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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Oh so its ok for Putin to make official nuclear threats as he did today but you chose to focus on a poster on here giving a response
  2. Not as ignorant as Putin's speech today. Or as ignorant as Russian state TV pundits saying they should have bombed the Queens funeral
  3. Covid's not the same as the flu, just because I gave a comparison to a yearly shot does not make it the same. Whats curious?
  4. Oh its about money according to you. If that was the case then flu jabs would also be more than yearly.
  5. Or you could just do what at risk people do and take a yearly booster the same as with the flu. I don't think anyone is contemplating counting how many shots you take altogether apart from you.
  6. UK Defence Secretary @BWallaceMP responds to President Putin’s address this morning.
  7. Actually this is about Hungary's corruption, breakdown of democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights that are being eroded. The UK is not the subject for me.
  8. Yes they can use that excuse and threat that an attack on the occupied territories is an attack on Russia with the implications that can mean but also its another form of hybrid mobilization of their dwindling manpower. We know already that since September 19th, citizens of Crimea who are eligible for enlistment are forbidden from leaving the peninsula without formal permission from regional authorities. So no doubt this will also happen in these new areas.
  9. Should have thought about that before, now face the consequences Hungary appeals for time, as EU weighs hefty fund freeze BRUSSELS (AP) — Hungary needs time and is urging its European Union partners to be “tolerant,” the country’s justice minister said Tuesday, after the bloc’s executive branch recommended suspending billions of euros in funding over concerns about democratic backsliding and the possible mismanagement of EU money. Justice Minister Judit Varga said that Hungary has proposed 17 measures which are “capable of remedying all the concerns” expressed by European Commission. EU Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn recommended over the weekend that 7.5 billion euros (dollars) from Hungary’s EU funds be frozen. https://apnews.com/article/hungary-executive-branch-european-union-cce7491b9c1a6f52ec7fc228c309a9e7
  10. Migrants sue Florida governor for being flown to Martha’s Vineyard under “fraudulent” scheme Venezuelan migrants flown to the upscale Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his transportation secretary Tuesday for engaging in a “fraudulent and discriminatory scheme” to relocate them. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Boston, alleges that the migrants were told they were going to Boston or Washington, “which was completely false,” and were induced with perks such as $10 McDonald’s gift certificates. “No human being should be used as a political pawn,” said Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of Lawyers for Civil Rights, which is seeking class-action status in the lawsuit filed on behalf of several migrants who were aboard last week’s flights and Alianza Americas, a network of advocacy groups. https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20220920-migrants-sue-florida-governor-for-flying-them-to-martha-s-vineyard-under-fraudulent-scheme?
  11. Oh how will the cult react to this..............???? Trump Demands Special Master Be Fired and Replaced with Extra-Special Master “This Dearie, he’s a beauty, he really is,” Trump told reporters. “He’s asking for information. He’s asking for information like you wouldn’t believe. He’s a bad or sick guy.” Trump said, “We need somebody in there, somebody who’s more special than this Dearie joker. If Dearie is special, then I don’t know what special is.” Claiming that Dearie is “rigged against me,” Trump said, “After that guy is fired and goes back to Antifa or wherever he came from, we’ve got to find out what idiot chose him in the first place. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-demands-special-master-be-fired-and-replaced-with-extra-special-master *Satire Alert
  12. I prefer this one from Dearie Judge Dearie explained that he has a very simple test to determine how he’ll rule, saying if Trump’s lawyers don't officially counter whether the documents Trump took are classified, then Dearie will side with the DOJ. “As far as I'm concerned, that's the end of it,” he said.
  13. ooops from 2 weeks ago Any hopes of a Russian tourism revival in Phuket are dashed Don’t count on Russian tourists saving Phuket’s fragile tourism recovery any time soon, in fact it’s going to become increasingly difficult for Russians to travel as the war-related economic sanctions continue to bite and the battles in Ukraine drag on. But it’s not just Phuket. Tourism destinations globally are seeing a significant drop in Russian tourists as the Russians end up staying at home with possible long-term effects on international tourism. Part of the problem is the Russian fleet of planes are now suffering from lack of maintenance and parts – an effect of the ongoing sanctions. https://phuket-go.com/phuket-news/featured/any-hopes-of-a-russian-tourism-revival-in-phuket-are-dashed/
  14. Special master to Trump’s lawyers: ‘You can't have your cake and eat it’ Judge Raymond Dearie repeatedly challenged Trump’s lawyers for refusing to back up the former president’s claim that he declassified the highly sensitive national security-related records discovered in his residence. Without evidence from Trump, Dearie said his only basis to judge the classification level of the records was the fact that they all bear markings designating them as highly sensitive national security secrets — including some that indicate they contain intelligence derived from human sources and foreign intercepts. But Dearie bristled at the effort by Trump’s lawyers to resist his request for proof that Trump actually attempted to declassify any of the 100 documents that the Justice Department recovered from his estate. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/trump-special-master-judge-mar-a-lago-00057805
  15. Better than Truth Social no? EDIT from sources The smoking gun in Martha's Vineyard https://popular.info/p/the-smoking-gun-in-marthas-vineyard Texas sheriff investigating flights to Martha’s Vineyard https://apnews.com/fc33092bca2af532841e583b73e24b7f
  16. Good timeline here https://web.archive.org/web/20220827011535/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-documents-search-timeline.html
  17. Except Thailand...................... Thailand decided to get their ambassador to take a short hop 3.2 miles to Westminster Abbey. Royals from across the world were in Westminster Abbey to support their British family and friends as they said goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II. Outside Europe, royals from Africa, Asia and the Middle East flew into London. They included King Jigme Khesar and Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan, King Letsie III of Lesotho, King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan, Sultan Abdullah of Pahang and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah (King and Queen of Malaysia), and King Tupou VI of Tonga. https://royalcentral.co.uk/asia/foreign-royals-show-support-for-their-british-friends-and-family-at-queen-elizabeth-iis-funeral-181422/
  18. Bear County Sheriff I have officially opened a criminal investigation against the individual(s) who lured and transported 48 migrants from the Migrant Resource Center in San Antonio, TX to Martha's Vineyard. If you or someone you know has been impacted, please email [email protected]
  19. Here are one of those murderers captured and interviewed video with English subs, very interesting interview, he goes into detail on the recruitment, how the head of Wagner came into the prison on a helicopter, recruited 92 of them. They had a very basic one weeks training which consisted of just learning how to fire and reload a rifle. When out on the field they were given the tasks of being dead body collectors and had no weapons issued to them. Told that if they did not do what they were told they would be killed (nullified) Surreal interview, pure cannon fodder which he also admits.
  20. Yep read that on twitter.......Trumps request for Special Master looks to be back firing on him. JUST IN: Special Master Dearie has asked Trump's team for declarations about any actions he's taken to declassify material. Trump's team says i n a filing tonight that it is resisting that request — because it could be a defense to any criminal charges. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763.97.0.pdf So the Special Master Trump is paying for, wants a clarification as to whether or not the classified documents were unclassified (when and how). Time to “Put Up, or Shut Up” Checkmate
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