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Everything posted by ourmanflint

  1. After many years of will we won’t we, looks like wife is finally prepared to make a decision on building a house for wintertime in Thailand. Plot is quite small, facing wrong direction and all sorts of other wrong, but this is where she wants it, near family ( I’ve given up arguing about it…) have measured the plot and it has an existing barn type structure on it which would probably be incorporated or not into a single storey house. Would like some input on groundworks really as only 1m space at 3 sides of the house qs planned and bathrooms I thought should be at rear so where should septic tank (1 or 2) go? How far away should they be and how would drainage be best run?
  2. Happy for you lot, but the blatant attempt by Tories to further rig the vote will backfire spectacularly I hope
  3. Pass a bill banning farming on recently burned and cleared land and confiscate crops grown on such land. Simple. Just no one wants the bother of policing it
  4. This is great but only if you are doing long distance I’m guessing? Still baffles me why you can’t book short distance in advance. Recently had to book CM to Phitsanulok just so we could get off at Den Chai, which is only available 2 hrs before train leaves apparently
  5. Wasn’t there an organisation set up to link all these countries together so they can fix these problems jointly? Asan or something?
  6. Amazing how many farangs think the pot revolution is ok. It’s not you’re just being selfish. have spoken to lots of friends and family in Thailand, the people who work outside of tourism and not a one thinks its a good idea. Many have signed petitions trying to get it banned or at least keep it away from school areas.
  7. Ever get the feeling ai is writing a lot of this guff?
  8. Very good. As usual it got out of hand very quickly. Very few Thai citizens actually think it’s a good idea
  9. Ban anything that looks like a pitbull and euthanise any found, pay owners to have their killer pets put down
  10. any increase is probably down to rice price increasing globally
  11. Thailand is not doing well, those tourism figures are not tourists, they are just border crossings for any reason not just tourism. Thai exports are down as %GDP
  12. nobody uses the world licitly to refer to more common legally. journo should stay away from online thesaurus
  13. First new year in Bangkok for 20 years, and NYE and friends have an apartment on the riverside so jolly good show!
  14. Family "loan sharks" are very important in Thailand, every Chinese family has some old lady who lends money to the locals when they need it. Ours does, and she is no shark, yes she makes money from it, but she provides a very important service to those left out of the system
  15. do it now! don't consult on it for 4 months
  16. Site is looking better now at least.
  17. Isn't the eastern line in Malaysia metre gauge?, and isn't the Kunming railway supposed to be standard gauge throughout? Is there any std gauge line in Thailand
  18. This happens in every country when women realise they do have a choice between careers and being a mum. Good for them. This is something economists need to work out, because the answer sure as heck isn't the current view of ever expanding growth and capitalism
  19. Yes that is terrible and Hamas are nutters, but do you think exploding bombs on pregnant women is somehow OK or better? Dead is dead. Both sides are utterly immoral
  20. Thailand has developed from the top down. all the available money in the system has already been funnelled to the top where it will stay
  21. Water security! Keep saying it because it is true. Thailand needs another 3-6 huge new reservoirs to help stabilise water supply in coming years. No room for NIMBY's
  22. Water security is vastly more important than almost anything else for Thailands future. This will go ahead despite the objections
  23. Brief history lesson... in 1915/16 the British promised the whole area including Israel to the Arab nations in return for helping to overthrow the Ottoman Empire ( think Lawrence of Arabia), then later in 1916 Billionaire banker Lord Rothschild persuaded Lord Balfour to issue a declaration stating a "home" for Jewish people in Israel, totally disregarding the earlier promise to Arab League. This is the root of never ending acrimony. The British betrayal of the Arab league on the behest of banker Rothschild, a sordid part of British history really
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