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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Dagny Taggart ???? I take it you just finished listening to her on the George Galloway show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOLVs-Y5jYE Well I suppose she needs her twitter follower count up a little, only 4,000 following at the moment.
  2. Well its pretty obvious that a nuclear response to a nuclear attack will lead to a nuclear war. As Putin said in his threats "the rose winds can change and blow in their direction." Quite clearly a reference to the west. Quite ironic that Putin is claiming he has a moral obligation to protect civilians in partially Russian-occupied portions of Ukraine yet then also threatens to drop a nuclear bomb on them.
  3. Russia doesn't even fully control all those regions which are having this fake referendum. This is the only response that's needed: “Ukraine has every right to liberate its territories and will keep liberating them whatever Russia has to say.” World leaders denounce Russia over Ukraine invasion, referendum plans “The Russians can do whatever they want. It will not change anything,” Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Tuesday in response to reporters' questions at the United Nations where leaders were arriving for a General Assembly meeting likely to be dominated by the war in Ukraine. In a tweet, he added: “Ukraine has every right to liberate its territories and will keep liberating them whatever Russia has to say.” https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/09/21/World-leaders-denounce-Russia-over-Ukraine-invasion-referendum-plans
  4. US Warns Russia of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If It Launches Nuclear Attack in Ukraine WASHINGTON — The U.S. has warned Russia of “catastrophic consequences” if it launches a nuclear attack on Ukraine, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Sunday. Sullivan, speaking on ABC’s “This Week” show, said U.S. officials have told Russian officials privately that Biden “will respond decisively” if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a nuclear strike but did not say how the U.S. would respond. “Russia understands very well what the United States would do in response to the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine because we have spelled it out for them.” https://www.voanews.com/a/us-warns-russia-of-catastrophic-consequences-if-it-launches-nuclear-attack-in-ukraine-/6762441.html
  5. You do know there's a topic for this right, this is not the one to discuss referendums and consequences
  6. Probably the better question is where you get your information from as you were clearly wrong. As for me, if you notice in my earlier posts I get my info from a range of different sources including Russian media. Here is some cctv its always more convenient to vote when two soldiers with machine guns are knocking at your apartment. Zaporizhzhia region Yes you already said that was your forecast in a previous post, we all know its already a done deal. NATO's dilemma is created by a sham referendum and Putin's invasion. Ukraine is the country fighting and they will carry on doing so to get back their rightful land. Even China and India did not side with Russia at the UN a couple of days ago and have voiced concerns. If that's anything like the facts you are parroting then Thailand also has its head in the sand.
  7. Nuclear doctrine would apply to annexed areas Lavrov pledges 'full protection' for any territory annexed by Russia After a possible annexation of the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions of Ukraine, the Russian nuclear doctrine would also apply to the annexed areas. This was stated by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the UN in New York. The doctrine justifies a nuclear strike in response to an attack that "threatens the continued existence of the state." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/lavrov-un-pledges-full-protection-any-territory-annexed-by-russia-2022-09-24/ Or as NATO would put it, Use a nuke, get a nuke back in your face.
  8. Let me correct you. There is a sham referendum taking place in occupied regions NOT just the Donbass region. The outcome of that vote which is in many places is being undertaken with armed guards and officials knocking door to door is obvious but should not be confused with legitimate or trust worthy. Your "I take no sides" remark does not equate.
  9. You've had credible links and credible sources, for someone who thinks others get their flight ticket info from Youtube channels then you've embarrassed yourself enough, I won't facilitate that any further for you. "majority of pilots in airlines are reserve officers who have been trained at the military departments of flight schools, or privates who have served in the army." Most of all, airlines fear that they will call not only pilots, but also technical specialists, IT specialists and employees of commercial divisions. The departure of one or more people can slow down or paralyze all work
  10. What you mean n the parellel world of the national Russian media Kommersant that is just one source.
  11. What youtube channels? CNN? Have no idea what you're on about do you even know? You could try https://aviationsourcenews.com/news/russian-airline-staff-receive-conscription-notices-following-putins-mobilisation-order/ https://simpleflying.com/aeroflot-russian-airlines-conscription-notices/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-airlines-staff-start-receive-conscription-notices-kommersant-2022-09-23/ Get back to me
  12. Meanwhile from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: "Today is a good day for #UAarmy and a bad day for russian aviation. Su-25, two Su-30, Su-34 have gone to <deleted> themselves." Plenty of vids on twitter showing the planes hit.
  13. You're first mistake is assuming people get flight info from youtube channels. Your second is not keeping up with the news. These flight resumptions were announced back in early August and it actually starts from 30th Oct. However since then its been announced that 50% - 80% of Aeroflot staff are being called up for mobilization into cannon fodder at Ukraine, so good luck on those booking these flights and the pending cancellations that will occur.
  14. Here's one way to stop them flying out, call up all the airline staff ???? Half the workers of Russia's biggest airline may be forced to join the army by Vladimir Putin, report says Vladimir Putin may force at least half the workers of Russia's biggest airline to join the army, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Friday. Staff of at least five airlines, including Aeroflot, received conscription notices within a day of Putin's speech. Sources told the newspaper that between 50% and 80% of Aeroflot's employees could be ordered to the frontlines of the conflict with Ukraine. A source close to Aeroflot said that over half the staff at three of the group's airlines, including Rossiya and Pobeda, could be called up, per the report. https://www.yahoo.com/news/half-workers-russias-biggest-airline-111205548.html
  15. Just did a little reading up on this. Although out of the 4 subs there's always a minimum of one out on patrol, 2 others are also armed and ready although they would not normally go out on patrol during a time of crisis as there's no need. By keeping one submarine on patrol at all times, the UK avoids the risk of sending incorrect or misleading signals to a potential adversary at times of heightened alert. However the other two can quickly aim their missiles and fire. The fourth sub is normally in maintenance. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmdfence/986/98605.htm https://www.medact.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/THE-UK-TRIDENT-MISSILE-SYSTEM-FINAL.pdf
  16. Couldn't resist this meme I saw yesterday for that last statement of yours: They will feed the hungry Ukrainian Cannons. HIMARS table for two On a more serious note, Putin wants to instill fear, he did this right at the beginning of the invasion with his first nuclear threats. This latest is a sure sign he's in serious trouble. Nuclear weapons are first and foremost a psychological weapon to use as a tactical threat as he is doing although he adds rather lamely this is not a bluff. A sure sign it is a bluff. Its been reported the US has sent some private messages to the Kremlin with some serious warnings to them. The only thing that should be happening now is arming Ukraine even more so and more rapidly to deal with this mobilization and get back their country.
  17. Since when was full mobilization, partial? First 300,000, that went up to 1 million as reported by Russian media, now 1.2 million being called up. Russia to conscript 1.2 million people Russian authorities plan to conscript 1.2 million people for their “partial mobilization,” Meduza has learned from a source close to one of the country’s federal ministries. Additionally, a source close to Moscow’s leadership told Meduza that up to 16,000 people from the capital are slated to be drafted. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/09/23/russia-to-conscript-up-to-1-2-million-people
  18. Russian soldiers have raped and tortured children in Ukraine, a UN panel said. Victims of sexual violence by Russian troops ranged in age from 4 to 82. “There are examples of cases where relatives were forced to witness the crimes." “We were struck by the large number of executions in the areas we visited” New UN hard hitting report: https://web.archive.org/web/20220923124045/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/world/europe/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-united-nations.html https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/09/update-chair-independent-international-commission-inquiry-ukraine-51st-session
  19. Ukraine has not changed its game. It will continue to strike where it has been struck from.
  20. Its already attacked Russia directly, Belgorod: First Ukrainian airstrike on Russian territory. It has of course also carried out some very successful attacks in Crimea, which Russia also claims is its territory
  21. This talk of 300,000 to be drafted is total bull. This is a full mobilization the Russian people know it. The decree Putin signed apparently has a classified section mentioning 1 million. "The independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta Europe reported that a source in the presidential administration said Russia was seeking to draft more than 1 million people" ‘It’s a 100% mobilisation’: day one of Russia’s drive to build its army Summons delivered to eligible men at midnight. Schoolteachers pressed into handing out draft notices. Men given an hour to pack their things and appear at draft centres. Women sobbing as they sent their husbands and sons off to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine. The first full day of Russia’s first mobilisation since the second world war produced emotional showdowns at draft centres and even signs of protest, while it appears Russia could be considering far more than the 300,000 new conscripts claimed by the defence minister, Sergei Shoigu. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/22/russia-mobilisation-ukraine-war-army-drive Protesters are being threatened with 15 years or some are being taken as conscripts. In Buryatia, college students literally taken away from their classes to be conscripted and sent to war. Insane.
  22. Yes Thai people believe in Karma but that's nothing to do with Russia starting the Crimean war
  23. Yet on the 2nd March 2022 to the world Thailand voted to condemn Russia’s aggression in Ukraine which deplored Russia's invasion of Ukraine and demanded a full withdrawal of Russian forces. Hypocritical actions by Thailand when money is concerned.
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