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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. aaaahh, now I see why they are obsessed with the declassify issue, because its being parroted by Trump, lol "A V.P. cannot Declassify documents," he said in another post, adding: "A President, me, can Declassify."
  2. You really need to catch up. Carrying out a damage assessment is standard procedure. What GOP wants is access to see it.
  3. You can say it till the cows come home, neither Biden or Trumps cases are about declassification. Matthew Miller, a former Justice Department spokesperson during the Obama administration, tweeted, “Worth noting what former government officials have said since Mar a Lago raid: classified docs get mistakenly removed from government facilities fairly frequently. You report it, turn in the docs, the government does a damage assessment, and that is the end of it.” “OR…you cover it up, lie about it repeatedly to the government, and force them to raid your premises to retrieve the docs (ie act like a sociopath), in which case you can expect a criminal charge,” Miller added. https://www.wane.com/news/classified-documents-found-from-bidens-time-as-vp-white-house-cooperating-with-doj/amp/
  4. Your contradicting yourself, first you claim we have no idea, then make the absurd claim that its just common sense We have no idea if it does or does not implicate Joe Biden. However perhaps this is just common sense that you seem to be lacking. If I was you I would at least stick to one narrative because your just making yourself look ridiculous, its impossible to debate with doublespeak
  5. Leave him to it, he's resorted to trolling. Thanks for the regular updates.
  6. Harry says 'dangerous lie' told about his book - and claims Taliban remarks were taken out of context He noted the context in which the reference appeared in the memoir, before saying: "I should say, if I heard anyone boasting about that kind of thing, I would be angry, but it's a lie. "And hopefully now that the book is out, people will be able to see the context, and it is - it's really troubling and very disturbing that they can get away with it. "Because they had the context. It wasn't like 'here's just one line' - they had the whole section, they ripped it away and just said 'here it is, he's boasting on this'. https://news.sky.com/story/harry-says-dangerous-lie-told-about-his-book-and-claims-taliban-remarks-were-taken-out-of-context-12784051
  7. Whats the matter with you man. I've not read the book or seen the interviews so my reply that it seemed hypocritical on the face of it is sound and correct.
  8. Yes totally unlike Truss who replied to the question while she was campaigning but you knew that already before making such a false equivalence. "Your orders to our Trident boat captain on whether you, prime minister Liz Truss, is giving the order to unleash nuclear weapons. "It would mean global annihilation. I won't ask you if you would press the button, you'll say yes, but faced with that task I would feel physically sick." "How does that thought make you feel?" Truss replied without emotion: "I think it's an important duty of the prime minister and I'm ready to do that." https://uk.news.yahoo.com/audience-liz-truss-ready-press-nuclear-button-unleash-global-annihilation-103552126.html
  9. To you yes. To me as I said its hypocritical on the face of it.
  10. No why should I.........lol You tell me? Not that I care. No I was posting about the out of context reports on his army days, that all. If you want to carry on baiting me on other topics go ahead.
  11. What were they after August 2022 for the remainder of the year and what are they for 2023? Pointless posting outdated figures to give context to the current prices.
  12. Now that I've heard his explanation in the interview where he explains the context in the book to that is more than ok yes. Hence why taking snippets out of context leads to speculation of his intentions. His intentions have been made clear. Why do I have to defend that? I never brought it up. On the face of it I would say it sounds hypocritical of him but again I'm not posting on the subject so my swerve as you put it has come all the way back to you.
  13. Whataboutism.....lol If you take army commanders to heart so much then perhaps take into account what this one said. Up to you, I really don't care either way. Prince Harry's 'self-destructive' behaviour could be sign of PTSD - and he should be protected, says Army veteran Prince Harry's "self-destructive" behaviour could be influenced by post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a retired colonel who has also suffered with the condition. Philip Ingram said he recognises many of his former traits in the duke's demeanour and that he physically "shivered" when he saw some of his recent interviews. "I'm seeing a troubled individual and an individual that needs help, not someone who should be continuously criticised in the way he is being." https://news.sky.com/story/prince-harrys-self-destructive-behaviour-could-be-sign-of-ptsd-and-he-should-be-protected-says-army-veteran-12781533
  14. Yea thats why countless SAS have done the same thing.
  15. Third hand, snippets from a book that took sentences out of context. Here is Harry explaining the context. However I can see people still won't bother to take that into account or read the book. https://aseannow.com/topic/1283002-afghans-have-called-for-prince-harry-to-go-on-trial-for-his-admission/#comment-17834654
  16. Provide a link that Trump had two secret service guards standing by his documents at Mar-a-Lago Were they also there when aides were caught moving boxes of documents out of the storage room? Trump Aide Was Seen on Security Footage Moving Boxes at ... Oct 12, 2565 BE — Trump was captured on security camera footage moving boxes out of a storage room at Mar-a-Lago https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/us/politics/trump-mar-a-lago-walt-nauta.html How about in early Dec, just a few weeks ago more were found in storage facilities? "The presence of documents marked classified in a second location beyond Mar-a-Lago, earlier reported by the Washington Post, appears to confirm the justice department’s suspicions, communicated to Trump’s lawyers in October, that Trump possessed additional government records." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/07/trump-classified-documents-found
  17. Evidence that Trump personally "took" the documents? I saw no evidence that Donald Trump personally took any classified documents as you insinuate. You're being pedantic. Trump admits taking sensitive documents from White House to Mar-a-Lago in new filings Former President Donald Trump admitted that he took reams of records from the White House to Mar-a-Lago
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