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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Getting a conviction for insurrection is actually impossible as Trump has not been charged with insurrection.
  2. Many blockchain hacks have happened on exchanges, which is where users can trade cryptocurrecy. 51% attacks: During the verification process, individuals referred to as “miners” will review the transactions to ensure they are genuine. When one or more hackers gain control over half of the mining process, there can be extremely negative consequences. For example, the miners can create a second version of the blockchain, referred to as a fork, where certain transactions are not reflected. This allows the miners to create an entirely different set of transactions on the fork and designate it as the true version of the blockchain Sometimes, there may be security glitches or errors during creation of blockchain. This may be more common with larger, more intricate blockchains. When this occurs, hackers looking for a way in can identify the vulnerabilities and attempt an attack. This has transpired with smart contracts, which use a blockchain network to operate. "Recently, blockchain hacks have drastically increased as hackers have discovered that vulnerabilities do in fact exist. Since 2017, public data shows that hackers have stolen around $2 billion in blockchain cryptocurrency." https://www.epiqglobal.com/en-us/resource-center/articles/blockchain-can-be-hacked
  3. There's hundreds of different blockchain networks, its highly unlikely to be on a crypto coin one. However the difference is when a crypto blockchain gets hacked you know because your coins are stolen. If a blockchain with the whole US voting system is hacked, those responsible could manipulate the votes without anyone knowing.
  4. Then the blockchain gets hacked and corrupts all votes............lol
  5. Yes not too bad in Phuket to, here's a few more places in the world where it was cooler in July 2023. Temperatures were near to cooler than average across parts of the central U.S. and Canada, Greenland, western Russia, Pakistan and northern India, western Oceania, southern Africa and Antarctica. But then of course you need to get that in perspective with the rest of the world to get the mean Global temp. July was actually the hottest on record globally. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202307
  6. Yea facts and evidence are so much better than belief. No stress with them. no need for childish laughing emoji's or personal insults. So the ozone layer? 6th time and back on topic instead of deflecting to make it personal
  7. Swerve.....lol You do realize local weather is very different from Global Temperature change right? Firstly here's a little logic for you. Its impossible to make a claim that 2023 is no hotter than any other years as 2023 is not over yet, even science cannot make that claim. What it can do is give a year to date and currently it is ranked third warmest. Its also likely it will become the hottest. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202307/supplemental/page-1 This graphic compares the year-to-date temperature anomalies for 2023 (black line) to what were ultimately the ten warmest years on record: 2016 (1st), 2020 (2nd), 2019 (3rd), 2017 (4th), 2015 (5th), 2022 (5th), 2018 (7th), 2021 (7th), 2014 (9th), and 2010 (10th). Each month along each trace represents the year-to-date average temperature anomaly. In other words, the January value is the January average temperature anomaly, the February value is the average anomaly of both January and February, and so on.
  8. "I trust my senses and thermometer"....lol so your belief based on your senses and local thermometer brings to to the assertion that: "This year was no hotter than any others." Yes it was addressed by me but as you say science is not your thing. Combined with the El Niño, 2023 is now more likely than not to be the warmest year on record. The sea has also hit record temperatures and already broken records despite not being the end of the year yet. Global air and ocean temperatures reach new record highs https://climate.copernicus.eu/july-2023-global-air-and-ocean-temperatures-reach-new-record-highs
  9. Indeed & Majority Of Republicans Believe The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Is Partly Or Mostly True, Survey Finds Some 56% of Republicans believe that QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory, is mostly or partly true https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/?sh=604e3fac5231
  10. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether a particular group is a cult. In Trumps case we are talking about a destructive authoritarian cult. "The term “cult” gets thrown around a lot to describe the intense passion of Donald Trump’s followers—but is it accurate? For Steven Hassan, a former Moonie turned cult expert and author of The Cult of Trump, the answer is decidedly yes. Trump, he holds, has all the characteristics of a cult leader, and his followers the qualities of a cult, from the all-consuming devotion to a single malignant narcissist to the daily consumption of “alternative facts” to immunize them against cognitive dissonance (a.k.a. reality). " https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/can-trumps-cult-of-followers-be-deprogrammed
  11. Yep, I'm patient and no calling into question your credibility based on memory as every time you respond to me I'll remind you once more until you do. It's always good to get back on the topic of climate change
  12. At what point have I ever said that all those who voted for him in 2020 were in a cult? On what grounds could some be? here's just one where some are certainly in that. MAGA slammed as a ‘cult’ as poll reveals followers believe Trump over family and friends "Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters'"
  13. But it is factual that as temperatures warm, mosquitos are moving north. As the planet warms, mosquitoes are slowly migrating upward. I will leave the other reasons to your speculation only, like I said I deal in facts and evidence only.
  14. You double quote me and talk to me in the third person....lol I am not referring to the images and refuse to, until the actual poster himself does who happens to be rattlesnake. As for yellowtails claim which was: It does not mention a number reasons in the article as to why, it only mentions it could be one, climate change so what are those other reasons, simple enough for you? As for you, still waiting now and for the 4th time, why is the ozone layer hole now getting smaller?
  15. You said my highlights. You've not come back to me on what those other reasons.
  16. Never lived next to a Thai Temple but lived nearby to a Mosque for a couple of years. The wailing quickly followed by barking dogs every morning around 5.30am was my alarm clock at that time.
  17. I'll wait for him to tell me and explain his reasoning They don't blame everything on Global warming and where do you get the notion I eat it all up? I look at the facts and evidence available not make believe like flat earthers. What are the other reasons? This I have to say I am unaware of so very interested to know why.
  18. Yes that flew right over your head and was a response to @thaibeachlovers not you. Don't bother getting back on your claim that I questioned your fidelities as you won't find any but thanks for the deflection, next time I'll put a sarcasm alert for your benefit.
  19. lol, and what do you think I'm doing to him in return while at the same time bringing it back on topic...........
  20. I have to say, I've never seen a left wing campaign labeling anyone who isn't a left winger as a far right Neo Nazi racist homophobe conspiracy theorist who lacks intelligence but there are certainly some. Unfortunately the Nazi's are about and have many similar beliefs and ideologies as some of the MAGA troop. Such as anti-LGBTQ+ & Pride, the infamous rants by some right wingers such as stand with us or stand with pedophiles is parroted by Neo Nazi's. White Lives matters an often lamented term used by Neo Nazi's. Actually a bunch of the scum were out in force in Florida yesterday. Neo-Nazis March Through Florida Park A large group of neo-Nazis wearing red and waving flags with swastikas marched through Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Springs, Florida, on Saturday shouting “we are everywhere,” according to a video shared by a state lawmaker. Carlos Guillermo Smith, a former member of the Florida House of Representatives, said in a tweet that the demonstrators were raising “Heil Hitler” salutes. State Rep. Anna V. Eskamani cited the incident as an “absolutely disgusting … example of the far right extremism growing in FL.” “Florida is our home and I refuse to hand it over to extremists. We have to stand united against antisemitism, anti-Blackness, and anti-LGBTQ bigotry in order to take our state back,” Guillermo Smith said. https://www.thedailybeast.com/neo-nazis-chanting-in-unison-march-through-florida-park-in-terrifying-video
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