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Everything posted by ourmanflint

  1. Memory of a goldfish! Every single Tory PM going back to Cameron was far worse
  2. I’m not gonna waste my breath educating you two numbskulls
  3. you are fantastically deranged if you believe that load of codswallop.
  4. How does this work? Faulty transformer in charger? how does 12v kill
  5. Prepare yourselves for more announcements
  6. True, Capsaicin can't burn you. it can't burn or damage soft tissue, it just tricks your brain into thinking it has
  7. I noticed this too, prices on Agoda for January are up 70-100% on same time last year for a lot of mid-range 4 star hotels
  8. Surely the clue was there in the name.. "iCon"
  9. The endless slippery road excuse gets wheeled out again
  10. Gosh a lot of words that ends up saying very little. I stand by my claim, Thai farm workers are treated very poorly in Israel, and Thailand should discourage any further worker going there
  11. Do you not know how Google works? https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/labor-abuse-fears-rise-for-thai-migrant-workers-in-israel-under-new-deal-635818
  12. Israel treats Thai workers very badly on the kibbutz, Thailand should pull them all out
  13. Pathetic Thai laws and regulations ultimately to blame then
  14. What are slippery road conditions? Never seen or heard of them outside of Thailand
  15. a broken neck would have got a like from me. shame
  16. it's not even difficult to permanently fix this kind of flooding. it just needs a floodplain in each water catchment to divert water as rivers begin to fill, suitable land alongside rivers somewhere up north
  17. The Greenpeace report was about sea level rising not Bangkok sinking. Thanks for changing the goalposts
  18. If Bangkok is submerged by the sea, then every island in Thailand would have also been at least partially submerged by then as well. The Greenpeace report this is based on is fortunately complete nonsense, it would take 100 yrs minimum for levels to rise that much
  19. time to ban all flights from West Africa and those with west african passports. Screening will not be enouh=gh
  20. How fortunate for the ruling classes that MFP were dissolved just before Srettha dismissed
  21. Time for another election then. here comes the Peoples Party...
  22. The imbeciles holding Thailand back are all around.
  23. OMFG! Tibetan plateau is the source of most of the freshwater in Asia every major river begins there. I almost feel sorry for you living day to day being so ignorant of the world around you
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