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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Antisemitism An article by Sherry Ricchiardi in the American Journalism Review (AJR) noted that critics of Al Jazeera have "assailed what they see as anti-Semitic, anti-American bias in the channel's news content."[6] Ricchiardi had earlier criticized an Al Jazeera report that Jewish employees of 9/11 targets were informed of the attacks beforehand, a report which was also criticized in an October 2001 New York Times editorial. She cited the former Al Jazeera weekly show Sharia and Life, hosted by Yusuf Qaradawi (an Egyptian cleric who "argues clearly and consistently that hatred of Israel and Jews is Islamically sanctioned").[7] The organization held a 2008 on-air birthday party for Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese terrorist convicted of killing four Israelis who was released in July of that year, later admitting that its coverage of Kuntar's release violated its code of ethics.[8] The organization's Beirut bureau chief said, "Brother Samir, we wish to celebrate your birthday with you" and called him a "pan-Arab hero."[9][10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism
  2. It should also be noted that 450 of the rockets that Hamas has launched from Gaza fell down within Gaza short of their targets and causing damage and no doubt deaths among Palestinians. The is radar evidence of this from IDF as shown just now in their press briefing.
  3. IDF were giving warning first for evacuations and were dropping them on known Hamas targets, unfortunately the Hamas terrorists, their tunnels and infrastructure are hid well within the residential communities acting as human shields
  4. IDF just finishing off a public press briefing on the incident, its been live on the BBC and I guess other channels, now starting to be reported on the BBC website to. Full questioning by International reporters. Plenty of evidence shown, video's, stills, infared images of the damage etc and even direct communication between Hamas when they realized their rocket had landed short and in the Hospital. No impact craters from a missile at the hospital, only damage from fire. This was caused because the rocket still had plenty of propellent inside when it dropped into the hospital car park. Huge exaggeration made on number of deaths. Hamas has now sealed off the hospital and no independent reporters can enter. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67141589
  5. Can you tell me what is bias from the BBC on this incident? "The Hamas-led authorities in Gaza say 500 people died in the explosion at the Al Ahli hospital. Hamas blamed Israel, which in turn blamed Palestinian militants (who too deflected the blame)" https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67119233
  6. No I was responding to your post on Al Jazeera just so you are clear on its failed fact checks even when notified of them and its extreme bias on positive reporting on Qatar, I have no obligation to respond to your post on GMTV which was to another poster.....lol
  7. Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks that were not corrected and misleading extreme editorial bias that favors Qatar. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/al-jazeera/
  8. I'm sure it was an accident from the Hamas side, watching the vids and all the evidence so far, its the most likely explanation imo. "We know that at the time of this tragedy in Gaza, there was a huge barrage against targets in central Israel. We had the siren here in Tel Aviv, and I went to a bomb shelter," he said. "We know they fired rockets at that same time. Hamas put out a statement that they were sending a long-range rocket on Haifa [northern Israel] at this time." "Now no rocket actually reached Haifa. Where did that rocket go? Where did it land?" https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67119233/page/2
  9. I've already answered it, do you have a problem with comprehending English? To your new question whether I think Israel bombed the hospital? I just don't know. The only evidence I have seen is the video evidence that a rocket was fired from Gaza and exploded over the hospital then fell down onto it. I also know that Hamas was firing rockets from the vicinity at the same time. Do you have any other evidence to say it was Israel aside from your educated guess?
  10. I do not support anyone bombing hospitals what a stupid question. Its a tragic situation but what evidence do you have it was the IDF?
  11. You're wrong but then you've got me on ignore so you'll never know...lol. Keep on in there in your echo chamber
  12. The original video proving it was a rocket fired within Gaza that went down was a from Al Jazeera not "Yousuf"
  13. In the name of Allah, this is a message from the soldiers of the Islamic State. The Islamic State will remain despite your laws. We live for our religion and we die for our religion,” says Brussels terrorist in a FB message before killing two people.
  14. Ah yes fight back by blocking evacuation routes for civilians and firing rockets from nearby hospitals inviting retaliation.
  15. Yes I highly doubt it too. Especially since they are continuing to fire their rockets from residential area's in Gaza into Israel and using kids and civilians as their human shields.
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