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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. I don´t mind some flirting if the guy is good at it i even finding amusing....but one thing i don´t like is when i guy is trying to flirt with more than one at the same time...

    when they try to impress most of the girls on a room...i just get bored....

    But i must admit that some people are very good at it...

    however i am always attracted to men who seem mature and don´t try to impress anyone...the quiet in a party, sitting in the corner hardly talking to anyone...and looking at you with this look which makes you wonder...does he like me or does he not like me?

    Yes that's me as well... like I said flirting is just for fun, it should be spread around liberally between a good few girls... ( not the whole room dear... I'm not a tart!! ) I wouldn't want to concentrate all my flirting on just one woman, she might just explode...... or worse still, she might actually fall for it!!


  2. Hi all

    Watched The Good Woman of Bangkok the other night - anyone seen it?

    It looks at the life of Aoi a prostitute in Bangkok. It was actually quite sad, especially the reasons she went into the profession.

    She makes the following comment: "I hate men. All men lie and cheat. They live to deceive. There are no sincere men. I have known so many men. Thai men and foreign men, I know them all. Every man: Thai or foreign. Every country. Only lie".

    This scene is very sad and you can't help feeling for her. She says she was forced into the profession to provide for her family since her dad was an alcoholic and gambler and her husband left her for another woman - she has no trust in men and "hates" them. The interesting thing is the guy who made the film (an australian) bought her a rice farm so she could get out, but when he returned a few years later she was back working in the bars. When he asked her why, she said it was her fate.

    I know this movie is one person's view and probably very subjective, but you can't help feeling for her and wishing she had a better life.

    If you get a chance to see it I recommend it - it's worth the watch.

    Nat x</font>

    NAt, you seem to have missed the whole point of this programme/film..... This was on the Beeb a few years back, and while it was pretty sad, it really set out to show the thai sex industry from a particular viewpoint.

    The point being that , she did not go back to the bars, because it was her "fate" she went back to see if she could get another stupid tourist to buy her another rice farm!!! Yes she was pressured to do so by her dumbfounded parents who couldn't believe their luck! This sad woman of Bangkok was not in control of her own life, like so many women there, and until that changes I think "we" shouldn't try to help too much

  3. I'm no botanist... but this is eaasy!!!

    Try Tamarisk Chinensis, you see them all over asia on the beaches, they are incredibly hardy , grow pretty tall and look a bit like pine trees


    Thank you but no thank you. The Tamarisk is considered a "pest" in many countries and they are trying to eradicate it. That is why you probably see so many.

    Best wishes



    Yes.. but not in Asia.. as there are plenty of natural predators that help to keep it in check, the problems seen in the USA are a result of introducing non-native species that have no supporting ecosystem to keep them in check! I would agree that the Indian Almond would be a good choice, but they are more specimen trees than the Tamarisk if you just wanted some protection from the sea or to stabilise the soil.

    I suppose on Samui you could just transplant some mature coconut palms.. good luck though!!

    So what happened to all the squirrels??


  4. I spend every day of my working life flirting.... it's like breathing to me... I hardly know I'm doing it, when it's natural it is just part of the everyday rhythym of life.

    I think what you're talking about the contrived flirting and/or bragging for some purpose or other... is pretty sad but sad people have no life!!


  5. Magic exists when people believe it exists, I don't mean fairy tales, but all the purveyors of magic throughout the ages have been people with some knowledge of herbs etc and a malicious mind!

    Anyone who has had a "mushroom" shake or pizza will know only too well the effects of a small amount of psychotropic substance on their otherwise rational minds!!

    There are many many naturally occuring medicines and plants in SE Asia we have virtually no research on, especially those nasty shrooms!!

  6. I think my name shows my total lack of imagination, unlike some of you other folk here. And that means I still cant think of a better name. Maybe Sophie? :o

    Soph... almost the beginning of a great name.... you have lots of choice here.... think the Sophists, Sophism ( or is that just something you might say!... ) Plato, Aristotle.. look here

    You have a truly great name


    I did consider InlikeFlint... not the same though is it??

  7. I agree with almost everything said here, DO NOT GROW EUCALYPTS.....

    A more sustainable alternative a fter a bit of research would be Styrax tonkinensis (Siam benzoin?!) from Laos and Vietnam, see here, and here, it's a tree which grows very fast and is used extensively for pulp and paper mills, and also for resin production for the perfume industry.

    There is also a fantastic pdf available to download, explaining all the pitfalls of Eucs here

    As a farang you can hopefully see past local "propaganda" to see the bigger issues involved and maybe even start something unique

    Good Luck


  8. Hi Sylva...

    At least you've got a Mac... If I were you I'd try and get hold of a program called FileSalvage, it will recover almost everything from your hard drive, if you delete it by mistake, or if it even packs up ( they very rarely do by the way, sometimes the catalog just gets damaged.. if it spins it's recoverable) If you're doing video you'll never regret getting a big external... you can pick a 300gb one for about 6000bt at pantip. You will need one that big trust me! And at the moment they are a bargain.

    Don't ever rely on budget CD's for any length of time either.

    And silver halide prints are black & white prints strictly speaking, colour prints on photographic paper are a mixture of silver halide and dyes! And they should last a lifetime.


  9. I must admit there are similarities between aspects of Zen and mysticism ( what I would call eastern mysticism) which also have things in common with elements of buddhism and brahmanism, the idea of the unity of all things.

    Sounds like Taoism.

    Quite right.. I think I am a taoist/buddhist if there is really such an animal... as opposed to a zen buddhist, thai buddhist, tibetan buddhist etc etc....

    Wasn't Zen influenced on it's passage to Japan by Taoism?


  10. It was not directly related to my original point about face stunting free thought.

    But this is:

    In the Philippines there are a lot of really really good cover bands. But pretty well no original music. Great talented musicians, but they see no need, or there is no market for, an original voice. They have nothing to say, or no one wants to hear new and original stuff. I put that down to face stifling free expression. What teenager didn't write lots of anxt ridden poetry? We all get creative urges - don't we? That's what I wonder - I suspect that the embarassment of sharing deep emotions and not expressing them stifles even the internal articulation of them.

    i think that while I agreed with your original premise you may be drifting onto areas which have a physiological counterpart as well. There have been many studies which have shown ( google it) the differences in physiology of eastern and western brains, these centre around the ability to innovate. Having that novel idea is just harder for Asians because their brains are wired up differently to western brains, this results in everything you have just said about the Phillipines, being able to copy and refine someone elses ideas to the nth degree, but being able to abstract the initial concept is very difficult for them. This may also play a part in Thais not being as spontaneously creative as others. Though they are one of the most intuitive and adaptable people as well.


  11. One of the best threads I've read here once everyone stopped attacking the OP. I think Mark45y's observations of Thai culture, while being difficult to swallow for this "nice guy" farang may just be spot on, and I will definitely bear this in mind when living there.

    Thailand is a wonderful, beautiful and captivating country to live in or visit, but to deny that it is utterly repressed in certain aspects of life is also to deny the Thais their own values and their own culture. This is this observers standpoint, and is not meant to offend


    There is nothing in my posts to suggest I'm a nice guy falang

    I know I was talking about me!!! This nice guy=me

  12. One of the best threads I've read here once everyone stopped attacking the OP. I think Mark45y's observations of Thai culture, while being difficult to swallow for this "nice guy" farang may just be spot on, and I will definitely bear this in mind when living there.

    Thailand is a wonderful, beautiful and captivating country to live in or visit, but to deny that it is utterly repressed in certain aspects of life is also to deny the Thais their own values and their own culture. This is this observers standpoint, and is not meant to offend


  13. Very Good Posts... I hate lying, really hate it, but I do, and when I do I wince inside. I have tried as best I can to be honest and forthright, but that path leads to misery, believe me I've said some things to people not caring about their feelings because I believed that the truth would have been better. I now feel that is wrong and there is a greater benefit in sometimes telling lies to preserve the peace. I feel that it is the intent of the lie that is important, I also take the Taoist line that " a good man will do no wrong" or words to that effect.... if the intent is positive then there has been no wrong done.

  14. Don't fret Jamman.....

    You're not going mad, you cannot express any opinion on these boards that so much as hints at an attack on "thai " culture, without people jumping on their own silly little soapboxes and shouting as loud as possible, that there must be something wrong with you for even thinking such a thing.. I cannot for the life of me work put why though. Usually only ignorant and uneducated people think and behave like that, and I know for a fact there are some very clever people on these forums, so go figure!!

    I think it is a very interesting question the OP has brought up, and that's all it was... a question.

  15. This is a very serious question.... beleive me I've spent hours trawling pro photo forums all over the world.... and a few things have become apparent.


    There are certain types of CD that claim to last a hundred years, but the scientists at IBM refute this strongly. Cd's and DVD's if stored correctly may be good for five years max.

    After this you risk losing large amounts of data if you have a bad batch!! And how would you know that!

    Hard drives really are the best an safest way we have at present for storing large amounts of data safely, but to be honest even here I personally have 2 x 80gb just in case one is damaged. In any event you should re-archive everything you have every few years....

    good luck!


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