D-Va.) and MARCO RUBIO (R-Fla.), the panel’s leaders, said in a statement. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2023/10/18/u-s-intel-indicates-israel-didnt-bomb-gaza-hospital-00122197
  7. This war against Hamas started on the 7th Oct, that is what the topic is about. Your dishonesty to deflect is the atrocities is noted.
  8. To say that these clips came before information was available is pure speculation. B.S. There are such a thing as time stamps, these are old clips and you know it
  9. Updated information..... or manufactured misinformation. No updated information with video evidence and onsite evidence
  10. What are you talking about, show me who is worse than the terrorists who killed 1,400 civilians in a bloody massacre in one day, torturing, murdering and kidnapping 200.
  11. There are equally despicable extremists on both sides. No, there isn't...........
  12. Why are you posting these early video reports again when the information has now been updated with new evidence. Pure misinformation.................again.
  13. The text was your usual off topic deflection.
  14. There you go, promoting more misinformation. All current evidence is that the Baptist hospital in Gaza was not bombed. There goes you promotion of..............
  15. Are you sharing your account with one of your Russian friends.....lol. This is what you wrote and bragged about, nothing to do economic sanctions and freezing off shore assets. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
  16. So why did you brag about Russia sending a supply plane. "Latest positive input for the region is the food delivery of Russia to Egypt for the Gaza people." Besides, you're behind the times again. Egypt and Israel have agreed to allow the first 20 trucks of aid to pass through, probably tomorrow.
  17. You're not fooling anyone, self defense is not what the Hamas terrorists carried out. The demonstrations carried out in the name of Hamas on the "Day of Rage" that they called for was not for peace, it was for the killing of Jews.
  18. Do go ahead and show us exactly where in International Law it sanctions the use of torture, murder and kidnapping of babies, children and civilians on mass. Your lame attempt to justify the actions of Hamas are there for all to see.
  19. Well I didn't feel the need to state the obvious.
  20. There was me thinking the latest positive input for the region was €75 million in EU aid, a little more than a plane load from your friends in Russia
  21. IDF says 'hundreds of Hamas infrastructures' destroyed The Israel Defense Forces has in its latest update on Thursday morning said that it destroyed "hundreds of Hamas terrorist infrastructures" over the past day. In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, the IDF said it "continues to attack all the time throughout the Gaza Strip", adding that it destroyed "anti-tank missile launch sites, tunnel shafts, intelligence infrastructures, operational headquarters and other headquarters". It also claims that "over ten terrorists were also eliminated".
  22. Thanks, I'll check it out later . I very much doubt that....lol But thanks for showing that only a quarter of Jews believe Israel is an apartheid state.
  23. Wonderful, out of 4 links you cherry pick one and make unfounded assumptions on it. No I agree with NGO Monitor just one of the three other links I provided: On February 1, Amnesty International published yet another volume in the litany of copy-paste NGO reports that label Israel as an “apartheid” state. "Like many previous NGO publications, Amnesty’s report manipulates and distorts international law, Israeli policy, and events on the ground, as well as denies the Jewish people their right to sovereign equality and self-determination. Thus, Amnesty’s report can be considered antisemitic according to the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which notes that: “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.” Likewise, Amnesty’s report criminalizes Israeli laws and practices designed to safeguard Jewish identity – such as the Law of Return – which are enshrined under international law and parallel the practices of many nation-states."
  24. "Amnesty International is antisemitic according to some here." Actually according to some elsewhere to.................... In April 2015, Amnesty International voted against a motion proposing that it fight against antisemitism in the UK, which reached then-record levels in the previous year; despite its extensive attention to the single issue of Islamophobia in earlier years, Amnesty stated that it would be inappropriate to campaign for an issue with a "single focus" and that Amnesty "fights against discrimination in all its forms."[52][53][54] In November 2016, Amnesty International conducted a second internal investigation of Benedict for comparing Israel to the Islamic state.[55] In April 2021, Amnesty International distanced itself from a tweet written in 2013 by its new Secretary General, Agnes Callamard, which read: ""NYT Interview of Shimon Perres [sic] where he admits that Yasser Arafat was murdered"; Amnesty responded by saying: "The tweet was written in haste and is incorrect. It does not reflect the position of Amnesty International or Agnès Callamard."[56][57][58] Callamard herself has not deleted the tweet.[56] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Amnesty_International Amnesty’s Outrageous Lie, its Big Problem with Jews, and the Truth About Israel https://www.ajc.org/news/amnestys-outrageous-lie-its-big-problem-with-jews-and-the-truth-about-israel Antisemitism in the Amnesty International Report on Israel https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-000932_EN.html Analyzing Amnesty’s Antisemitic Apartheid Attack https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/amnesty-apartheid-analysis/
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