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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Tesla stock marks lowest close in years as investors worry about Musk’s focus Experts blame Elon Musk’s management style at Twitter for the electric carmaker’s financial problems Tesla shares fell on Tuesday to their lowest in more than two years, marking the company’s worst day in eight months, as Elon Musk’s electric carmaker confronts a rocky financial period. The company’s stock has lost more than half its value since the start of October. Investors worry that Twitter is taking much of Musk’s time, now that he is the social network’s owner and CEO. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/27/tesla-stock-drops-lowest-close-years-elon-musk https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NASDAQ-TSLA/
  2. Human rights was never a major consideration for China, the same repeat pattern ongoing now: "In its single-minded pursuit of the “zero-Covid” strategy, the Chinese government was omnipresent and omnipotent, using its unlimited resources and unchecked power to control the nation. After having nearly exhausted its resources and the goodwill of the public, the government has now simply disappeared, just as many Chinese are getting very ill with the virus or dying from it."
  3. Things just get worse and worse for this fake liar. His campaign was propped up by the Russians Russian Oligarch’s Cousin Funneled Cash to N.Y. Politician The cousin and cash handler for one of Russia’s most notorious oligarchs poured tens of thousands of dollars into electing a newly minted congressman-elect who called Ukraine’s government “a totalitarian regime.” Republican George Devolder-Santos vanquished Democrat Robert Zimmerman this month in the race for a House seat covering parts of Long Island and the New York City borough of Queens—riding a red wave that swept the Empire State this cycle, and washing away two decades of Democratic dominance in the district. He has insisted that Ukraine “welcomed the Russians into their provinces”—an apparent reference to President Vladimir Putin’s 2014 invasion to prop up rogue separatist parties—and that Ukrainians in the east “feel more Russian than Ukrainian,” even though every single Ukrainian province overwhelmingly voted for independence in 1991. https://www.thedailybeast.com/republican-george-devolder-santos-got-cash-from-andrew-intrater-cousin-of-russian-oligarch-viktor-vekselberg
  4. Last warning to stop editing and deleting my posts leaving them out of context. I repeat, NO atrocities recorded on the 22nd Feb only cease fire violations as I had already stated in my post if you had left it intact. Did those violations increase in the days running up to the illegal invasion. Yep indeed, Russia February 21: Russian President Vladimir Putin orders troops into the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, and recognises them as independent states. His full scale invasion was on the 24th Feb. Previous to this is a different topic entirely and one I suggest has been covered multiple times. So as not to derail this thread I will not be addressing it aside to post this data on civilian deaths from official UN sources pdf download
  5. There is only one official narrative and now part of history. Russia invaded Ukraine after building up a huge military force on its borders on the pretext it was a military drills as stated by Putin. He lied, an illegal invasion took place on a sovereign country. The only atrocities that happened since then were the first of many war crimes committed by Russia with Bucha being the first largest one uncovered. The OSCE report from that 22nd Feb does not record any atrocities, only cease fire violations from both government and occupied territories: Enough of your desperation to change history.
  6. Not sure how many shots of vodka he had before making these bizarre predictions for 2023, but Medvedev has outdone himself with this collection of the absurd. From a twitter thread he posted that even got a response from Musk. This has got to be his version of satire but remember this is a barbarian who said referring to Ukrainians "I hate them. They are bastards and scum.” “as long as I’m alive, I will do everything to make them disappear.” Some snippets: Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine 5. The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts. War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process. Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP. Season greetings to you all, Anglo-Saxon friends, and their happily oinking piglets! https://twitter.com/MedvedevRussiaE/status/1607487345493934080
  7. Tell that to Desantis and the rest of the red states where there have been more covid deaths. Who said I was afraid, that seems to be your favourite non response.........lol
  8. An investigation is not possible without robust and in depth vaccine studies that take years and are already in process. A political witch hunt helps nobody.
  9. Seasonal flu vaccines average <40% effective over past 15ish years (CDC stats) Covid vaccine speaks for itself, obviously does NOT prevent infection. ... I don't accept new definition of vaccine ... Flu vaccines also do not prevent infection, they do the same as covid vaccines, reduce symptoms, hospitalizations and deaths. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in reducing severe outcomes over six influenza seasons Vaccine Effectiveness: How Well Do Flu Vaccines Work?
  10. First page of google, take your pick. "more covid deaths in red states" Continues into second page results if thats not enough for you.
  11. If you had not edited and deleted the main content of my post then what I was clearing meaning was: Medvedev spoke about the “mission” of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and former President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev called the overthrow of the legally elected government in Ukraine a “mission” of the Russian Federation. He also said that to “normalize the situation”, which could lead to World War III and nuclear war, Russia should receive maximum “security guarantees”. “The sooner the guarantees of maximum security that suit our country are received, the sooner the situation will normalize. If we do not receive them, tension will persist indefinitely. The world will continue to balance on the brink of World War III and a nuclear catastrophe, and we will do everything to prevent them,” https://odessa-journal.com/medvedev-spoke-about-the-mission-of-the-russian-federation-in-ukraine/
  12. Not sure what Desantis hopes to uncover in Scotland when his remit is “wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”
  13. For it to be in the news, then that because there is news to report, lets try some logic here
  14. Whats that got to do with my post that you edited, deleted and took out of context, stop the trolling and baiting, its pathetic
  15. You also believe that MRNA vaccines are gene therapy, fortunately that false post has now been removed so forgive in not sharing your sentiment on the data provided by CDC. It happens to be a factual account of the historical data
  16. How Many Republicans Died Because the GOP Turned Against Vaccines? Party leaders are unquestionably complicit in the premature deaths of their own supporters. Unfortunately, this trend shows no signs of breaking. The anti-science messaging that fuels such a divide is popular with Republican leaders because it plays so well with their constituents. Far-right crowds cheer for missed vaccine targets and jokes about executing scientific leaders. In an environment where partisanship trumps all—including trying to save people’s lives—such messaging is both politically effective and morally abhorrent. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/12/covid-deaths-anti-vaccine-republican-voters/672575/
  17. Looks like Putin slipped up to...........lol "Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday used the word “war” to refer to the conflict in Ukraine, the first known time he has publicly deviated from his carefully crafted description of Moscow’s invasion as a “special military operation” 10 months after it began. Nikita Yuferev, a municipal lawmaker from St. Petersburg who fled Russia due to his antiwar stance, on Thursday said he had asked Russian authorities to prosecute Putin for “spreading fake information about the army.” A US official told CNN their initial assessment was that Putin’s remark was not intentional and likely a slip of the tongue." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/22/europe/putin-uses-word-war-fighting-ukraine-russia-intl-hnk/index.html
  18. The orcs keep doing that, damn those Russians eh, another one straight off the breaking news press: Russia's Lavrov: Either Ukraine fulfils Moscow's proposals or our army will decide (Reuters) -Moscow's proposals for settlement in Ukraine are well known to Kyiv and either Ukraine fulfils them for their own good or the Russian army will decide the issue, TASS agency quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying. "Our proposals for the demilitarization and denazification of the territories controlled by the regime, the elimination of threats to Russia's security emanating from there, including our new lands, are well known to the enemy," the state news agency quoted Lavrov as saying late on Monday. "The point is simple: Fulfil them for your own good. Otherwise, the issue will be decided by the Russian army." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-s-lavrov-either-ukraine-fulfils-moscow-s-proposals-or-our-army-will-decide/ar-AA15FBks
  19. "A frank confession how to consider the honesty of politicians dealing with matters of lives of nations" Indeed, if Putin's mouth is open, it means he's lying. No we are not going to invade Ukraine............thousands of civilians dead, rapes and murders of women and children. Yea but its ok, Putin still says this is not a war. I somehow missed the part where in the expansion of NATO because the applicants felt they needed protection from Russia, it invaded a sovereign country and massacred 1000s of civilians committing endless documented war crimes.
  20. What part of false equivalence do you not understand? In addition when a SAM system engages a target, the debris from both the SAM and targeted missile falls in an unknown direction.
  21. Another out the window, they really need to learn to book into first or ground floor accommodation.............lol Russian tycoon’s mystery death after criticism of Putin’s war in Ukraine A Russian politician who publicly criticised President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine has been found dead. Multi-millionaire Pavel Antov was celebrating his upcoming 66th birthday on holiday when he mysteriously fell from a hotel in India, with Russia’s consul general Alexei Idamkin saying he fell from a window, The Sun reports. Mr Antov, listed as Russia’s richest elected politician in 2019, was found in a pool of blood in Rayagada, in the east of India, two days after another friend in his party died. https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/russian-tycoons-mystery-death-after-criticism-of-putins-war-in-ukraine/news-story/4d2eff5e46d371b46a9da925f4914e4b One of the richest deputies of Russia died in India This was reported by the NDTV. According to them, Antov died after falling from the third floor of the hotel on December 25. Antov was twice included in the Forbes list in 2019. His fortune was estimated at $150 million. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1607425817595764738
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