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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Its not just AIS, I have CAT and its not reachable on there either, as has already been mentioned it seems like the site itself has carried out a geo block for Thailand and possibly other countries. Its up everywhere else. I once did geo block on a couple of websites, purely because they were giving distorted stats on website visitors that were of no use to me. https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/fitradio.com.html
  2. Here's an even easier test for you, ask a passenger jet pilot if he believes in flat earth...........lol
  3. "Sad, but true, flat earthers need something to believe in to, and who do they harm believing the earth is flat? I like flat earthers" I would agree with that if it was confined to that alone, the problem being flat earth is the ultimate conspiracy theory, when you are at that stage then you also believe in the whole education system being pure indoctrination. Science no longer exists. They also believe in all the other conspiracies such as anti vax, climate change, the list goes on, after all NASA to them is evil. Spreading these pure false beliefs onto others especially the kids is wrong. Let them have their conventions and talk among themselves, fine by me.
  4. You've out done yourself. In your previous link to this loon video he claimed there is no gravity, an essential element to back up his and the wider flat earth theory. In this video he's now saying that part of the space stations live recordings were actually carried out on a Zero Gravity training flight where it intentionally defies the pull of gravity by doing a steep dive after a steep incline in whats known as the parabolic arc. Why would they need to do this if there is no such thing as gravity? I'm going to leave you in your little dome now, a whole new meaning to the rabbit hole.....................
  5. Whats Antarctica got to do with a water fountain in the newly discovered country of Australia...how did they discover Australia, fly? I did refer to Antarctica and the uneven surface of the round world which affects the gravitational pull of water in my Nasa link but you responded with a snake meme..............lol
  6. Have to say I love this particular flat earth theory on why people or planes don't fall off the edge...... Flat-Earthers Explain Why We Don't Fall Off the Edge of Our Planet, and It Involves Pac-Man At this conference, they were presenting their scientific evidence for such a disk. One of the more interesting pieces of evidence came from speaker Darren Nesbit, who referred to the "Pac-Man effect" as the reason why planes don't fall off the edge of a flat Earth. When a plane or other object reaches the edge of the horizon, such as when Pac-Man reaches the end of the screen, that object will teleport from one side of the planet to the other, a la Pac-Man entering from the other side of the screen. https://www.livescience.com/62454-flat-earthers-explain-pac-man-effect.html
  7. But how can that be? A few years ago one group of loony flat earthers were claiming Australia did not exist! Ok so maybe the person who took the video changed his mind when he travelled there eh? I wonder if they went by plane and noticed the horizon looking out of the window? Your claim on this Darling Park's Crescent Sydney Australia, "who spent millions of dollars to build this park dedicated to the flat earth" Mate, its a water fountain.....lol 'Flat Earth' conspiracy theorists claim a fountain in Sydney PROVES their beliefs are correct Flat Earthers believe a fountain in the heart of Sydney proves their theory correct The water feature in Darling Park's Crescent Garden includes a flat world map Conspiracy theorists say the fountain's design shows the real shape of the Earth Earlier this year Flat Earthers claimed Australia is a 'hoax' and does not exist at all
  8. Since when did the WHO declare covid endemic? The World Health Organisation again urged China’s health officials to regularly share specific, real-time information on the country’s Covid surge, as the UK joined other countries in bringing in travel restrictions, citing a lack of data as the reason. WHO Covid experts met Chinese officials on Friday and “again stressed the importance of transparency and regular sharing of data to formulate accurate risk assessments and to inform effective response”, said the WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. In particular, WHO requested more genetic sequencing data, data on hospitalisations, intensive care unit admissions and deaths – and data on vaccinations delivered and vaccination status, especially in vulnerable people and those over 60 years old.
  9. I see the self delusional Russian apologists are here. Happy New Year to you.........lol
  10. You do know China is still requiring neg covid tests for inward bound travelers right? China will stop requiring inbound travellers to go into quarantine from Jan. 8. But it will still demand a negative PCR test result within 48 hours before departure. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/covid-travel-curbs-against-chinese-visitors-discriminatory-state-media-2022-12-30/
  11. Enjoy your new year yawning, great that you took the time to find a GIF to let us all know. ????
  12. Of course you know, thats why you're triggered. Just think, if Trump had kept his nose out of things Bolsonaro may have won....lol But his doomed endorsement seems to have paid of again. Trump calls on Brazilians to vote for Jair Bolsonaro in presidential race 'I strongly endorse President Bolsonaro … So go out and vote for Bolsonaro,' former US president says in video
  13. From the self styled "conspiracy music guru" who also believes the frequency of music was changed deliberately via a huge conspiracy that caused the rise of the Nazi's..................lol. Enjoy your youtube channel, it makes him money every time you view
  14. Your hope is not reality. Are sea levels rising the same all over the world, as if we're filling a giant bathtub? No. Sea level rise is uneven, the two main reasons being ocean dynamics and Earth’s uneven gravity field. Second, because the distribution of Earth’s mass is uneven, Earth’s gravity is also uneven. Therefore, the ocean’s surface isn’t actually a perfect sphere or ellipsoid; it is a bumpy surface. As the land-based ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica continue to unload their mass (lose ice) from far above sea level and far from the tropics, that mass reaches the sea in the form of meltwater that is then redistributed along Earth’s gravity field. The areas farthest from the melted ice will see the most sea level rise as a result. Conversely, areas nearest to Greenland and Antarctica will see the least amount of sea level rise (and some areas will actually see sea levels drop). https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/9/are-sea-levels-rising-the-same-all-over-the-world-as-if-were-filling-a-giant-bathtub/
  15. Ukraine war: Putin should face trial this year, says top lawyer Russian President Vladimir Putin should go on trial in Ukraine this year for war crimes committed there, says the man who led the prosecution of former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. Sir Geoffrey Nice told the BBC Mr Putin was a "guilty man" for attacks on civilian targets during the war. The British barrister expressed his surprise that prosecutors and politicians were not "spelling this out much more freely and openly". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64138851
  16. Who said anything about striking Moscow? Ukraine needs to strike within Russia at the locations that Russia is launching missiles and airfields that Russia uses for its attacks on Ukraine civilian infrastructure. Ukraine needs to stop Russia with its war crimes. Its doing that to the best of its ability right now within Russia with the strikes that it already does but much more is needed. The war will end when Putin is defeated, talks are held because of his concessions and his troops out of Ukraine territory.
  17. I know how difficult it is for you to admit defeat. Trump Allies Campaign Online for Bolsonaro and Spread Lies about Electoral Fraud https://nacla.org/trump-allies-campaign-online-bolsonaro-and-spread-lies-about-electoral-fraud
  18. Both: A lack of transparency over the scale of the latest outbreak and concerns over the possibility of new variants emerging have led to new restrictions in several countries "citing data handled by the Chinese health authorities, almost 250 million people were infected in the country in the first three weeks of the month with 37 million cases in just one day on December 20"
  19. Perhaps tell that to the post I replied to before you get a mod hat on....lol Feel free to supply links disputing my facts
  20. I couldn't care less what your stating, your opinion means nothing to me, I was talking facts relevant to the post I responded to
  21. You should probably check the post I was replying to. Quite clear what I was responding to, nothing to do with freedoms, boosters, variants or any one being lucky. So let me make it clear for you again:
  22. Oh dear, you need to tell the flat earth society that they missed that one.....lol
  23. Why a useless link? You don't like the statistics from Singapore, the fact they were in the process of opening their borders a year ago and were living with the virus back then? Or perhaps the fact they are not asking for negative tests from Chinese? P.S. Omicrom became dominant in Singapore nearly a year ago....lol
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