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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Back to this tragic case. Would'nt you like to know if this person gets charged first? Or does your narrative not include that detail? If he does get chargec his name will be released. You can then carry on about immigration till your heart is content. If he happens to fit your bias.
  2. Seems to me some people are more concerned about the nationality of the shooter than the actual victims and getting justice, one of them has suffered a life changing injury and others in serious condition, do we know their nationality? No, its not a concern as its no concern the nationality of the the person arrested at this time. That news will filter through at a later stage. Its as if they are saying its being deliberately withheld. Sad world.
  3. Biden has no declassification powers, only the President does and as a private citizen upon leaving office as VP in 2017 by retaining, possessing, mishandling classified, top secret government records in unauthorized locations Biden committed serious crimes in violation national security laws. Stupidity, ignorance, inadvertent stupidity and ignorance are not defenses to crimes and law except maybe in Biden's deluded world. Not sure where you're getting your information from............. Under an Obama-era executive order, vice presidents have the authority to classify and declassify documents — just like presidents. In January 2023, after news broke that federal documents pertaining to U.S. President Joe Biden's tenure as vice president were uncovered at his former office and Delaware home, critics pushed the erroneous notion that he didn't have the authority, while serving under Obama, to declassify those files. Nonetheless, the matter was irrelevant to the U.S. Department of Justice's review of Biden's handling of such files. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-documents/ https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-classified-national-security-information
  4. Good news, an arrest has been made. Euston shooting: Man, 22, arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after 'drive-by' outside church The Metropolitan Police said a 22-year-old man was arrested after a car was stopped in Cricklewood Lane, Barnet, shortly before 4pm on Sunday. He has been taken into custody. https://news.sky.com/story/euston-shooting-man-22-arrested-over-drive-by-after-church-memorial-service-12787545
  5. Did I say I was? My article snippet was focusing on one of the few positive outcomes that could be had because of this sorry affair. A better relationship and communication process with the press, thereby strengthening the Royal Family, Harry and the combined communications for the future of all Royals. God knows it needs it.
  6. Hate to be the bearer of dismal news............................. Repaired German Leopard tanks for Ukraine won’t be ready till 2024, says arms maker Repairing the tanks it has in stock will cost several hundred million euros, and the company cannot begin doing so before the order is confirmed, Rheinmetall chief executive Armin Papperger told the German newspaper Bild. “The vehicles must be completely dismantled and rebuilt,” he said. Germany has become one of Ukraine’s top military supporters in response to Russia’s invasion, overcoming a taboo rooted in its bloody 20th century history on sending weapons to conflict zones. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/repaired-german-leopard-tanks-for-ukraine-won-t-be-ready-till-2024-says-arms-maker
  7. Well that's nothing to do with my post. So doubt away. Nobody knows what the future will bring.
  8. The Whitehouse has safe storage and not all classified documents are kept with National Archives until they have been formally processed.
  9. Dish from Harry, one of their own, could fuel royal change But Steven Barnett, a professor of communications at the University of Westminster, expects Harry’s revelations to push the palace to be more transparent— perhaps more like other institutions such the White House or the British prime minister’s office at 10 Downing Street. “He’s done us a favor in exposing the collusive nature, the conspiratorial nature of relationships between the royal family and the British press,” Barnett says. “They will have to change the way in which they do business with the press. And that’s a good thing. It’s a good thing for the monarchy and it’s a good thing for British society.’’ https://apnews.com/article/queen-elizabeth-ii-royalty-prince-harry-news-media-california-5d026ebc3feef3e2195f4c0a929f1dba
  10. Don't you guys follow the UK media ? Only when necessary XBOX In Spare, he writes: "That's the story, anyway. It's appeared in many accounts of my life, as gospel, and I have no idea if it's true. Pa said Mummy hurt her head, but perhaps I was the one with brain damage? As a defence mechanism, most likely, my memory was no longer recording things quite as it once did." CAMILLA Royal sources have insisted that Camilla never leaked any details of the meeting to the press but that the details were inadvertently leaked by Camilla's private secretary Amanda MacManus, who was eventually sacked over the incident.
  11. Ignore him, he's already mistaken. Russia lost a long time ago when they showed the world that they're just a bunch or murdering terrorists. Terrorists never win.
  12. Latest update, more despicable war crimes The attack left 30 dead while a further 44 are missing, city officials said. Dnipro mayor Borys Filatov said there was "minimal" chance of finding anyone else alive. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64282044
  13. "Lol! Similar analysis on Fox News!" Always with the <deleted> "whataboutism"... I am not necessarily a proponent of Fox news or any of the talking heads for that matter... try to understand that one's actions are not justified by nor are they relative to another's You missed that your rant on the Alantic was false nonsense. Nice swerve but not good enough
  14. Nonsense: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-atlantic/ Now would you like me to do a comparison to New York Post or Fox News that are being linked to here. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/
  15. Hilarious......lol Trumps lawyer comparing the Biden case and now wants to call it quits and move on. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1614376680310689792?cxt=HHwWgMC-ubLCtecsAAAA
  16. Biden’s Classified Documents Should Have No Impact on Trump’s Legal Jeopardy The recent discovery of a small number of classified documents, left over from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president and found at his private office and home, has injected confusion into the public’s understanding of whether any criminal liability might be appropriate for former President Donald Trump in connection with the huge trove of classified documents found last year at Mar-a-Lago. Given the facts as they are now known, only the most superficial parallel can be drawn between Biden’s possession of these documents and Trump’s conduct relating to the documents held at Mar-a-Lago. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/biden-classified-document-investigation-trump-mar-a-lago/672720/
  17. Risk of prosecution on Biden, Trump docs differs due to cooperation The situation has drawn comparisons to the investigation of Trump, whose Florida home was searched after he failed to fully comply with repeated requests to return presidential records, including some 300 classified documents that were ultimately recovered. Like Trump, the Biden saga could implicate the Espionage Act, which bars the willful detention of national defense information. But prosecutions under the law, which requires demonstrating intent, are less likely when a subject notifies and cooperates with authorities. “Once he was told he had [classified documents], what happened next? And that is the big, big, big, big distinction here,” said Kel McClanahan, executive director of National Security Counselors, a nonprofit law firm specializing in national security law. https://thehill.com/homenews/3812802-risk-of-prosecution-on-biden-trump-docs-differs-due-to-cooperation/
  18. BBC UK main news headline. You mention RIP to all the victims? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk
  19. Deaths from strike on Ukraine apartment tower rise to 23 DNIPRO, Ukraine (AP) — The death toll from a Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern city of Dnipro rose to 23 Sunday, the local government reported as rescue workers scrambled to pull survivors from the rubble. Emergency crews worked through the frigid night at the multi-story residential building, the site of the worst casualties from a barrage of Russian strikes Saturday on Ukrainian cities. The attacks, which also targeted the capital, Kyiv, and the northeastern city of Kharkiv, ended a two-week lull in Moscow’s widespread strikes on Ukraine’s power infrastructure and urban centers. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-government-united-kingdom-57dc26750d98b0451c6578df8f679953
  20. No double standards here. The same reason Trump Lawyers were told to do the same thing and found more documents in a separate location to Mar-a-Lago a few weeks ago. Trump lawyers find two more classified documents at Florida storage unit The new discovery could exacerbate the former president’s legal exposure after the FBI seized 103 documents marked classified at his Mar-a-Lago resort in August as part of the justice department’s criminal investigation into the possible unauthorized retention of national security information and obstruction of justice. Trump’s lawyers found the documents after the former president retained an outside firm to search four locations after a federal judge ordered his legal team to conduct a more thorough search to make sure all documents marked classified had been returned to the government. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/07/trump-classified-documents-found
  21. Yet the quotes from the court case are directly from the judge, is he extreme left wing too? As for https://www.ctpost.com/ being extreme left wing, you're wrong again: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/connecticut-post/ How about: Anti-Vax Message Gets Meaner on Social Media Anti-vaccine activists are attacking pediatricians head to head on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms, and they’re not hesitating to make their attacks personal. A few fed-up doctors are fighting back, both online and, more recently, in the courts. One pediatrician, Dr. Eve Switzer of Enid, Oklahoma, filed a defamation suit last year against former Oklahoma ophthalmologist Jim Meehan and Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/anti-vax-message-gets-meaner-social-media-n809166 Maybe: FALSE: Robert Zoellner and James Meehan, two doctors, proved that the use of face masks can lead to development of bacterial pneumonia. Explanation: Neither of the two people mentioned in the articles in question have any medical training in the area of virology or epidemiology. James Meehan in an ophthalmologist and, according to his website, a "holistic medicine expert" with no direct or indirect experience handling or researching SARS-CoV-2. Robert Zoellner is an optometrist who also has no medical training or experience, direct or indirect with research on SARS-CoV-2. The claims made by these two individuals have no scientific basis. https://www.poynter.org/?ifcn_misinformation=robert-zoellner-and-james-meehan-two-doctors-proved-that-the-use-of-face-masks-can-lead-to-development-of-bacterial-pneumonia
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