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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Not sure, it seems as its part of the investigation, this from yesterday: Deutsche Bank’s Trump Exposure Dropped 87% in a Matter of Weeks The real estate company of former US President Donald Trump that month repaid two loans worth at total of $295 million to Germany’s largest lender, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday by New York Attorney General Letitia James. James says Trump made “false and misleading” financial statements to Deutsche Bank to get better terms on his loans, resulting in interest rate savings between $85 million and $150 million for him. Trump has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. “The bank takes its legal obligations seriously, including appropriately responding to authorized investigations and proceedings,” said a spokesman for Deutsche Bank. He declined to comment on details of the relationship with the Trump Organization. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-22/deutsche-bank-s-trump-exposure-dropped-87-in-a-matter-of-weeks
  2. Here is the reality: Countries that refuse to take a side in Russia’s war in Ukraine are “complicit” with Moscow’s “new imperialism,” French President Emmanuel Macron told the U.N. General Assembly Tuesday in an impassioned speech. “Those who are silent today are serving — whether against their will or secretly with a certain complicity — the cause of a new imperialism,” Macron said. In some of his strongest comments since the beginning of the war, Macron said Russia’s aggression against Ukraine marked a “return to the age of imperialism and colonies” and said the world faced a choice between “war and peace.” Perhaps a reminder also from Zelensky at his UN speech:
  3. +1 ???? "I notice that Russian diplomats flee almost as quickly as Russian soldiers." Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba delivers a memorable one-liner in response to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's hasty exit during a UN discussion on the Russian invasion of Ukraine https://twitter.com/Biz_Ukraine_Mag/status/1573020668874182658
  4. Ah just the narrative the Kremlin wants, losing on the battlefield so they have nothing else. Quick lets get the west and Ukraine to negotiate immediately by giving Putin what he wants. Jeez
  5. More collusion/corruption in the frame: Son of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was leading a real-estate division of Deutsche Bank as it gave President Donald Trump over $1 billion in loans to finance his real-estate projects when other banks wouldn't Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew Justin Kennedy, the former global head of Deutsche Bank's real-estate capital markets division, was one of Trump's close business associates, The Times reported, citing two sources familiar with the matter. Because of Trump's inconsistent track record in business, which included multiple bankruptcy filings and frequent lawsuits, most other major banks would not lend to him. Deutsche Bank loaned Trump the funds to construct and renovate skyscrapers and other developments in New York City and Chicago, The Times reported. https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6?r=UK
  6. Good to see Thailand is now in the process of scrapping all restrictions. One of the worst periods that the world has gone through because of a virus in many years. Fortunately the vaccines saved millions of lives and will continue to do so in the future for those at risk. Time to get back to normality now. The Thai's that continue to wear masks, its their choice and should not be mocked because of it.
  7. Some interesting scenarios and analysis here. What would happen if Putin unleashed a nuclear strike on Ukraine? Andrey Baklitskiy, an expert at the UN institute for disarmament research, noted that Putin threatened nuclear war "if the territorial integrity of our country is threatened", he added: "those statements go beyond the Russian nuclear doctrine, which only suggests Russian first use in conventional war when the very existence of the state is threatened." "Putin adds 'territorial integrity' and [the] very abstract protection of people, independence and freedom ... coming from the person who has sole-decision making power regarding nuclear weapons, this will have to be taken seriously." In other words, Putin could be laying a trap - if Ukraine continues its counter-offensive on occupied territory that Moscow declares "Russian" after sham referendums, then it could grant him a pretext for a nuclear strike. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/explained/300695173/what-would-happen-if-putin-unleashed-a-nuclear-strike-on-ukraine?cid=app-iPad
  8. They've resorted to the border controls threads, that's all they've got left to cling onto.
  9. Whatever job he got I hope it all works out for him, just hope it wasn't for one of Trumps resorts or buildings that are known to have employed them.
  10. You're right. Finland will develop a solution to limit the entry of tourists from Russia – Minister of Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto Thailand has no such moral compass
  11. Did I say I was able to predict the future? How can anyone say how this will end? This is unknown territory for all involved. Or are future predictions something you have greater knowledge than me of?
  12. Lets face it. The only people in a box are Ukraine, its their own country they are fighting for. As long as they have the wish and resolve to fight then NATO and other countries will help them. You cant give into nuclear threats from Putin just because of his twisted ambitions. Its not about NATO and their retaliation, its about Putin's aggressive and barbaric actions that need to stop. Worrying about a possible future replacement to Putin is not on the agenda.
  13. He started it, its a problem all of his own making, now face the consequences. Incentives? What do your reward a murderer with? Ukraine already gave him many incentives that he ignored such as stating publicly they would not join NATO.
  14. Trumps new defense.........???? he just has to think things declassified. "Hi . House Intelligence Committee Chair here. Trump just claimed he could declassify things by saying “‘it’s declassified,’ even by thinking about it.” I know he says he’s a big “thinker” and all, but that’s not how any of this works. Not by any stretch of the imagination." https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/1572778491791265792
  15. The only nuclear blackmail was Russia taking control of Zaporizhzhia and storing its military equipment there. IAEA have been asking, as have Ukraine for a demilitarized zone around it. Russia have so far refused. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ_Gua00oiI
  16. You mean those are his own lies: The west has never resorted to nuclear blackmail nor have any NATO countries. However agreed on the "just stop" statement you made. Very easy, Putin can stop it at any time. Stop attacking, remove his troops. Dialogue will follow along with war International War Crime tribunals.
  17. Some would see that as a problem. Having no emotions on political decisions. Emotions are among the factors that turn us into rational, well-informed members of a democracy and can benefit many political decision making processes
  18. Indeed, there's a rush to get out of being called up. Russians scrambling to book flights out of country after Putin troop announcement Flights leaving Russia are selling out or skyrocketing in price on Wednesday after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization of reservists amid the nation’s struggles in its war with Ukraine. The apparent exodus of thousands of Russians comes after the Kremlin earlier on Wednesday said up to 300,000 individuals could be called to join the country’s military as it faces major setbacks in Ukraine. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3653655-russians-scrambling-to-book-flights-out-of-country-after-putin-troop-announcement/ One aspect being missed is that the decree Putin signed did not include the words partial mobilization so this first announcement of 300,000 is just that. If needed he will then go onto call up more and the Russians know this. Not that this is going to change much, they still lack the necessary equipment, training and command structure, more cannon fodder and more deaths created by Putin is all thats going to happen.
  19. Also includes 10 foreign fighters, UK, the US, Croatia, and Sweden confirmed
  20. Over 1000 arrested already after protests in Russia where participation in them, could land you with 15 years in jail. All flights out of Russia booked, any left are at a huge premium. Here's an example: Yesterday flights from Moscow to Yerevan/Armenia were $150, then went up to $1,400. Now at $2,800!!
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