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Everything posted by ourmanflint

  1. Isn't the eastern line in Malaysia metre gauge?, and isn't the Kunming railway supposed to be standard gauge throughout? Is there any std gauge line in Thailand
  2. This happens in every country when women realise they do have a choice between careers and being a mum. Good for them. This is something economists need to work out, because the answer sure as heck isn't the current view of ever expanding growth and capitalism
  3. Yes that is terrible and Hamas are nutters, but do you think exploding bombs on pregnant women is somehow OK or better? Dead is dead. Both sides are utterly immoral
  4. Thailand has developed from the top down. all the available money in the system has already been funnelled to the top where it will stay
  5. Water security! Keep saying it because it is true. Thailand needs another 3-6 huge new reservoirs to help stabilise water supply in coming years. No room for NIMBY's
  6. Water security is vastly more important than almost anything else for Thailands future. This will go ahead despite the objections
  7. Brief history lesson... in 1915/16 the British promised the whole area including Israel to the Arab nations in return for helping to overthrow the Ottoman Empire ( think Lawrence of Arabia), then later in 1916 Billionaire banker Lord Rothschild persuaded Lord Balfour to issue a declaration stating a "home" for Jewish people in Israel, totally disregarding the earlier promise to Arab League. This is the root of never ending acrimony. The British betrayal of the Arab league on the behest of banker Rothschild, a sordid part of British history really
  8. Salient points are killing people face to face like Hamas is totally barbaric, but bombing 1000's of innocent children and civilians remotely is "A OK!"
  9. If he's been smoking pot, then that is the end of the pot business in Thailand
  10. I do love Thai journalism. We are all still left wondering how rain makes a train derail? From the photo, it looks like the track is still intact
  11. I see, so inconvenience tens of thousands on flight paths so a few hotel owners don't have to lower their prices.
  12. This has been proposed for over 7 years now, and should be done asap to provide certainty of water supplies in the North, much better than many other vanity projects
  13. Water water from shrimp farms is loaded with Nitrates and Phosphates, food for plankton, which grow so quickly they consume all the available Oxygen in the water which in turn kills all the fish
  14. India bans non basmati rice exports and magically Thailand manages to increase it's own non basmati rice exports. Bravo
  15. He's said something relevant! Thailand does or will need in the near future better water management. More reservoirs would be a good start
  16. The main purpose of the exercise is for China to assess the threat Thailand poses should China's invasion of south sea islands near Vietnam turn into something bigger
  17. Hope the new government abolishes these silly defamation laws.
  18. another quality bit of Thai journalism. Where is the photo of the cart?
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