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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Standrds of modesty are cultural and change over time, sure. In some parts of the world the trend is towards wearing more, in others towards less (modern bikini would have been unthinkable in the West just 50 years ago) and these trends can and will reverse themselves and back again. Few people know or care what the origin of the prevailing standards are, or how these compare to other countries or their own in the past; they jusdt know when they feel uncomfortable. People are culturally conditioned to find certain levels of nudity unacceptable in certain contexts. And most of the world's population, today, find toplessness and total nudity unacceptable in public, even at the beach. If and when that changes, fine. But in the meantime what is gained by offending people and making them feel uncomfortable?

    Nothing at all is gained by offending anyone, you're right, I just wonder how many people are genuinely upset by it on a tourist beach... I mean really!! and not just responding to social pressure??

  2. Perhaps this sounds a little obnoxious of me, and I'm sorry if that's the case. I'm sure it sounds pretty arrogant, actually - but I know myself fairly well, and I know that this is something that's true of me: smart people turn me on.

    Stimulating my brain and challenging my ideas is sexy in the world of me. I mean, looking like Heath Ledger or Angelina Jolie - also sexy. But there's got to be a mind in there, or the prettiest packaging in the world is just not going to cut it. Wit and brains, though - that's what wins you the brownie points.

    Wit and brains and heart, and I'm in trouble.

    (And if they also like The Lord of the Rings/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Batman/ Musicals/ Shakespeare/ TS Eliot/ GM Hopkins, can get worked up about apostrophe use or wax lyrical about a sunset ...man, I'm in BIG trouble.)

    I think you are in big trouble then... a smart girl who likes Batman and Buffy and who knows how to spell Shakespeare... get your coat... you've pulled!! :D

    Clever women are just soooo sexy.... I for one am bored of having to explain everything on Horizon. Brains are a definite plus in a quality relationship.


    So SophiaP... :D

    Oh no!!! hang on... I've just seen it... you like musicals..... :o

    so close and yet so far!! :D

  3. It is also not acceptable to the majority of people in quite a number of other countries (for example, virtually all of Asia from the suncontinent to the far east). I may be wrong but I don't have the impression it's the norm in the U.K. either. It seems primarily a Western European custom.....

    Just to be really pedantic and a bit boring..... I'm gonna drag this thread back on topic!

    nudity or partial nudity is common all over the world from Africa to South America, throughout Polynesia and until recently Indonesia, Malaysia, India and I'm just guessing here... Thailand!!! What changes is societies view of nudity.. always following the "civilised" western lead, one prude steps up and says it is "ungodly", then goes another and another!! Thank the Catholic church for covering up most of Asia and the world, preaching from the pulpit that it is a low and savage thing to do...

    it is all nonsense concocted by preening politicians!

  4. ...buddhism is about the joys of living, not like western faiths which are prescriptive and full of "thou shalt not...." etc..

    Living a happy and good life is a million times more important than a few lines of scripture.



    I have to take issue with this! The thread is about alcohol, intoxication and a clear mind. In Christianity (a Western faith?) there is no prohibition on alcohol, Ecclesiastes 9:7 "...eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart;". The warning of the bible is aginst 'drunkenness'. Consider Ephesians 5:18 "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;" The 'excess' refers to the bad behaviour which results in too much alcohol consumption.

    Interestingly, the Lord Jesus was referred to as "...Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber..." in Matthew 9 and Luke 7. So he obviously enjoyed his food and wine!

    Good for Jesus.. he liked to knock a few back, I"m sure he was a great guy! It's just everyone since I suppose, don't try and pretend that either the Catholic Church or the Church of England are not against alcohol! (except for wine I guess, which is even used in church as part of the sacrament.)

  5. There is the view that taking drugs such as Peyote, LSD, MArijuana etc, actually have the exact same effect as medititating and fasting for long periods, it reproduces the chemical state attained in such techniques.

    Sorry, but that comparison is rubbish. Meditation is not about achieving fantastic and artificial states of mind. It's about gradually developing control over your thought processes and not losing control, like when under the effect of drugs. I've smoked plenty of marijuana and taken LSD and mushrooms, as I'm sure plenty of TV members have, and the effects are absolutely nothing like concentrated and prolonged meditation.

    Hi ... please read what I actually said then try to understand why I said it, then if you disagree try to convince me that you're on the right track and I am not! Don't just say "that's rubbish.."

    Anyway unless you have experience of meditating for periods greater than a few hours, I'm afraid you would not have knowledge as to the chemical state of the brain after several days of meditiation AND fasting!! ( I said "long periods"... days not hours my friend!! )I didn't just make this stuff up.. what's the point of that, I was just pointing out something which has been noted by various anthropologists studying North American Indians.

  6. Going topless on a beach doesn't hurt anyone...fact!! The few Thais that frequent beaches are there for a reason, to leer!

    But... I am totally against people strutting round in their swimming costumes away from the beach, this is where most tourists are going to come in contact with ordinary Thais and they should show some respect, just like they should anywhere else.

    There really is nothing culturally wrong with being topless, people do it all over the world, it is purely a "civilised" and possibly religious snob thing, where the so called civilised upper stratum look down on all those below.. dictating social etiquette.. complete twaddle!

  7. I have every sympathy with you, and contrary to previous posts this is hardly "intellect central" is it?

    I think the way the ex colonies went about things, was at least in one respect an attempt to keep that level of mental stimulation going, by having meeting houses and social gatherings etc. Those of you who have gone deep thai, must find it difficult. I am impressed!

    As for places to read on the net, you can sign up to any one of a number of newsletters, I personally love the PhysOrg newsletter, but that is very techhie and for complete eggheads such as myself!! You can always download one of the many of thousands of ebooks out there, have a look at the project gutenberg site here!

    There are a thousand ways to keep a curious mind active.


  8. Tony... the problem only arises if you hold onto your house, so the solution is simple.... sell it now!! Give some to your eldest... enough for a deposit on her own place, invest the rest and go and have a wonderful life in Thailand. Don't be tempted to hold on to the property in the UK.

    At least that's what I would do!!

  9. Now there's a simplistic response, If that was the case .... ALL of them would be working in the "business". Some people chose to work in backbreaking work ... and some on their backs.

    BKK90210... The nightlife you are referring to and western tourists, is such a small part of the Thai sex industry, I think less than 3% of all girls involved in sex in LOS deal with westerners... so why would it disappearing have any major effect on tourism... I personally wouldn't care either way!

    I personally see it as a bit of organised fun, just cuts out a lot of messing about.


    3%? I rather think this statistic was pulled out of the poster's nether regions -- or thin air.

    I really wish before having a dig at other people, you would at least provide something to support your assertions, I took the figure from Lonely Planet Thailand last year which has a pretty detailed look at the Thai sex industry, the 3% figure may not be spot on, but it is between 3 and 7 %! Memory fails. Aside from that, do you really believe the sex industry is centred on foreign tourists??

    It is Not!!

  10. I think the problem is that men from a very young age in their dealings with the many women around them from, mums to girlfriends, colleagues and close friends etc , realise ( if they have the slightest grain of sense!! ) that "what women want" is a statement that is in a continual state of flux... and the simple idiots we are, we just cannot deal with that!!

    Men are incredibly simple compared to you all... when you realise that I think you will all get what you want.. Hooray!!


  11. There is the view that taking drugs such as Peyote, LSD, MArijuana etc, actually have the exact same effect as medititating and fasting for long periods, it reproduces the chemical state attained in such techniques. I agree completely with that, Native Americans use Peyote to contact their spirit guides as do various tribes in the amazon.

    Alcohol does tend to befuddle the mind though, as I'm getting older I find myself drinking less and less... a clear head and sharp mind are reward enough!!

    Unless you are a monk, I see no benefit in not enjoying every moment of life, buddhism is about the joys of living, not like western faiths which are prescriptive and full of "thou shalt not...." etc..

    Living a happy and good life is a million times more important than a few lines of scripture.



  12. BKK90210... The nightlife you are referring to and western tourists, is such a small part of the Thai sex industry, I think less than 3% of all girls involved in sex in LOS deal with westerners... so why would it disappearing have any major effect on tourism... I personally wouldn't care either way!

    Thailand has a lot more to offer for everyone coming there, but like any country rich or poor anywhere in the world, there are men and women getting drunk in bars and getting off with each other. Thank god for that!!

    I personally see it as a bit of organised fun, just cuts out a lot of messing about.


  13. the last time I was there (2005) the flight to Samui was about 2000Bt first thing in the morning and last thing at night. plus taxi to airport, Govt AC LUxury bus overnight to Samui arrive 7am is about 950Bt inc. Ferry. So if you're on a budget the bus is ok, but if time is of the essence pay the extra and fly down.

    As for the rest, they're pretty straightforward smaller sections, just don't go to an agency, they rip you off and treat you like crap, best to plan a little ahead and make your way to the local bus and train stations.

    Then definitely fly from Phuket to BKK on Air Asia!

    Have fun


  14. I think endure has it...

    this has only really cropped up since airlines banned smoking on flights funnily enough. The reason being, they no longer have air conditioning on airplanes because they were judged unneccessary, and because they can save money by A) not installing them and :o saving on the extra fuel costs in carrying them. The consequence of which is modern day air recycling which is much cheaper, and just does as it says! During long haul flights O2 levels drop and CO2 levels rise hence DVT.

    So meditating in an O2 rich environment should present no problems, plus Lotus position probably does not restrict blood flow to lower legs.

  15. I am not advocating any of you to break the law, certainly none of the ones you so cleverly suggest I would be OK with. What I am advocating is that each of you think!! before you label someone else who has come unstuck as pathetic or an outlaw, or criminal.

    Thinking certainly isn't against the law yet, at least not in Thailand or Europe, not so sure about other places in the world.

  16. come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.

    Words fail me when confronted by moronic statements like these. Exactly when did your kindergarten teacher start letting you use a computer?

    I am my own moral judge but to each to his own I suppose... laws are temporary... what goes in one year is different in another, the law is in a constant state of flux, and is supposed to reflect the mores and ethics of the society, though they are sometimes hijacked by sanctimonious politicians to reflect their own personal ethics. In my case I will decide if I want to comply with said law. If you don't agree with that then that's fine, but I believe laws are not set in stone and everlasting, other people such as Martin Luther King for one thought the same, but then people also disagreed with him didn't they??

  17. Hello ladies...

    I've just read the thread, and I must say that I think all you ladies are very sensible, you seem to know exactly what you want in a man!

    Now.... how many of you actually stick to that list? Or do you still go for the "bad boys" even after all these years???


  18. What a load of crap this OP has generated.

    The guy broke the law. If he is such an ‘outlaw’ ‘don’t mess with me kina guy’ why is he asking advice?

    How is it that everyone has their own version of what laws to abide by?

    Drugs I never touch but there are plenty of other things that piss me off, just because the guy next door plays his music too loud I don’t feel I have the right to go round and blow his brains out.

    The OP guy is pathetic if he knew anything through his drug fogged apology for a brain he would know to keep a low profile and just get on with his pathetic life.

    Just my opinion.


    nothing like a good escalation of someones point to try and win your own is there??

    To be fair it was me that suggested that everyone decides which laws they obey!! and I stand by that...



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