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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's other people's money and they were not consulted as to whether they want to "revitalise" the arts or even as what "arts" they would support.

    Far as I'm concerned if the "art" workers can't make a living at it they can go pick fruit.

    I dread to think where that money will end up, but given the government's track record I have a suspicion as to the recipients. I doubt opera will be getting a look in.

    Good news then, only ballet would have been worse!

  2. 2 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:
      2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Modest controls, but no litigation lunacy, is that common sense approach possible in the US? As I said in the last FB thread it is about hate speech, WHEREVER it comes from. People are just getting tired of hate I think, and the advertisers have become aware of that. Any data scientist worth his salt could write a few algorithms to pick this stuff up, Face Book didn't do it because they thought it would limit their income stream.

    2 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:

    It hasn't been possible in the UK or Sweden, both of which have legislated speech laws, and imprisoned violators, so why should it be in the US? Try turning a concept like "hate" into something scientific, such that an unbiased algorithm could possibly detect. Not possible. The very notion is conceptually ludicrous. And advertisers don't care about social justice, or hate--give me a break--, they only care about profit, which is why they have all jumped upon the BLM bandwagon.

    "Try turning a concept like "hate" into something scientific, such that an unbiased algorithm could possibly detect".......No...... what I said was that algorithms can pick this stuff up. It then requires a human to further investigate, I imagined that was understood. My son is a Data scientist, he informs me that they really can be pretty sophisticated nowadays, but naturally they have their limitations.


    And advertisers don't care about social justice, or hate, they only care about profit,..................Wow, I'm stunned!............but again no, that is not what I said, what I said was that advertisers have picked up that a significant enough number of their customers care about certain things, that translates into money for them.


    --give me a break-- of course........have a Kit Kat

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  3. 2 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Go for it Boris nothing to lose, encourage and fund the UK talent, lets get moving........


    No stress, if all goes a little pear shaped Sturgeon and Starmer will no doubt be called upon to step in and provide their well manifested fix for the post covid era ????


    Britain is in a win win situation it would appear -  all good

    Encourage and fund the UK talent,....................actually the arts, music etc have received SFA, not even a promise. The government appears to be made up of complete Philistines, a total desert of creative skill and imagination. I know many UK artists and musicians who are now struggling to survive. A relatively tiny country like NZ can come up with a  £150M stimulus package to revitalise the arts, I expect we will get the money thrown at HS2 etc. I note we look to be buying the wrong satellites at a cost of £600M. The incompetence its mind blowing. 


    Britain is in a win win situation it would appear -  all good.  Ah Sarcasm, genuinely funny ????????

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  4. 1 hour ago, Loiner said:

    BBC Scotland must transmit different programming to the lefty loving Beeb the rest of the nation endures. Tory supporters would be the last to trust any of the leftist PC drivel riddled rubbish that is produced there. News reporting and current affairs fell to the left years ago, but now even the supposedly 'quality' drama is tainted with politically correct revisionist nonsense.
    The BBC is the prime candidate to be defunded.

    I think you will find that it already is being defunded. What do you think the deal that Johnson made with Murdoch for his support was, if not defunding the BBC?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, pixelaoffy said:

    Ah. Accusing one political party as 'always corrupt' naive little poster, someone whose an ' uninformed voter'

    Describing another TV member as a "Naive little poster" is pompous, condescending, shallow and obnoxious behaviour. Personal attacks should not be part of an adult discussion. Incidentally said poster could well be twice the size that you are for all I, and probably you know. 


    There is some corruption in all political parties of course, the Tories just set a standard of corruption, particularly in lining their own pockets at the expense of the tax payer, that, according to everything I read, no one else has even remotely been able to match.

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