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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Why Team Trump's response to the partial Georgia grand jury report is nonsense We finally got the very limited portion of the Georgia special grand jury report Thursday, and Donald Trump's team wasted little time putting out a statement in response. The problem with this statement, which came from a spokesman for Trump's 2024 campaign, is that it's nonsense. Here's how it starts: The long awaited important sections of the Georgia report, which do not even mention President Trump’s name, have nothing to do with the President because President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/trump-response-georgia-grand-jury-report-rcna71042
  2. I thought the majority had gone, I saw estimates from Ukraine of 5,000 left a couple of weeks ago but that was unconfirmed on a twitter post and in this link form 20th Jan only around 2,000 left. Bakhmut's pre-war population was about 70,000. Today, an estimated 2,000 civilians remain in the city; https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/20/mapping-the-battle-for-bakhmut Its a flattened town/city nowhere for civilians. This from just 3 days ago: Source
  3. Covid lockdowns and why they were in place is not the topic here so I won't bother with the most logical reply to that and derail the topic further
  4. Seems a lot of the pro Russians in Bakhmut have switched sides and are fighting for Ukraine............ Hundreds of Russians are fighting on the side of Ukraine in the battle for Bakhmut, The New York Times reported.
  5. If my son or one of my daughters had been ruthlessly murdered by him I'm not sure I could hold back in court either. Emotions are powerful when its our own loved ones.
  6. Exactly, there is a wide shared responsibility for the whole system. Pete Buttigieg blames Trump for Ohio train derailment amid criticism: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg shifted part of the blame for the recent derailment of a train carrying toxic chemicals in Ohio on the Trump administration reversing a little-known safety rule. "We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe," the transportation secretary added, "and of course, I’m always ready to work with Congress on furthering (or in some cases, restoring) our capacity to address rail safety issues." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pete-buttigieg-blames-trump-ohio-train-derailment-were-constrained Involved in the responsibilities are: The Surface Transportation Board, The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) conducts the accident investigation and the EPA monitors contamination. "the government’s oversight is split confusingly among several agencies" https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23597778/ohio-train-east-palestine-trainwreck-accident-chemical-norfolk Trains are becoming less safe. Why the Ohio derailment disaster could happen more often The effort to create a new safety rule was fought by industry lobbyists, including Norfolk Southern Corp., the Atlanta-based company whose train derailed Feb. 3 in eastern Ohio and spilled chemicals, leaving residents in East Palestine worried about their air, soil and water quality. When the safety rule was issued in 2015, however, it was narrowly crafted and required only electronically controlled brakes – which applies braking simultaneously across a train rather than railcar by railcar over a span of seconds – to be installed by 2023. The Trump administration repealed the rule three years later, stating that its cost exceeded the benefits. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/02/14/norfolk-southerns-ohio-train-derailment-emblematic-rail-trends/11248956002/
  7. Some compelling fact checks in that string of tweets, totally discrediting many aspects of the conspiracy nonsense by Hersh. Here's a few more facts. Claim That US Blew up Nord Stream Pipelines Relies on Anonymous Source This story, when deconstructed, is merely a pile of purported second-hand information allegedly collected by someone connected in some unknown way to deliberations of a highly secret, multi-agency task force. Such a story falls prey to the same criticisms of other more recent work published by Hersh, which has relied on similarly questionable anonymous sources. If the U.S. did conspire to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline, Hersh's reporting has not proved that case, Hersh has, instead, made a very successful blog post that essentially transcribes a compelling story someone unknown to the general public told him. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/02/10/hersh-nord-stream-sabotage/
  8. Trying to shift blame on Trump, too funny. I'm sure Pete Buttigieg will look into it. If "you say so" but my post speaks for itself and is related to the topic
  9. "The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Insider: "These allegations are nonsense." The claim by a discredited journalist that the US secretly blew up the Nord Stream pipeline is proving a gift to Putin A journalist's heavily disputed claim on Wednesday that the US government blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipelines sparked a flat rejection from the White House — and glee from the Kremlin. Seymour Hersh alleged in a self-published article that the Biden administration partnered with Norway in a top-secret operation targeting the pipelines under the Baltic Sea, which were destroyed in June 2022. The White House, contacted by Hersh for comment, called the story "false and complete fiction" and issued a further denial after the article was published. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-embraces-hersh-claims-biden-blew-up-nord-stream-2-2023-2
  10. That has absolutely zero to do with my post which is about fact checking the Russian disinformation. Try again or try adding something of value rather than constant deflection and trolling
  11. Good to see some Thai media is picking up on the lies being spread by the Russian trolls and officials. A year of disinformation around the war in Ukraine The war in Ukraine has been accompanied by a ferocious battle of disinformation, waged in particular by pro-Russian agitators seeking to distort and shift the blame for many atrocities on the ground. These agitators have sought to depict the Ukrainian side as Nazis or suggest that Western support for Kyiv is evaporating. Here are some of the main narratives, false or misleading, that have been fact-checked over the past year by AFP’s digital verification teams. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/a-year-of-disinformation-around-the-war-in-ukraine/
  12. "We need competent leadership immediately, and get on with NEGOTIATING for PEACE before it is too late. " Could have had one much sooner before the slaughter of civilians by the terrorists: Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide Vladimir Putin's chief envoy on Ukraine told the Russian leader as the war began that he had struck a provisional deal with Kyiv that would satisfy Russia's demand that Ukraine stay out of NATO, but Putin rejected it and pressed ahead with his military campaign, according to three people close to the Russian leadership. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-war-began-putin-rejected-ukraine-peace-deal-recommended-by-his-aide-2022-09-14/ Zelensky: We won't join NATO if that brings peace President Volodymyr Zelensky has offered to not join NATO in an attempt to broker peace. https://nypost.com/2022/03/22/zelensky-we-wont-join-nato-if-that-brings-peace/
  13. Who said he had won an award? & what makes you think that's just all he's done? I can assure you there is plenty more.
  14. Virtually the whole world faced financial hardships because of covid lockdowns, it was due to a serious virus killing people. Trump's Scotland golf course blames Brexit for losses - Fortune Feb 3, 2566 BE — Donald Trump was one of Brexit's biggest cheerleaders. Now his Scottish golf courses are blaming it after over $5m in losses https://fortune.com/2023/02/03/donald-trump-brexit-biggest-cheerleaders-scottish-golf-courses-blaming-5m-losses/ Trumps accused of inflating value of Scottish golf resorts A fraud lawsuit filed against Donald Trump and three of his children in New York has accused the family firm of knowingly inflating the valuations of its Scottish properties. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-62992679 Donald Trump's Scottish golf courses trapped in lossmaking ... Feb 2, 2566 BE — The Turnberry golf course and resort in Ayrshire, described by Trump as “incredible” when he visited in 2018, has never made a profit https://www.ft.com/content/051f699d-3663-454e-a3b1-68531d1c7fcd
  15. Interesting, never knew about this: A former Florida tax collector whose arrest led to a federal investigation into the US congressman Matt Gaetz has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor and other offenses. Greenberg’s cooperation could play a role in an investigation into his friend Gaetz https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/02/matt-gaetz-friend-joel-greenberg-sex-trafficking I would hazard a guess that his testimony was not considered credible, being a convicted felon himself?
  16. Anyone that disagrees with Trump ends up being the focus of his attacks even when its nothing whatsoever to do with him, this particular, one dancing on her political grave. My opinion, there would have been no statement from Trump had the golf course not been an issue.
  17. aaaah, the eternal victim just can't let go. Perhaps he should keep his nose out of British politics, he's done enough damage in the US
  18. Not sure why you seem to think I'm convinced it was brake failure, did you not notice my only comment being: "They need to look at the legislation that may have led to this" I would suggest that all aspects are currently being investigated and until that is completed nobody really knows. However from the link above your post it states that its possible wheel bearings. If brakes are failing then that in my opinion could be a cause of that. From the article I linked to. "About 20 derailments of trains carrying oil and ethanol that have led to spills, fires, and, in some cases, evacuations have occurred since 2010 in the U.S. and Canada. Riverkeeper, a clean-water advocacy group, compiled video reports from many of the accidents. U.S. trains rely on pneumatic braking technology first invented in the 1860s, in which continuous air pressure linked from the front of the train keeps a brake from engaging on wheels on each car."
  19. Lets not deflect the source of the facts in the article I quoted. Yes I do realize there are 2 Minsk's, that fact is also in the article I linked to if you had read it, as well as realize that your previous statement on Ukraine shelling its own population was misleading. For some further facts on that then look no further than the UN official figures since 2014 from both sides of the conflict: https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/Conflict-related civilian casualties as of 31 December 2021 (rev 27 January 2022) corr EN_0.pdf Note these are civilian deaths from both sides.
  20. They need to look at the legislation that may have led to this: Trump Rolls Back Train-Braking Rule Meant to Keep Oil Tankers from Exploding Near Communities Trains that carry oil and other flammable material won’t have to install electronically controlled brakes that reduce the risk of train derailments and explosions after the reversal by Trump officials of an Obama-era safety rule. https://fortune.com/2018/09/24/train-explosion-prevention-rule-reversed-by-trump-officials/
  21. Your message was the same tired one used by Russian & Putin propagandists. That Ukraine has been shelling its own people, when the reality is far from that. As for Minsk: A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  22. Sounds like you've been watching too much RT News. That's far from the reality of what happened since 2014. There was shelling from both sides, government controlled areas and the Russian backed separatist areas. The Minsk agreement failed because Russia would not recognize it.
  23. Not true, that article clearly states: "No evidence of vaccine effect"
  24. Maybe Stewart is rethinking his role in the world these days, he turned down over a million for a 15 min slot in Qatar 15 months ago
  25. Not with tactical warheads and that's what would be the first strike that Russia is threatening with this move
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