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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes it does "Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march. One officer went as far as to assert that Falter's mere existence was "antagonising" the demonstrators."
  2. If I punched you I would be arrested for assault. If I had not punched you I would not be arrested. The is no arrestable offense without that punch. There is no arrestable offense without him being Jewish first.
  3. In the court room a judge will ask what caused the breach of peace. It is 100% relevant.
  4. Legally there is only one way with the cause being ""quite openly Jewish," that's why I prefer the whole sentence rather than some people snipping it out of context: "Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march. One officer went as far as to assert that Falter's mere existence was "antagonising" the demonstrators."
  5. About UNRWA AND Oct 7th, from the OP: "October 7 has highlighted some of these concerns with Israel’s specific allegations that staff members were involved in acts of terrorism."
  6. Calls for Met chief to go over threat to arrest ‘openly Jewish’ CAA head Other senior conservatives criticised the Met’s handling of the incident with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden telling the Telegraph that it was “hard to think of any other minority that would be treated as disrespectfully as Jews seem to be”. Gary Mond, chair of the National Jewish Assembly, was quoted by the paper as saying, “The buck stops at the top and if Rowley is not prepared to properly police the demonstrations, he has to go and be replaced by someone who can.” In an apology on Friday, the Met’s Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist said the words “openly Jewish” had been “hugely regrettable” and “a poor choice of words”. https://www.thejc.com/news/calls-for-met-chief-to-go-over-threat-to-arrest-openly-jewish-caa-head-twd1h3gn
  7. "quite openly Jewish" actually "Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march. One officer went as far as to assert that Falter's mere existence was "antagonising" the demonstrators."
  8. Instead of being argumentative and taking it out of context why not stick to the topic: "Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march. One officer went as far as to assert that Falter's mere existence was "antagonising" the demonstrators."
  9. Cause.................. Ok, let me make this a little simpler for you. If I was to punch someone and hurt them I would be arrested for assault. The arrest of assault would not have happened had I not punched anyone. The punch was the cause. If I was to be openly Jewish and as a result antagonize a group of protestors the police would arrest me for breach of the peace. If I had not been openly Jewish I would not have been arrested as it would not antagonized the protestors, as there was no cause for them to be antagonized. I cant believe this needs explaining
  10. I asked you what was the cause, the cause being he was openly Jew, no cause no arrest. You are easily confused. But don't worry they have a Jew pen ready for him next time:
  11. I was asking you and no I do not agree, if you watch the video the reason is that his presence being "openly Jew" could antagonize the Pro Palestinian march and that would be the reason for a breach of the peace.
  12. Ok, so when charged what would have been the cause of the breach of the peace. There must be something that he is doing that causes it, what is that?
  13. What was the reason for the threat of arrest for breach of the peace?
  14. Tell that to the majority of Jews that do not and for very good reasons Source
  15. You need to read the OP before telling me what this is about. Pro-Palestinian protests ‘making London no-go zone for Jews’ Counter-extremism tsar Robin Simcox warns of ‘permissive environment for radicalisation’ developing in UK https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/03/07/pro-palestinian-protests-london-no-go-zone-jews/ https://archive.ph/RtodA
  16. No lets not deflect into MAGA and drag queens lets stay on topic. That you have admitted London is too dangerous for Jews especially if they happen to be near a Pro Palestinian march which happen to change venues every week and have been ongoing for 6 months.
  17. So London is too dangerous for Jews at the weekends is what your saying
  18. No you are wrong again sorry. Its ok you can correct that if you wish by starting at the beginning: Hamas admits one-third of its data on Gazan deaths is ‘incomplete’ https://aseannow.com/topic/1325030-hamas-admits-one-third-of-its-data-on-gazan-deaths-is-‘incomplete’/
  19. I've sort of got this worked out now. If you're Jewish, don't be openly Jewish while out and about in London at the weekends. Even better get one of those Kaffiyeh things to put round your neck to be super duper safe. Now lets not forget this has been going on for 6 months now and likely to carry on for a few months ahead. So if Jewish why not just get out of London at the weekends and get yourself a second home in the Cotswolds or somewhere equally as nice.
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