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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I already made it clear twice what I mean "Paedophilia is defined as a persistent, focused, and intense sexual interest in prepubescent children (typically up to 13 years of age)" Note typically, the girl in question was 14 in the interview. He also trafficked and abused girls as young as 11
  2. Watch the video.....its quite clear what she said, made it clear to everyone on British TV including those interviewing her. Her words: "Soliciting prostitution from minors that is not Paedophilia"
  3. Yes correct: "Cool, he tried cocaine a few times when he was 17. Can you post some links to the social media posts that he and Meghan are currently doing it?" To which you gave Lady C as your link, an eccentric who thinks its ok for Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with 14 year olds, claims its not paedophilia. I disagree as did Piers Morgan. Her baseless insinuations that Harry is doing cocaine now are just that, baseless.
  4. I think its very cool that he was honest enough to admit it, does that make it clear enough for you. In my mind he is being open an honest in his book, at least the bits that have been revealed so far, including killing 25 taliban. Not sure he needed to be so honest about his episode when he lost his virginity though. That perhaps could have been left out.........
  5. You tell me, he didn't take them so its irrelevant. You thought what that she has credibility? Lady Colin Campbell claims using ‘underage sex workers’ is not paedophilia.
  6. Did he try crack? Smack? Meth? Well I'm not going to watch a 55 minute video by Lady C to try and find the clues of unfounded claims if thats what you mean about something going over my head.
  7. Cool, he tried cocaine a few times when he was 17. Can you post some links to the social media posts that he and Meghan are currently doing it?
  8. Ah yes, regroup for 36 hours after pummeling Ukraine with missle strikes new years eve.
  9. However everything in that link is in action now, real affects from those actions have already been felt. On a separate subject, remember the ozone hole over Antarctica that seems to be out of the news now? Thats because measures were put in place to reduce it and they worked. "the damage we wrought last century has been reversed. Even with the complications and caveats, the world’s response to the ozone crisis should be seen as an instructive, even inspiring, success story — one that can perhaps inform our response to the climate crisis."
  10. Whats dumb? The virus will enter but the antibodies response attack it. When vaccinated you are less likely to pass it on as you do not hold the virus as long.
  11. I'm sure I could but your the one making a claim, prove it...........
  12. Climate change action is multi pronged and includes land management. If you want to explore what it really entails then head to: https://www.ipcc.ch/srccl/chapter/summary-for-policymakers/ For a fuller view on all policies and mitigation then follow the links from the home page: https://www.ipcc.ch/ https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/
  13. Can't see it. Care to transcribe the video in full?
  14. No! Oh, ok so there are people living outside the dome in the real world, thank goodness, I was beginning to think this thread was just conspiracy theories such as the climate deniers have....
  15. Are all these people also living in a flat earth topped with a dome as you?
  16. This is also very interesting: "John Bolton said he, Pompeo & Esper were “appalled” at Trump’s treatment of Ukraine, & he believed Trump’s intent was to pull the US out of NATO in his 2nd term, and that’s what Putin was waiting for before invading Ukraine." and................................. The Untold Story of ‘Russiagate’ and the Road to War in Ukraine Russia’s meddling in Trump-era politics was more directly connected to the current war than previously understood. https://archive.ph/SCOFv https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/magazine/russiagate-paul-manafort-ukraine-war.html
  17. Oh I see, we're comparing him to "REAL" people now are we? Well if that's the case there's no more debate. Real people have real world problems, look no further than my avatar, or those suffering from real world starvation. This is about the Royals and privileged lives who don't live in the real world. By the way I do agree on his private jet flights not being necessary in any way shape or form but then I was never making that comparison. If we go onto to talk about real people lets start another thread shall we?
  18. Depends how many of these draft dodgers come begging on the streets
  19. Yea I'll keep you updated on this thread also when there's something else that can make you laugh at others lives seeing as your subscribed to it.
  20. I thought you'd like that. Why not buy the book when it comes out, keep yourself entertained.............lol
  21. I've certainly never disliked him, he's a character with individuality, the same as all the royals. They've all been wrapped up in their own little world where reality is very different from us. Each make mistakes, taking Prince Philips's comments and there are many, should be done with context. The same as with Harry's and the others. Trying to justify and defend one only is not right. As I said before, they are all human and make mistakes. This situation with Harry/Meghan and the Royals is tragic but not being part of that circle its impossible for me to know the true facts so that's why I make no comment on the actual topic. Anyway here is an update, the Guardian has a copy of the book for those who want to knock Harry again. Prince Harry details physical attack by brother William in new book The confrontation escalated, Harry writes, until William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and … knocked me to the floor”. The extraordinary scene, which Harry says resulted in visible injury to his back, is one of many in Spare, which will be published worldwide next week and is likely to spark a serious furore for the British royal family. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jan/04/prince-harry-william-physical-attack-2019-meghan-spare-book
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