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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yea laughing at the people he fired as they booed, what a wonderful boss............
  2. How would have all those giants fitted in Noah's ark along with pairs of all living animals? Genesis 6:9-9:17 NIV Belief is a wonderful thing, but lacks evidence and facts.............
  3. This is anything but normal: Elon Musk's name is set to appear in the history books once again—but this time for breaking the Guinness World Record for losing the most wealth, ever https://fortune.com/2023/01/11/elon-musk-breaks-guinness-world-record-for-largest-loss-of-wealth-in-history-after-182-billion-drop/
  4. Swerving again. Until you provide a link to your claims nothing you say is credible.
  5. I'm not the one that needs help. A link that Biden stole those documents is needed by you not me to substaniate your claim
  6. Vice Presidents are allowed to have classified documents away from the Whitehouse. That is not the concern, the concern is why they were left at the office there. This is nothing to do with declassifying documents. A tweet from the conspiracy theorist Marjorie Green does not make it so................lol
  7. He was in possession without color of right, stolen classified government documents How do you know? Link to that not your pure bias speculation
  8. We already know about that, its been covered in this OP already, none of that money went to The Biden Center. So unsprisingly your false calim is just that. Untrue. From your own link: “The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity." Do you enjoy spreading lies?
  9. Vice President Biden stole classified government records and gave them to the Biden Think Tank which received millions in anonymous donations from China. Substantiate those false claims with links............ I would particularly like to see link that he stole and that the Biden Think Tank received millions in anonymous donations from China.
  10. You're right and apparently he's stopped paying rent in all global offices. Particularly distasteful is the treatment of his own staff he laid off when he first took over and subsequently. First offering 3 months severance but many have not received that yet and are having to sue while others are being offered just one months severance as long as they sign a document saying they will not sue in the future. Threats have also been sent to staff that they should not talk to the media. When Musk first took over twitter he installed his own personal lawyer to head the legal team, this guy had helped him win cases previously. That lawyer Alex Spiro has now left because of disputes with Musk. Yea he's still rich, but at a huge cost to others................... "Lisa Bloom, a lawyer who already has filed arbitration claims against Musk on behalf of several laid-off employees, called the terms in the separation agreement “pretty disturbing.” Not only are former employees barred from voluntarily assisting in legal cases against the company, they also must assist and cooperate with Twitter in any kind of investigation or lawsuit against the company." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/technology/elon-musk-twitter-shakeup.html https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-01-10/musk-twitter-layoffs-severance-lawsuits
  11. Can you provide evidence to the contrary? By the way, the link I provided was from German media............
  12. "If you were able to read a bit news from European countries where there are millions of Ukrainians - and not only women and children" The reason it is not only women and children is: The ban on leaving the country does not apply to single fathers, men who have three or more children, and people with disabilities. Students of foreign universities, drivers of humanitarian aid transports, as well as persons with permanent residence abroad are also exempt from the ban
  13. Been living in Phuket for around 17 years, never done an online report, used the drive through at Phuket Town, Patong Beach Road or since the one at Bluetree opened I always do it there now, its just 3 mins from where I live. I also work online so no need on a walk through on how to do it on a computer.
  14. I don't what the US law states and that is not my point. 'Tug' wrote categorically that fmr. Pres. Trump '...stole...' etc. and I think we on this forum should be cautious about making such statements about anyone, let alone Presidents of the US. Trump’s Stolen Documents Had Classified Info on China and Iran It seems extremely clear that Donald Trump violated several laws by spiriting government documents out of the White House to Mar-a-Lago and refusing to give them back. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/10/trumps-stolen-documents-had-classified-info-on-china-iran.html
  15. The battle is still on but its fierce and unsure how long Ukrainians can hold on? Battle rages in Ukraine over salt town of Soledar The fate of a devastated salt-mining town in eastern Ukraine hung in the balance Wednesday in one of the bloodiest battles of Russia's invasion, while Ukraine's unflagging resistance and other challenges prompted Moscow to shake up its military leadership again. Russian forces used jets, mortars and rockets to bombard Soledar in an unrelenting assault. Though unlikely to provide a turning point in the war, Soledar's fall to Russian forces after months of Ukrainian defence would be a prize for the Kremlin, which has been starved of good news from the battlefield amid Ukraine's counteroffensive in recent months. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/russia-ukraine-war-1.6710014
  16. Yea right: Watch this video to find out more about the new and innovative research done by the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence, and their contribution to the field of medicine. Warning: this video is satire. Back in the old days, I wouldn't have to explain but because of the tremendous amount of deceit and gaslighting in the media in 2023, I feel compelled to specify. I'm trying to reach people with comedy, where logic has failed. Thank you to everyone who has shared this video. It's already gotten more eyeballs than I would have ever expected. Thanks for your support!!! It then goes on to ask for money contributions......lol
  17. More money issues........... Twitter employees allegedly walked out of its Singapore office due to non-payment of rent Twitter has been experiencing a wealth of issues over recent months. It was just last week that Twitter was sued for non-payment of rent in San Francisco and now it looks like the Asia-Pacific Headquarters had its workers walked out over the same problem. Casey Newton of the New York Times reported via a tweet that Twitter employees have allegedly been walked out of the Singapore office. Though no source is given, Newton does note that this was due to non-payment of rent and that the landlords physically walked the workers out of the building. https://www.shacknews.com/article/133669/twitter-singapore-office-rent
  18. I wasn't asking your permission to post..lol Feel free to tell me why my post had nothing to do with yours because it directly addresses your point.
  19. Hilarious attempt at changing history. The speculation was started by Trump with his wild speculative rants on Truth Social and media along with pure conspiracy theories. The cult followed his every word and amplified it. You reap what you sow when the same came back from some on the left. I would give you some examples but that would be off topic.
  20. The twitter files nothing burger......lol This is about Musk losing heaps of cash and his investors doing the same at Twitter and Tesla. His investors are not happy about it but then I guess you're not one of them.
  21. Social media personality Andrew Tate has lost his appeal against the seizure of 10 properties and luxury cars by prosecutors in Romania. The 36-year-old British-US citizen is being investigated on charges of being part of an organised crime group, human trafficking and rape https://www.itv.com/news/2023-01-11/andrew-tate-loses-appeal-against-seizure-of-10-properties-and-luxury-cars Andrew Tate loses legal appeal to end detention in Romania https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/10/andrew-tate-loses-legal-appeal-to-end-detention-in-romania
  22. The only facts in your post were 2 separate sets of docs found in 2 locations, the rest was vindictive rubbish and pure speculation. Why a Special Council right now? Do you know how long it was before Jack Smith was appointed and why?
  23. It tells me all I need to know about you when you highlight the middle name of someone to mock their manhood. No I certainly didn't know but please tell me, whats the frigging significance of it? What a sad and vindictive post.
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