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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 59 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Not a big fan of fair policing Nigel, if you are going to arrest lawbreakers from one side you should be prepared to arrest lawbreakers from the other, even you must agree with that or some might say that is classed as selective policing.


    59 minutes ago, vogie said:


    Of course the point is sound, we pay the police to be even handed - which I totally support -and by and large they are. Thank God not like US police. However we should deal with the current issue, whataboutery gets tiring and leads off into endless sub threads. 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    Good luck with that, according to some we will be starting a second wave in September, that comes from the Chinese government who of course know a lot more than the rest of us about this.


    I think the 'second wave' in big city China (really the first wave outside Wuhan) is starting right now, they just noticed it.


    China is about to die.

    Thank you for the good luck. 

    I am realistic, I have to return for work and medical reasons, no options there.

    Right now the US is falling apart with Covid, all those States which were low incidence before are becoming trouble spots at an awful speed. I have no time for the CCP which is as fascist as it is communist, but I expect they will clamp down brutally as they did in Wuhan. Human lives are cheap in a country of 1.4 billion. They and the US are the greatest threats to world peace even with no virus.


    However I wouldn't bet on which country is going be most devastated by covid, (A bit ghoulish to do so), all the same Brazil is well in the running. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

    its just what you make of your life yourself and how you look at the world around you, in an understanding way or thinking that the world evolves around you.

    you feel unwanted and unwelcome, and no doubt there must be a reason for it. (hint, its not "the Thais" but its "you".

    other farang including myself feel pretty welcome here in the Land of Smiles. I already gor three or four times free durian from the local durian sellers this season, makes me feel pretty welcome ???? i mean, its up to you how ppl treat you. Its like, if you want ppl to smile at you, start smiling yourself and start thinking nice and positive about the ppl around you. 

    but yeah, look at how negative too many farang are, no smiles all sourfaced, its no wonder if locals dont care if they return and never come back.

    My post of the week????

    It is their country, we are immigrants/ visitors  (The word Expats is pompous).

    If you are friendly and respectful to them they are almost all friendly to you, it still is the LoS to me. 


    Why are "Western" tourists and returning retirees etc not very welcome? 

    Well firstly, currently, it's bleeding obvious init. We are coming from countries (NZ and AUS excepted) with awful levels of Covid infection, and in the US and UK in particular, shameful records of responding to the crisis.


    Secondly, many falangs carry around with them a sense of entitlement, and can't help giving locals the feeling that they believe,  because they have a western education and money, that they are in some strange way superior to the people of the country they are visiting.  Thais are proud people, do you think they like this? There are 1.8 million falang residents in Thailand, how would we feel if the situation was reversed.  


    I have to return home soon and hope to come back in 3 months, I can only hope that the Covid situation improves, and the Thai government outlook on falangs does also. We haven't made it any easier for ourselves.


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  4. 31 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    If he was part of the BLM protest why was he in parliament square? It was the right wing thugs who were there.

    Well you shouldn't judge people by their appearance of course, but any normal person sees a fat fart of the standard Alt right thicko variety, who's brains are too small to work out that if you drink 8 cans of lager it has to go somewhere. 


    Your standard left wing protester is skinny by comparison, and dresses differently. 

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  5. 21 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Churchill went to South Africa as a Journalist and then joined the SA Army as a lieutenant , how was he "involved" in the  concentration camps

    By saying involved I didn't mean he built them or populated them, I had read of the link before though couldn't remember the detail. However this quote puts his feelings about them into perspective.


    "When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering”. The death toll was almost 28,000,"

  6. On 6/8/2020 at 2:38 PM, fideliolux said:

    99% of infectioned people were Thai Nationals who came back from the labour camps in Korea, Saudi Arabia, Kuweit etc.

    where they live 10 to 12 people in one room!

    Those are the facts, but someone would loose face to admit it!

    I think for sure there are other infectious people. The flights from China, the early part of the Italian infection when they were still coming, in particular. 


    We appear to be getting sensitive that falang longer term residents are being targeted. They were already here and weren't bringing in the virus obviously. Many went home because their visa expired or they couldn't afford the medical expense if it came to that. Not surprisingly the Thai Government was glad to see them go, nobody knew what the burden on the local health service would be at that point.


    We have moved on from that time, and now nobody in their right mind would take US or most of the EU visitors into their country, UK ones in particular. The academic is simply stating facts. 

    • Thanks 1
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  7. 12 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

    I guess that bricks and fire don't protect the demonstrators. Also the progressive wackos whom joined in. The system was working until they subverted it. 

    Also a good way to keep Joe in the basement so he can't say anything off script.

    I've really no idea what you are trying to say......The system was working until they subverted it......what system, who?

    There are wackos of every sort everywhere progressive and retard, or whatever.

    • Sad 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, J Town said:

    Using facts on some people is a waste of time.

    Trump supporters: "You libs can NOT make us stay at home, avoid rallies or wear masks!"

    Trump non-supporters: "Us libs are counting on it."




    Well it would be the perfect excuse for anyone dumb enough to believe it. The second wave of virus will all be down to the BLM current protestors, that is what Pence is setting us up for.  Nothing to do with ending the lockdowns too soon of course, or earlier the white nationalists protesting that they couldn't get a haircut (Poor dears) etc, as they waved their guns around. 


    Sadly for Pence the horse may have bolted, the polls are awful for the GOP and when you lose supporters it is not so easy to get them back.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Jack100 said:

    I thought most of the slave trading was  done by Arabs ?  Well they seem to get blamed for most things  so we  might as

    well add this to  the list . !

    Well of course the history of slavery goes back for 1000s of years, and the Arabs were well involved particularly after the Muslim wars of conquest. However at the boom time of the slave trade - West Africa to Caribbean and southern US, the Arabs were merely the initial suppliers, who rounded up the  black population and took them in irons to the coast. The British would have done this themselves if they had to, but they had a convenient and cheap local way of getting it done for them. That was only a small part of the whole trade. Not so long after the ending on the slave trade, the British Empire was getting the occupants of Bihar to work for slave wages making Opium, which we then exported to China and addicted 20 Million of them. Then we fought two wars to protect this commercial interest. The great houses around Britain were just as likely to have been built on the profits of drug dealing as on the profits of slavery. There are probably statues to Drug dealers round the country also. Makes you proud to be British what!..........(Not)


    Tear them all down.  Scottish ones like Wallace and Bruce also for all I care, we know our history, we don't need statues to remind us. The Statue obsession is dickheads worshiping statues of dickheads, rather frowned on in the Bible "Thou shalt make unto thyself no craven images". 


     Scrap brass is great, melt it down and use it. 2 inch o/d brass tubing is hard to find nowadays. 


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  10. 4 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    so what?

    Exactly, what are statues all about anyway. Some shallow self aggrandising <deleted> gets one put up to glorify his pathetic memory after he is dead. I would remove them all, scrap brass is quite valuable these days. Also when it gets cold there are always brass monkeys looking for welders as we used to say on site. (Freeze the balls of a brass monkey - a nautical saying)

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