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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Copying the Ukrainian tactics of using a drone boat to blow a bridge, sorry Ruskies, the original masters of this blew your Crimea bridge 4 months ago. Still not fully fixed yet.
  2. Fact check: Pfizer's FDA-approved vaccine is available in US Comirnaty is the brand name for Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine. The FDA approved the shot in late August for Americans ages 16 and older. But posts claiming Comirnaty is not yet available in the U.S. have racked up thousands of interactions on Facebook and Instagram over the past month "I can confirm that our vaccine has been granted FDA approval and that Comirnaty is available" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/10/20/fact-check-comirnaty-pfizers-fda-approved-vaccine-available-us/8538861002/
  3. Yes you have, you've been saying it for months and for months Russia has been losing the ground they took when they started.
  4. No need for psychics, take a listen Putin's Peter the Great speech. This is Putin's Imperial war of conquest.
  5. Biden? Perhaps you should look at your pal Putin: Russia tests nuclear-capable missile that Putin calls world's best LONDON, April 20 (Reuters) - In a show of strength two months into its assault on Ukraine, Russia test-launched a new nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile which President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday would make Moscow's enemies stop and think. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-tests-new-intercontinental-ballistic-missile-2022-04-20/
  6. Perhaps he can go and record the new Dark Side at Russia and China's new International Lunar Research Station they plan on doing together
  7. That was a quick read, even Trump's take on it was quite positive. Oh well do stick to your "own small world"
  8. Full transcript of Biden's speech, some bedtime reading for you, wouldn't want you to veer off topic too much............. https://apnews.com/article/state-of-the-union-biden-speech-transcript-02e7d6fe81b11dbbb5088fdec8e15932
  9. Your internet search history must interesting with all these links you keep coming up with. Some journalists you say..................lol Your first link is an article from Larry C. Johnson Larry C. Johnson is a blogger and former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He is the co-owner and CEO of BERG Associates, LLC (Business Exposure Reduction Group). He is best known for spreading a hoax in 2008 that Republican operatives had a videotape of Michelle Obama complaining about "whitey".[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_C._Johnson Your second link from Craig Murray and his conspiracy theories on the poisoning of Sergei Skripa by Russia in Salisbury, UK "One of the voices that gained traction in relation to the spy attack story belongs to former British diplomat Craig Murray, who took exception to the speed with which Russia was declared responsible. Picking up on the government line that the toxin was “of a type developed by Russia” he penned a blog entitled: “Of a type developed by liars” building on his previous piece “Russian to judgement” which contained numerous allegations, including that “Israel has a clear motivation for damaging the Russian reputation so grievously”. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2018/03/how-conspiracy-theories-about-salisbury-attack-tap-antisemitic-tropes
  10. Oh great, lets hope not too many of them decide to take advantage of their new found freedom by heading to Thailand! “We started seeing him in town a few weeks ago,” one local resident who has known Salmin for many years told the Guardian. “He is a dangerous man, we all know what he did to his friend. I told my kids not to run around alone in the coming days.
  11. Agreed, calling her trash is an insult to trash. She's a witch and has no place in the position she's holding. Even her fellow republicans are embarrassed by her. She's also got history as we know by participating in white nationalist’s conference aside from her rabbit hole conspiracy theories. Her fellow republicans: Mitch McConnell stated about her. “There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism,” While Sen. Mitt Romney referring to the witch said. “There’s no place in either political party for this white nationalism or racism. It’s simply wrong,” https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/28/marjorie-taylor-greene-white-nationalist-conference/
  12. That war had chance to end within a 2 months from it's start This illegal invasion and subsequent war fueled by war crimes committed by Russia never needed to happen in the first place. Putin's war of choice.
  13. It's very simple ... IF the govt has their way, you'll NEVER have the same fire power as the criminals. Let that sink in ... take as much time as you need. Sounds like paranoia setting in, either that or scare mongering as a poster boy for the arm dealers and NRA
  14. I have just mentioned about c4, because I wanted to point they weren't just "mystery leaks" but delibarate action, international terrorism. Deliberate sabotage was already announced by the EU end of Sept................ There's an OP on it if you look.
  15. The F22 which was the fighter used has: "one M61A2 20-millimeter cannon with 480 rounds" https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104506/f-22-raptor/
  16. Norway, which runs baltic pipeline, is implicated (together with the USA), in blowing nord stream. Yes you've posted multiple times today on all the threads on this claim by an anonymous source.
  17. Yet in states with tighter gun controls there are less gun related deaths. Seems stricter gun control works. https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/
  18. You think they're going to sell fighter jets to Africa...................lol
  19. I see the class act Marjorie Greene was there mouthing off.................. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., blasted Twitter executives for banning her from the site in 2022 until after she won her election in November and said she was glad the former executives lost their jobs, Greene argued the company violated her First Amendment rights by censoring her for posts about COVID-19 vaccines despite Twitter being a private company rather than a government censor. “You abused the power of a large corporation – Big Tech – to censor Americans,” Greene said, “Guess what? I’m so glad that you’re censored now and I’m so glad that you’ve lost your jobs.” Yoel Roth, Twitter’s former global head of trust and security, said Greene was banned after multiple warnings and timeouts for posting misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/02/08/hunter-biden-twitter-hearing/11210728002/
  20. Musk playing games that have serious consequences SpaceX curbed Ukraine's use of Starlink internet for drones -company president WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) - SpaceX has taken steps to prevent Ukraine’s military from using the company’s Starlink satellite internet service for controlling drones in the region during the country’s war with Russia, SpaceX’s president said Wednesday. SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service, which has provided Ukraine’s military with broadband communications in its defense against Russia’s military, was “never never meant to be weaponized,” Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s president and chief operating officer, said during a conference in Washington, D.C. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-spacex/spacex-curbed-ukraines-use-of-starlink-internet-for-drones-company-president-idUSL1N34O32S
  21. Ukraine's envoy to UN calls Roger Waters ‘another brick in the wall’ of Moscow propaganda.
  22. How about doing something that addresses the problem of assault weapons causing more deaths when used in mass shootings? Although hand guns are the most common, when assault rifles are used more deaths occur. Mass Shootings Involving Assault Weapons Kill More People Than Other Weapons https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=576E306C-5FD4-4144-A28A-2C034628D888 More mass shooters are using semi-automatic rifles – often bought legally https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/07/12/mass-shootings-weapons-legal-what-to-know/7814081001/ An analysis of public mass shootings resulting in four or more deaths found that more than 85% of such fatalities were caused by assault rifles. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/hardware-ammunition/assault-weapons/ The Second Amendment Does Not Protect Assault Weapons https://www.halunenlaw.com/the-second-amendment-does-not-protect-assault-weapons/
  23. It takes time to amend laws but if you don't start, then it will never happen. First step, the title of this OP Ban assault weapons now
  24. The same Seymour Hersh who had 'sources' to come up with a whacky conspiracy theory on Osama bin Laden he presented as fact?
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