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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yep, there are thousand of pages on Wiki subjects that are mundane or have not been updated for years full of out dated opinions. The one I linked to is not one of them. That's why its important to check links to any stated claims that are provided within the articles. Your opinion on fact checkers is unverifiable but you are entitled to it.
  2. You missed out the context to your quote, ie the heading. Here it is in full. Here is the link it bases that on [26] "(Note that the term“belief” is used here from a psychological perspective and is not necessarily equivalent to “faith” in the religious sense. Rather, it indicates the degree of acceptance of a scientific proposition such as climate change.) In contrast, a number of studies have found overwhelming agreement among climate scientists that humans are causing global warming. The most comprehensive analysis of peer reviewed climate research to date found that among papers from 1991 to 2011 stating a position on human-caused global warming, 97.1% endorsed the consensus." Love the hypocrisy though, you only use wiki when it suits you and disregard any other of its entries......lol Personally I tend to use source material so just to remind you of the scientific consensus on climate change with all links in the article. https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/
  3. Then moderated if those edits are found to be false and without verifiable and credible links. I have also added to wiki with credible links. However that is pure deflection from the point of my post.
  4. You place a lot on wiki based on Consensus, in which case here's something else from Wiki for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus Oh and here's another wiki entry for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change
  5. True Stormy Daniels had something else to say about Trump's size
  6. Would you agree that it's use, being that it's false, is therefore dishonest? No I deduce you are the one posting false information. Do scientists agree on climate change? Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here. https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/17/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change
  7. A few more details emerging............ He only followed 19 people on X, one of those being Trump Man Who Shot Store Owner for Flying Pride Flag Was a Far-Right Conspiracist Travis Ikeguchi, 27, shot Laura Ann Carleton, 66, on Friday after “yelling many homophobic slurs” about the store’s pride flag, San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon Dicus said at a news conference Monday. When confronted, police said in a press conference, the 27-year-old fired at multiple patrol vehicles with an unregistered semi-automatic handgun before he was shot in what was described by officials as a “lethal force encounter.” "a review of 27-year-old’s social media accounts on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, and the far-right social network Gab, show that the shooter had fully embraced a wide range of conspiracy theories—from claiming the 9/11 attacks were staged to suggestions that former first lady Michelle Obama is a man to denying climate change. https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ed4q/laura-carleton-pride-flag-shooting
  8. I wonder what the viewing figures for this will be....lol Fulton County judge orders Trump's trial to be televised Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee on Tuesday issued an order allowing media organizations to televise the trial of former President Donald Trump and 18 others for alleged election interference. McAfee's order allows recording video images and sound "during all or portions of the proceedings." The judge permitted several types of cameras, including television cameras, laptops, and cell phones. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-trial-televised/
  9. Another flipping, Yuscil Taveras, director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. This is not going well for Trump Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee to a lawyer from the federal defender’s office in Washington, prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday. The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/22/trump-witness-reversal-testimony-jack-smith-00112355
  10. Who would have thought, Trumps lawyers trying to set the trial for 2026 with misleading statements Special counsel pushes back on Trump’s call for 2026 trial on election charges Federal prosecutors on Monday sharply rejected former President Donald Trump’s call for an April 2026 trial on charges related to his effort to subvert the last presidential election, arguing that he based the proposal on misleading statistics and an exaggeration of the volume of evidence in the case. Molly Gaston, a senior assistant special counsel on Jack Smith’s team, said Trump’s attorneys incorrectly suggested that cases involving conspiracy charges typically take 29.4 months to reach a conclusion. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/21/trump-indictment-2026-trial-date-00112134
  11. Who is Steve Carson and what are his qualifications, I cannot find that anywhere on the blog, even the about us page? He certainly provides a lot of posts presuming he is the one writing under the authorship of science of doom. I note its become a bit of a forum with all the post comments. Anyway the articles you linked to are from 2010 and and plenty of studies have been updated since then. One of his posts from this year, April: Global temperature has been rising since around 1900, and CO2 is the principal cause. The physics behind the inappropriately-named “greenhouse effect” is certain, so burning fossil fuels, which adds CO2 to the atmosphere, is certain to increase the surface temperature. I’ve written many articles on that topic on the original blog and shown how the equations are derived (see Notes). So it should be no surprise to find that there are more extreme hot days and less extreme cold days. If the temperature goes up, then the number of days with a temperature above say 35°C (86°F) or 40°C (95°F) – or whatever number you want to pick – will increase. https://scienceofdoom.com/2023/04/13/extreme-weather-14-trends-in-extreme-hot-and-cold-days-nights/ Full article on his substack link
  12. That's a greenpeace stance and needs more research to see why, I've not bothered. But Trump likes him so he must be good....lol Greenpeace has hit back against President Donald Trump for tweeting a climate change denial from a former member of the environmental group. Mr Moore also lashed out at freshman Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, which is a resolution that aims to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change in the US. Mr Moore called the congresswoman a "twit" and suggested global warming might be beneficial as carbon dioxide is a "building block of life". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47543905 Here's a fact check on his claims: FACT CHECK: Yes, CO2 warms the planet and influences climate change “I’m about to set some facts straight. Is the earth warming? Well, yes. There’s been slight warming in the last 300 years since the peak of the little ice age. But guess what, there’s no scientific proof that this is caused by carbon dioxide. And simply asserting a hypothesis does not prove it to be true but that doesn’t stop environmentalists, activists, and most troubling, politicians from calling carbon dioxide, it a toxic pollutant,” Moore said. https://www.thecable.ng/fact-check-yes-co2-warms-the-planet-and-influences-climate-change
  13. Yea nothing to be amped about with human induced climate change particurly when much of it is due to de forestation and climate change or fires and other factors eh
  14. Along with these two that are far more up top date, have a read: A recently published study showed that among the overall sources of carbon dioxide in urban environments, a fraction is from decaying trees, lawns, and other urban vegetation. The contribution is modest – about one-fifth of the measured CO2 contributed by the urban environment – and varies seasonally. This was more than researchers anticipated and underscores the complexity of tracking urban carbon emissions. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/study-decaying-urban-greenery-plays-a-surprising-role-in-carbon-emissions "The research found that over the course of those two decades, living woody plants were responsible for more than 80% of the sources and sinks on land, with soil, leaf litter, and decaying organic matter making up the rest but they also saw that vegetation retained a far smaller fraction of the carbon than the scientists originally thought." "that the ability of tropical forests to absorb massive amounts of carbon has waned in recent years. The decline in this ability is because of large-scale deforestation, habitat degradation, and climate change effects, like more frequent droughts and fires. In fact, the study, published in Science Advances, showed that 90% of the carbon that forests around the world absorb from the atmosphere is offset by the amount of carbon released by such disturbances as deforestation and droughts." https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa-study-finds-tropical-forests-ability-to-absorb-carbon-dioxide-is-waning
  15. I know what his gender is and it not because of his profile or name.
  16. No not a peer reviewed study but an opinion piece by Patrick Moore. Greenpeace has criticized Moore, calling him "a paid spokesman for the nuclear industry, the logging industry, and genetic engineering industry"[4] who "exploits long-gone ties with Greenpeace to sell himself as a speaker and pro-corporate spokesperson
  17. “Because homosexuality is an abomination!!! It is not of God and it is not woman like same as trans.” one of his milder offerings from X
  18. No I am happy to call him a jesus freak because he has no idea of the teaching of Christianity and instead uses it as a justification to attack others.
  19. If a Muslim trolled twitter spewing hate speech and attacks on others including threats because of his misguided assumption that he was doing the work of Allah. Sure he would also have taken his beliefs to somewhere that is not reality. If he then went onto murder someone because of those same misguided beliefs I would also call him a freak. Why because he would be. No religion advocates murder
  20. I suggest the only stink bait here is your trolling. I also do not have another account.
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