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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Nope, they are the essential facts constituting the offenses charged in the indictments. Its now up to the juries to decide when presented in the courts.
  2. Well said. I also didn't want him to run I can't believe you said that with a straight face Clarence.............oh wait
  3. Like this you mean? All the ways Trump, not his foes, sought to ‘weaponize’ the government https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/10/all-ways-trump-not-his-foes-sought-weaponize-government/
  4. Cherry pick, we could do this all day: Raffensperger: Well, I listened to what the President has just said. President Trump, we’ve had several lawsuits and we’ve had to respond in court to the lawsuits and the contentions. Um, we don’t agree that you have won. And we don’t — I didn’t agree about the 200,000 number that you’d mentioned. And I can go through that point by point. Full transcript https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html
  5. The problem is that's its not nonsense for many: Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters' Trump voters trust him more than they trust friends and family
  6. Previously the MAGA's rhetoric was, why's it taking so long, if you had anything they'd charge him. Well, now he's got 91 indictments and the rhetoric is, it means nothing..........lol Amusing how things change
  7. However it is the rules 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  8. I take it you've no read the prosecution indictments, a formal written accusation of crime. In the United States, where a grand jury indictment is required by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for federal prosecutions, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (1946), applicable to federal district courts, provide that the indictment “shall be a plain, concise, and definite written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/indictment
  9. Provide my full quote next time if you want a reply
  10. I wasn't wanting you to hang out with me but your choice and you may notice I used that term in relation to a more than horrible man who murdered an innocent 66 year old woman because of a pride flag as it was against his religious beliefs. Not to you, not to my own family including my children who are Christian or friends, not to anyone else who are also Christian. End of.
  11. I am a Christian, PM me if you want my name and email, so long as you return yours to me. I said it once and it was done in context to the murderer as it was his twisted religious beliefs that justified his hate, the only reason its been repeated is because of those falsely accusing me of being a bigot.
  12. The US people are deciding that these indictments are politically motivated The US people also dished out the 91 criminal indictments. They saw the evidence and it was enough to convince them he has to answer to this in court. Trump is ahead in the Republican nomination votes, not general election votes. Among all voters his favorability is below Biden.
  13. 60+ lawsuits failed to find election interference. Yes please get educated.
  14. I'm intent on him being jailed if found guilty by jury. I'm also intent on him being released if found not guilty. Which people are you referring to? Unlike Trump who was intent to "Lock her up"
  15. So down 25 pounds from when he was booked following his New York arrest in April If convicted and lands up in jail, with all that time on his hands perhaps he should do another book project, "The Art of Weightloss"
  16. Waiting to see his declared weight now, hopefully there'll be a lot of winners, particularly as he's fat shamed so many people before. The bookies are all over Trump’s surrender to the Fulton County Jail in Georgia, expected to take place on Thursday. BetOnline.ag—the same classy sports betting site that offered a line on Elon Musk’s penis size—is now letting you bet on what jail officials will put down as Trump’s recorded weight. The line currently sits over/under 278.5 pounds, a far cry from the 244 pounds White House physician Sean Conley recorded for Trump in 2020. The former president seems to have a preoccupation with weight—both his and others’. He has repeatedly fat-shamed his political opponents, and many speculated that he downplayed his own weight during his presidency. https://www.thedailybeast.com/you-can-bet-on-trumps-weight-ahead-of-his-surrender-to-fulton-county-jail
  17. More irony from from Vlad who obviously believes everything fed to him by Russia.
  18. An act of war by Ukraine...............lol. Oh the irony, better have another vodka Vlad you need some sleep.
  19. 9 innocent people? According to the official passenger list published by Rosaviatsia, the Russian aviation authority, several other senior Wagner members were onboard with Prigozhin when his plane crashed. Including Dmitry Utkin, co founder of the Wagner group. Here's his pic with nazi tattoos
  20. I don't need to jump through hoops to provide facts but logic obviously did need explaining to you. Back to the Muslims and strawman having ignored the post entirely. Now that you've completely derailed the topic, I'll leave you to carry on with your explicit bigotry and prejudice.
  21. Is this organization "religious bigots" too? They do amazing work helping people who have suffered at the hands of what they call Jesus freaks, they provide resources for churches and people who have suffered abuse from these perpetrators: "The site also provides resources and training for individuals and organizations, such as churches, whom the spiritual abused may call upon for assistance." Book Review - Jesus Freaks A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge Is the Guardian a religious bigot when it reported on this article using the term Jesus freaks? Terror on the Beach and The Love-Thrill Murders all featured acid-befuddled commune-dwellers on killing sprees: sometimes they were satanists, sometimes they were Jesus freaks, but there was always a Manson-like figure guiding the murderous action. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/nov/20/charles-manson-pop-culture-dark-obsession-guns-n-roses-mad-men Just 2 examples there are many more. No they are not bigots they are using the term in context to the individuals they are naming. Exactly the same as I have. Your tiresome repeated off topic false accusations and repeated postings of screenshots do not add weight to your accusations. They just display your bigoted view of labelling me into something I am not. Get back in your little box and reflect on your own prejudices that have be plain for all to see in this topic.
  22. Well if he is still alive I wonder if he took his wigs and various paraphernalia for his many disguises with him. Many faces of Wagner chief Prigozhin: Warlord’s disguises and chilling pictures of his home leaked after Russian raid
  23. These are the questions intelligent Americans are asking. Can you substantiate their intelligence?
  24. No I mean as I said, here's a little more for you on just a few of his past ones. Tucker Carlson, the ousted Fox News host who has trafficked in conspiracy theories ranging from the idea that Jan. 6 was perpetrated by Donald Trump’s federal government to the claim that the Clinton family murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-declares-to-trump-im-not-a-conspiracy-person-at-all
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