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Everything posted by ourmanflint

  1. Some people have made million if not billions shorting the pound after govt gave hedge fund managers advanced warning of their plans last week. The most corrupt govt we have ever seen and they've only been in power 20 days
  2. Another in depth Thai journalism article Worth a read of this, she's a clever lady https://walt-disney-animation-studios.fandom.com/wiki/Fawn_Veerasunthorn
  3. This for the original alpha variant isn't it?
  4. if only 5 million in past 9 months, not a chance Thai Airways dream of 10 million tourists this year will come anywhere near true. People everywhere are skint, and not many will be taking expensive winter holidays, though if you factor in central heating savings at home, maybe it will be worth it
  5. This might just be the beginning! Triple La Nina declared, last time was 1998-2001, think Southern Thailand was inundated then as well as landslides in the north Triple La Nina
  6. What's the big deal? 1000's of families will do this every week of every year
  7. So they have been warned it could be worse than 2011, let's see what they do between now and the first storm to arrive?
  8. Yes this is the first time since 2011 the world has had 2 La Nina years back to back, the outcome of which can be seen in Pakistan. Pretty sure someone will think of making and using sandbags even as the water flows down from the North towards Bangkok and the boats will be in the river ready to push the water back upstream! Much much too late as usual.
  9. ha ha idiots! Who the F' goes to some young floozy youtube chick for financial investment advice?
  10. Thailand could well have been devastated like Pakistan this year, it's only luck that stopped it, the approach would have been the same, do nothing until it's far far too late.
  11. Monsoon Valley are very drinkable I think. As good as most cheap supermarket plonk in UK.
  12. That will add an extra bit of frisson to those who venture out into the bar scene. Monkeypox pot luck!
  13. Probably not, but the idea is to trek through the countryside and have an experience. It used to be one of the big things about a visit to Thailand back in the 90's. A couple of weeks on a beach and then a week trekking around Chiang Mai. I did it, was very enjoyable, a couple of nights under the stars and an opium pipe or two in the evenings
  14. so about 10,000 x more likely of being killed by a falling Chinese rocket than winning the lottery
  15. fake in this context means fake brand, I thought that was obvious.
  16. saying you have fake MSG is like saying you have fake salt, It's still salt.
  17. Absolutely none of that changes what I have said. Russia's war in Ukraine and China's willingness to go along with it is the beginning of the world being sliced in two, and it is this which will provoke another war. And if you're unsure who the aggressors are it is Russia and China as they try to grab more territory through violence. For all the Wests faults and there are many, resorting to violent land grabs to increase territory and resources is not and never will be one of them. The pieces are not in place quite yet, but they are starting to fall, Sri Lanka, Laos, Bangladesh are teetering on bankruptcy fuelled by huge loans for infrastructure projects pushed by Beijing. When China invades Taiwan, overnight countries will have to decide which side they will support. Neutrality might be an option for Thailand but for how long?
  18. The world is being reshaped, Myanmar will join China and Russia as part of new Eastern superpower alliance as will India probably. This leaves Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in a very precarious situation.
  19. It's never going to be enough. Add Belisha beacons so drivers are aware of the crossing from a good distance and change the law to make it an offence not to stop if someone wants to cross the road
  20. To those living in Thailand, how was the mask holiday? Did you enjoy it? Masks back on this time next week
  21. All these reports seem to infer that tourism *is* quite important to Thailands economy after many years of politicians telling everyone it is not
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