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Nigel Garvie

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Posts posted by Nigel Garvie

  1. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    Lol! As if the EU did not think of doing it before. ????

    All your commonwealth countries already have or are going to have an FTA agreement with the EU.  There are also FTA agreements with Japan, SK, Mercosur, Mexico, Chile, Mediterranean countries, etc...

    The only significant 'original' deals the UK can still conclude are with the USA (good luck with that) and China (but don't send Royal Navy ships to patrol in the South China Sea).





    Yes, our masters of tough negotiations have already indicated that they will bend over backwards (Figuratively anyway) for a US deal, which is still insignificant compared to what we have already. 


    Sadly some posters are still desperate to believe that the EU is in trouble without the UK. The mess of Brexit and the obvious economic damage, (Already costing us almost as much as our entire EU contributions from the start) clearly looks to have brought the EU closer together. 

    "The survey also found support for EU membership had increased across the continent, despite some predictions that Brexit would trigger a wave of opposition to the union in other European countries. All the countries surveyed saw support for EU membership rise:

    there was a 12% rise in support for EU membership in Finland and an 11% support for membership in the Czech Republic, and In Britain support for membership has risen by 7% since the previous survey in 2017."





    Have your Brexit, but please avoid the fantasy world where

    "It's going to hurt them more than it hurts us". 

    You could go and discuss it with Alice (In wonderland) if that makes you feel better, she would probably tell you to grow up and stop being vindictive.


    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, Letseng said:

    There never was a genuine quarantine. It was self isolation.

    You either acted responsibly or you didn't. Nobody checked what you did or not.

    Having not been in the UK for a while I'll take your word for it, sounds about right.


    Although I assume that Thailand will be in the low risk category, the big problem is travel. For us it means 3 flights and 4 airports next week - similar for many people I expect.  The chances of catching the virus increase exponentially with travel wherever you come from. The quarantine relaxation is commercially driven not care driven. Par for the course in the UK so far, even if it might suit us personally.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Morch said:


    When the "black lives matter" slogan takes precedence to any other comment not replicating it, then what force the original notion held is diminished. If the only acceptable phrase for discussion and commentary is "black lives matter", then by default, it matters more than others.

    No .........no phrase is "the only acceptable phrase for discussion and commentary". Right now events have brought this one to the fore, and you could argue that  "by default, it matters more than others."  At a different time it will be something else that people focus on - such is life.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Phuketshrew said:

    I think this has more to do with the plummeting FB share price  - from $245 to around $212 in the last 3 days - than any particular ideology.

    Absolutely, forget the pathetic whining of those who claim it is about some anti right wing conspiracy in the media. Zuckenberg had to be dragged into this. He is not a "Lefty" he is simply a greedy pig, who was forced by major advertisers to face up to the fact that people have had enough hatred and conspiracy theory, whatever the origin.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Until the police have questioned him and their conclusions released the could be:


    A bigot

    A homophobe

    A racist


    Any one, or any combination. 


    No excuse, he is a murderer. He and only he chose that course of action. 

    Exactly except for one glaring omission, The police have already said he was a terrorist, clearly (Unless you are brain dead) an Islamic terrorist, you get homophobes, but not homophobic terrorists etc etc. So let's try again - using your words as a reference.


    We already know he is basically an ISLAMIC TERRORIST.


    "Until the police have questioned him and their conclusions (are) released he could. ............ALSO be:

    A bigot

    A homophobe

    A racist

    Any one, or any combination. ....................

    I agree entirely, he could well be a psychopath also, probably is.


    No excuse, he is a murderer. He and only he chose that course of action..................  Agree 100%

    Put him in a Gulag and work him to death would be my choice. Let him know that every penny he earned there, was being spent fighting the unspeakable evil of religious fundamentalism. 




    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, twocatsmac said:


    If he’d killed 3 black men, and he had numerous chances that day, would this still be a terror attack?


    Not likely, and London would be in flames by now. 

    His attack included a racial motive.


    He is from Libya, the west has been bombing the middle east in an endless series of wars from before WW11. Why should he pick on the small minority of people in the Reading area who happen to be black. Anyway black people are simply not seen by the extremist Islamists as "Enemies of Islam".  It's about religious fundamentalism - live with it. If you are utterly desperate to drag racism into the topic, so you can have your little rant, then at least supply some real evidence of this in his motives. Don't rely on unsubstantiated opinions.

    • Confused 1
  7. 3 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

    very sad ,but far from rare occurrence in britain today,sad to see such young lives blotted out in a crazed racist attack by someone who was made welcome to the country.what do you say to their friends and relatives?govt needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and these peoples lives matter too so make sure you do something about it this time


    3 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

    White men killed for being white by a racist man of colour.


    No riots, no looting or pulling down Nelson Mandela statues.


    News and media are more offended by a “white lives matter” banner at an English football match that they somehow deem offensive. 

    You may be desperate to use the word racist as part of some other argument, but what is racist about this. The man is an Islamist, a religious terrorist, unless he states otherwise his motives have nothing to do with race. There are muslin extremists from Malasia fighting  the Thai people in Southern Thailand - that isn't about race. All sorts of different Islamic terror groups were fighting one another in Syria  - that wasn't about race. The Genocide of the Yazidis was because they were seen as Kaffir's (Unbelievers) by IS - not about race. The Al Qaeda and Taliban attacks in Afghanistan likewise. 


    Please try to get a grip on the fact that it is about RELIGION, not race. The fact that the sick nutter killed white people in a London park was because that was the choice. Arab's are very happy killing other Arabs over their different twisted interpretation of the Sky fairly story. 

    • Like 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    Apart from your unfortunate and the “typical” criticism about Spaniards, (I guess because of ignorance)., I think that this is not the time to open borders, although more than 400,000 Brits have a second residence in Spain and In my opinion, for fear of a second wave because of Cov-19, this is not the time to open frontiers. But think for a moment that the wound is still open with 30,000 deaths and a devastated economy. 

    It is incredibly stupid IMHO. Thailand is right, keep people from countries with high infection rates (UK and US for a start) OUT, or quarantine them. No amount of money is going to help the dead in a 2nd wave, unless you don't actually care about them (As a number of governments behave like). Problem is get a 2nd wave and you are back to square one with the health problem, and the economy is even more damaged than before. 

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