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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. well bugger me!!! :o

    found this on a cookery page!!!??

    The Thai term farang [?????] “foreign, Western, European” derives from the name of a Germanic people, the Franks! Due to their powerful position in Medieval Europe (see also lovage for the herbal edict of Charlemagne), the ethnonym was transferred to Arabic (noun ifranji [??????], adjective faranj [?????] “European”), whence it spead eastwards. Examples include Sanskrit phiranga [?????] and Kannada paramgi [?????] “Europe”, and Kurdish farangi [???????], Dhivehi faranjee [????????], Thai farang and Khmer barang “foreigner”.


    i dont get it why u guess are complicating the issue some even going through the details and the origin of the word like <deleted> man, simpley farang=foreigner if ur mixed then u would look mixed thais would probably say i think his/her mother or dad is a farang and thats it. weither the word is taken from arabs or even indians.

    No offence... but there is a much deeper and very Thai meaning of farang, one that has shaped the country as it is now, and is the subject of many hi so conversations. Farang can be complimentary or it can be derogatory, and I think an understanding of how it came about and its current political implications, can surely do none of us any harm.

    And you are quite wrong that farang means foreigner, not so... it refers to western foreigners, those that look caucasian, so probably not used if you're a UK asian or afro-caribbean, if after you open your mouth on the other hand and they hear a western accent I guess they could use the term "farang dam".

    cheers :D

  2. Hi Udon...

    spent a month in Indo last year, Sulawesi (manado) was amazing heading back there soon, tana toraja and the Togians hopefully. Also spent a week in Flores and Bali, both great but the food in flores nearly did me in!! I really wanted to visit thye Moluccas but haven;t plucked up the courage yet, I think I'll need much better Bahasa before I venture that far out!


  3. well bugger me!!! :o

    found this on a cookery page!!!??

    The Thai term farang [?????] “foreign, Western, European” derives from the name of a Germanic people, the Franks! Due to their powerful position in Medieval Europe (see also lovage for the herbal edict of Charlemagne), the ethnonym was transferred to Arabic (noun ifranji [??????], adjective faranj [?????] “European”), whence it spead eastwards. Examples include Sanskrit phiranga [?????] and Kannada paramgi [?????] “Europe”, and Kurdish farangi [???????], Dhivehi faranjee [????????], Thai farang and Khmer barang “foreigner”.


  4. It is possible that the Thai word "farangset" ("French") is a blend

    of the word "farang" and the French word "francais", ie., "farangset" is

    actually derived from "farang", not vice versa. Certainly, the word

    "farang" existed prior to, and independently of, "farangset".

    I think the word farang may have existed to the term farangset, but there is no sound reason why it would have been used previous to the attempted occupation of Thai terrriory by the french. And to a Thai in the 1800's we would have all looked french, and therefore all be farang set..

    don't you think??

  5. the secret is this..... get close! Very close!!! In fact you should be within arms reach of your subjects, or if you are using a telephoto( not unless you really have to!) then you should also get really really close to your subjects, fill the frame with your subjects. Or if you are doing landscapes there is the golden section and rule of thirds, both of which work best when pushed to the extremes...

    I have to disagree with Chang paarp on the Ansel Adams thing though, not remotely useful unless you are in the western united states and have huge vistas to work with... just my opinion though!!


  6. please don't kill them... they are getting rarer all the time in Thailand, used to be everywhere, but I hardly saw any at all last time I was there.

    I'm sure you could catch them with a net if you wanted then just release them somewhere else. I personally think you're pretty lucky having one!

  7. I must admit to having to remind myself too that not every farang met their partner in a bar, or even if they did, what the heck does it matter?? Like sbk says it's a pretty natural thing to do on first look, then your brain usually kicks in and tells you to stop being so negative....

    but from reading other threads on the forum, I am learning Thailand is full of contradictions and hypocrisies!


  8. I'm coming back to LOS for a couple of years starting this June, and would really like to visit as many regional festivals and such as possible in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Myanmar, especially those very localised celebrations that don't make it onto the tourist radar. So any info on where to go and when would be appreciated, especially any recommendations for where to be for the Mekhong full moon festival in November.

    Cheers :o

  9. I would say in reply that, that shows the complete hypocrisy of the church!! Or is it my imagination that throughout the world priests regularly preach the evil of alcohol and the virtue in being tee-total!


    Yes, sorry, that is in your imagination.

    Never heard the Catholic Church preaching about the "evil of alcohol".

    Can't vouch though for some extremist born again sects.

    Wow.. I suppose I must be dreaming then!!

    We ( the Catholic Church ) regard drunkenness as a sin. The new Catechism of the Catholic Church condemns drunken excess and illegal drugs in #2290-2291:

    The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others' safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.

    The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

  10. It is possible that with tunnel vision it is difficult to see the bigger picture...


    Decided to add this after reading another post by your goodself mark45y..

    There is a higher moral ground here and I am taking it! It is not ignorance that guides my replies, but a very real concern that kowtowing to anyone on cultural differences without challenging them is weak in the extreme. I am not advocating nudity or partial nudity, what I am advocating is the freedom of choice to behave as you see fit, in let's face it an area( tourist beach) that is hardly the same as downtown Bangkok.

    What really makes my blood boil is someone who with as much education as you have, resorts to such broad statements saying " all thais are offended by topless girls" ( paraphrasing here!) what a completely stupid statement. Even I know that there are many different values in any society and not all those in a society are offended to the same extent by the same things. On a personal note I would not want to offend anyone, by my behaviour or anyones, but like I said larger issues are at stake here, I am offended by many things by many different cultures, Thai included, that does not mean I expect them to completely adjust to my set of values either, in fact I would re3spect them more if they stood up for them!!


  11. Good for Jesus.. he liked to knock a few back, I"m sure he was a great guy! It's just everyone since I suppose, don't try and pretend that either the Catholic Church or the Church of England are not against alcohol! (except for wine I guess, which is even used in church as part of the sacrament.)

    I don't really understand what you are trying to say here.

    But if you mean to say that the Catholic Church is against alcohol, then you are completely wrong. Catholic monastries in Europe are renowned for their excellent breweries of beer and herbal liquors since the early middle ages. A tradition that still lives on. The monks are well known to enjoy the fruits of their labors as well.

    I would say in reply that, that shows the complete hypocrisy of the church!! Or is it my imagination that throughout the world priests regularly preach the evil of alcohol and the virtue in being tee-total!


  12. Whenever people post on here about how much they pay in rent, the usual protests come out. 'Why so much?" "I thought people moved to Thailand to save money." etc etc

    People come to Thailand for a variety of reasons, some personal, some professional and I don't think anyone has a right to judge how they choose to spend their money.

    That would be me then..... I hope that didn't come across as "tall poppy" I was genuinely surprised! I mean really, really surprised, that not only were there plenty of properties in that price range, but that there were also plenty of people who can afford it!!


  13. So what everyone is saying is that they let that sector of society that is "most offended" by something, what clothes you wear or don't wear etc, be the moral guiding light... this is such a dangerous path to follow!!

    Freedom and Liberty are more important values than the possibility of offendiong someones sensibilities because they too have followed this rigid cultural passing on of morals. Modern Islam and Victorianism both did this to a very great degree, and neither should be tolerated.

    Get your kit off wherever and whenever.. this may be your last chance!!


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