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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. no one denied that it wasnt for businesses, just not ONLY businesses as he implied. and he agreed

    "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally

    The thing that is important is the intent immigration had when they put it up on their website not the content of it.

    Their intent was not to imply that everybody that has a non paying guest needs to do it.

    once again, the original intent may be of interest to some. I am more concerned as to how it being interpreted and how it is being planned by the authorities to be used. for whatever reason, they used the words house and home owners and i have been advised that it will be used.

    I have been told that even if you go outside of your own 'Province' you should theoretically report to your immigration authority within 48 hours. I personally do not do this , but I always report in person when I re-enter the country;even though I think that his is a stupid rule because they have already got my home address on record with the immigration arrival slip that is pinned to my passport when I arrive.

    Seems like a crazy system, but it only takes me about one hour in total to comply with this herein Hua-Hin.

  2. I just returned home from a big builders supply store in Pattaya. As I checked out, every one of the many employees had their heads down busy on their cell phones. They seemed "put out" having to stop their texting/game playing and ring up my purchases. In the USA I had 3 manufacturing companies. I would allow my office employees to take quick important personal calls but would have never allowed what goes on in here in Thailand. Don't the managers care or are they busy on their cell phones too? Somebody must pay their wages. Does anyone care what goes on in their company??

    This is one of the things that really 'Pxxxxxs' me off here in Thailand. You go into a shop/store, which has got far too many so called 'assistants' than are required, who then proceed to collect in swarms doing sod all and even then they are on their bloody phones. I personally would take their phones off them when they are supposed to be 'working' and let them have them back when they are off duty.

    Goodness knows what would happen, if the phone networks were out of action for a day; I think we'd see mass suicides amongst these mindless morons. Even when they are eating, they have their phones in front of them and it seems that at every moment they are expecting a life enhancing text or other to appear. Do they switch their phones off when they go to sleep? probably not!

    To me a phone is a phone, I use it to 'communicate' with people and that's it. One thing for certain is; nobody but nobody is going to mug me for my phone, they wouldn't be seen dead with it.

  3. Thanks 'Goshawk' and 'NC1701A'

    I've just been reading about this on www.atoptics.co.uk a really fantastic website with a tremendous amount of info, well worth a look and some spectacular photographs - far better than mine. Apparently the ice crystals are at a height of about 3 to 5 miles above the surface of the earth and it always produces the 22degree angle.

    I just wish that I had had the foresight to use my hand as a 'light shield ' to block out the sun in the centre of the image. It would have made the circle a lot clearer without the inevitable flare from the optics in the camera, but all hindsight is 20 20 as they say.

    Just feel privileged to have seen this rare phenomena.

    I do remember years ago, seeing a similar effect around the moon when I lived in the UK, but unfortunately I didn't manage to photograph that.

  4. I was playing golf at the 'Pine Beach' course on Monday and as we were approaching the seashore on the 15th hole I noticed a few 'small rainbow clouds', some of which I have seen before in the UK on a couple of occasions. I pointed these out to my playing companions and non of them had ever seen these before; neither it seems had the caddies who were all chattering away to each other about them.

    I got my camera out and unfortunately I'd been in the process of changing the memory card and installing a freshly charged battery and the dam_n thing wouldn't work, or so I thought? I eventually realised a few minutes later (when my polaroid sunglasses slipped off) that the camera was working but was asking me if I wanted to reset the time and date; a display that I'd missed because of the strong light and the effect of the polaroid glasses blocking out the LCD display. OK sorry about the long explanation; but by now when I looked up there was the most amazing sight; a HUGE (and I mean HUGE) dark black circle with the sun in the center and a complete 360 degree rainbow around it. Well if you'd have seen the look on every-bodies face when I again told them to look up; it would have made a picture in itself. The pictures were shot at wide angle on my Nikon P7000 which is about 28mm equivalent on 35mm camera and the photographs are the full images not cropped so you can glean just how BIG it looked in the sky overhead. The effect lasted about 5 minutes before WE lost sight of it - supposedly the angle of viewing would effect how long it was visible from the same point on the ground?

    I believe that this is caused by the refraction of the sunlight by very high altitude ice crystals, but I have never seen anything like this before in my life and I'm 70 years old. I think that the effect is described as a 'Renticular Rainbow', but I'm not sure!.

    Did anybody else witness this amazing sight or have any information regarding how it is formed?.

    I'm sure that we have some very knowledgeable meteorologists amongst the forums who could enlighten us on this phenomena.





    • Like 1
  5. I have never carried my passport . . . (I believe it is the law to carry it though from what I have read)

    No, Thai law doesn't specify "passport." ID, yes. You'll see "passport" specified in various travel websites and even on some foreign embassy websites. But in fact, as determined by exhaustive investigation here on TV, Thai law says you must carry "ID" and nobody can show where the law says "passport."

    A Thai DL is great because you must have had a passport at some point wink.png and because it's got your Thai address on it. Still, it seems a good idea to back it up w/ a copies of relevant pages of your passport. Passports fall under the purview of Immigration police, not your ordinary BiB, technically speaking.

    Sorry: but my 5 year Thai Driving licence does NOT have my address on it as far as I can see, but it does have my Passport number, which is listed as the I.D. number. I don't know when your DL was issued, but mine is now 4 years old. So in essence, we have got our Passport details on us if we show our DL.

  6. Air turbulence happens all the time.

    Why were there so many injuries I wonder.

    Arrived back in Bangkok last night on Ethiad flight arriving 1800 ish from AD. We had four of five incidents of the Captain announcing that all seat belts must be put on and one where the Cabin Crew were told to do the same. ALL of these were after leaving Indian air space and over the sea and I think the last one was when we were just over the coast of Myamar. Certainly very bumpy on the one where the CC were told to belt up.

    Have to agree about the numpties that jump up as you hit the deck and are on the phone and grabbing their luggage out of the overheads and then stand for ages waiting to get off; I just sit in the seat and wait for them all to get off.

    I think the previous posters idea of electrically locked overheads is a great idea;,as is the one where the seat belts are sensor-ed and the personal screen is locked off until the seat belt is registered as locked.

    Considering the enormous cost of any aircraft, these mods would cost virtually nothing to implement and certainly add an enormous amount to passengers safety as well as helping the CC with their work load.

  7. ... How do you teach people to respect their own country when they are lazy and too proud to do the right thing, it is easier to throw your rubbish in the street than it is to bin it......

    There is ONE MAN who could change a lot of this with a few speeches ...

    I am forever pondering why he doesnt.

    Is it all hidden from him?

    Totally agree!

    If HE that you elude to went out on the 'State Television' and spoke to the Children of Thailand and TOLD THEM NOT to throw trash into the streets and to clean up their neighbourhood it WOULD happen. IF the school children went home and told their parents that this is what the 'ONE MAN' WANTED IT WOULD BE DONE. Imagine Thailand having a competition for the cleanest, tidiest, most attractive village or town, as some countries still do, what would this do for this lovely country? Education, Education, Education from the earliest years and make the people proud of their country, but it NEEDS someone in AUTHORITY TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

    I believe, that this someone that can't be named NEVER sees this crap that we all see day in and day out and lives in a cleansed world of make believe built around any place that is visited by the same person.

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  8. all religions are corrupt, when they threaten you with hell you know it is a scam, the old carrot and stick approach

    Totally agree, Blxxdy parasites the lot of them! They couldn't give a monkeys for their so called 'Flock', just take the money from the poor and the vulnerable to build more and more edificies that we don't need and they all have there insidious ways of threatening their believers with one form of retribution or another if they don't 'follow the line'. Specifically, with regard to the 'Buddhist faith', if this as one person has commented is NOT a Religion but a way of life, then why do they need 'Temples and images of the Budha'?

  9. The marriage was registered at the local Amphur office about 7 years ago, but I thought and correct me if I'm wrong, if I'd applied in the UK for a 1 year non Imm O visa, every 3 months and I'd have to do a border bounce, thats why I went for the 3 month non Imm O, I don't want to leave the country every 90 days would much rather RPT at a immigration office.

    So my non Imm O runs out on Aug 31 when would you guys recommend making the trip to Phitsanlok to go for the one year extention??

    I also think I'll go for the 400000b in the bank as I can't be arsed with messing around at the British embassy.

    Cheers burnsie

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The marriage was registered at the local Amphur office about 7 years ago, but I thought and correct me if I'm wrong, if I'd applied in the UK for a 1 year non Imm O visa, every 3 months and I'd have to do a border bounce, thats why I went for the 3 month non Imm O, I don't want to leave the country every 90 days would much rather RPT at a immigration office.

    So my non Imm O runs out on Aug 31 when would you guys recommend making the trip to Phitsanlok to go for the one year extention??

    I also think I'll go for the 400000b in the bank as I can't be arsed with messing around at the British embassy.

    Cheers burnsie

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You don't need to go to the British Embassy in person to get the letter of proof of income. I personally have found them to be very helpful in this regard - at least that is my experience. I have used P60's and they are perfectly acceptable as proof - again my experience.

    If you go down this route you will not need the maximum of 400,000B in your bank account and YES IT HAS TO BE IN YOUR NAME ONLY.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

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  10. If the girls were drunk then shouldn't the police be arresting the airline staff for serving alcohol to people who were intoxicated?

    Royal Brunei doesn't serve alcohol but they will allow you to drink your duty free booze, as long as you don't run up and down the aisle advertising your rap dancing skills. I had a nice bottle of red wine but no opener, and nice trolley dolly soon fixed that problem. smile.png

    Many many years ago it was the norm to fly from Oz to London and have a decent fill of beers. Last time, a few years ago, I only had 2 beers and everyone was told they were out of beer, before we'd even flown out of Oz.

    Last flight from Oz into Thailand was with British Airways. Bad mistake. 3 hours into the 10 hour flight I wander up to get a beer, nope, none left.

    Airlines are really skimping these days so 'full service' means nothing.

    It's simple cost cutting that's all.... Full Service is a thing of the past but some of the airlines who you would not associate with alcohol like Emirates, Qatar, Etihad are the most generous!

    Thank goodness for that information ! I'm flying Ethiad again shortly. I normally fly Emirates, but far too expensive now.

  11. What a difference wind or solar power plant on the island could make in cases like these...

    Solar power doesn't generate enough to make a difference, and if wind power means miles of those hideous windmills ruining the skyline, no thanks.

    Solar power can make a serious difference if enough people do it . Put every roof in solar panels and probably 50% of every home creates enough elec for it's own , while industries or hotels ( and aircon rooms ) need extra . Windmills are not ugly . They are very relaxing to look at from a distance , and when grouped together they only show up in 1 area ( for the people who think they are ugly ) . At 1 point in time ( sooner then you think ) everybody will have to make the choice . Nuclear energy i used to think it is the solution but over the years i certainly changed my mind ( i do work in a chem company ) . You cannot guarantee the safety . At least in a chem company , when you do have a fatal accident , the infected area is relatively small , and or cleaned up pretty easy . In case of a serious nuclear accident , and they will/do happen the infected area is large , and remains infected for generations to come . The nuclear waste itself is a not used energy source and is just put underground for the next 10000 years ( 10000 years is longer then recorded history , way before most civilisations could write ) . Send it to the moon , they have thought about it in the past but the idea was passed away because of safety issues when a launch fails . There are no easy solutoins to the energy question . Energy fusion is still many decades away , and the term of people who do work on it is only getting longer the longer they work on it .

    I take your points about the use of solar energy and the problems with 'Nuclear energy' and the inherent risks they raise, but I cannot agree with your statement that windmills aren't ugly! For god's sake, how can you say that they are "Very relaxing to look at" ? They are a blxxdy eyesore, no matter where they are located and in the main NOT a solution to the worlds energy problems. Unfortunately, I believe that we will have to go down the 'Nuclear' route like it or not.

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  12. Can't there just be a blanket ban on motorized boats 100 meters from shore in swimming areas?

    3 birds one stone?

    And, who is going to 'ENFORCE' the 100m blanket ban? Get real;, cordon/rope off the areas with buoys, then at least, the stupid morons who don't give a toss about other peoples safety, will be at the very least 'inconvenienced' by the markers.

    I would like to see the blxxdy jet ski's kept at least 200 metres from the shore because of the noise they make!

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  13. 'Bermuda' grass, either from seed or from turf will consolidate your slope. If you 'google' it you will find that under the right conditions it can send its roots down a very long way (some 3 or 4 feet). This is probably why it is referred to sometimes as 'Devil Grass',as it is the 'Devils own job' to get rid of it, once it is established ! It does require quite a lot of direct sunshine to prosper, so this might be a problem if the slope is north facing, but worth a try.


  14. I have an ISUZU D-MAX in OZ and one in Pattaya. I travel back and forward, staying in each place from 3mts to 6 mts.

    1. I disconnect the battery and lock the car with the key.

    2. I fill the fuel tank right up, this stops any condensation forming in the fueltank while you are away.

    3. I blow the tyres up to 50PSI, this keeps them round and stops any flat spots.

    4. Leave it in gear, with the handbrake off. If the handbrake is left on it tends to make it stick on your return. Only for a short while though.

    Been doing this for 9 years now, never had a problem.

    I must say that this all sounds like very sensible advice; but if you can get a 'Trickle charger' connected and maybe put a 'Surge Suppressor lead in front of this you will have the best of both worlds. Just as an aside re batteries in general, I recently had to replace my battery in my five and half year old Foretuner, 'Sod's law' of course applying, as I was in Kuala Lumpur at the time and strangely enough only days before I had begun to wonder just how long my battery would last out here in the tropics. Absolutely amazed that it lasted so long and it just went completely flat - not even a glimmer of anything in it in the space of 5 days of being parked up. Prior to this the car never missed a beat whilst starting at the touch of the key.

  15. Personally I love the way the other cops are pointing at the guilty seated cops who are obviously the bad guys as they are handcuffed. it is as if the guys standing are just trying to clear themselves of any association with these guys.. "It was them, Honestly , we wouldnt do anything like this at all ......" yeah right ...

    I would assume that the people pointing at the cops are the 'victims' that this crazy country arranges photo shoots for, because here in Thailand we (the populous) are assumed to be so blxxdy thick that we cannot 'imagine' what it must look like to have a gun pointed at you in a robbery or similar situations that are reported with arrest photos -Soap Box policing and reporting. And of course we always have to have the fact that 'Commander/Deputy commander/Ltnt etc and on down the line positions "Rushed to the scene" what a load of BS.

  16. Why not take some of the 'Army/Airforce/Navy/Forces' budget away and spend it on 'Education with a BIG E'?. Friend of mine reckons that Thailand spends around 20-25%-25% of its GDP on the 'forces'.! Why, who the hell are they going to fight? Wonderful idea eh spending money on 'Thai 'Submarines', again what the hxxl for? They have no sense of where they can get the best return on their expenditure for the good of the country and probably never will !

  17. As a 'Brit', I'm delighted that we did so well in the Olympic's, and I was really relieved that there were no major 'incidents;, but goodness knows what it cost to 'police the events'?

    From a point of view of a 'World wide competition' I now believe that it has gone completely into the 'professional sporting scenario'. The 'Olympics were resurrected to bring about the competition between 'AMATEUR ATHLETES', not, professionals; who now receive all kinds of full time sponsorship (some in your face and some not) from many sources - be that the Country they represent, or Universities and College's/Manufacturers/individual sponsors who provide these 'Athlete's' with all the training facilities/livelihood and end 'Degrees/ honours' that seem to abound in the world of 'Sport' today.

    What the Hxll is professional Tennis or Basketball doing in the 'Olympics? These people, who normally win, 'EARN' their living playing the game, so why should they be in the Olympics?. I'm a keen golfer, and like to follow the sport; but I for one do not want to see 'Golf' (Amateur or Professional) incorporated into the Olympics for the same reason as Tennis or Basketball or Ice Hockey . The 'Olympics' has now become a fully blown business, with all the corruption that goes with it, both internal and external and I for one would like to see it return to its roots as an Amateur sport based on the original competitive events.

    Just as an aside can you remember who won the 'hop, skip, and jump? ', never mind this time but last year,They' didn't train on jam sandwiches and tea, I rest my case.

    Gold (1st or any) medals are a great achievement for any individual in any event, but for goodness sake let us make it achievable for any individual from any country who is capable and willing to expend the time and energy to achieve such stardom - not just the one's that have got the biggest backers/pockets!

    I end by sayIng, that I love all kinds of sport and have been privileged to enjoy many in my lifetime, and hope that seeing people competing gives others the will to try for themselves for the future - even if it is just helps them to keep themselves healthy and mobile into old age. That is one 'Gold Medal' we can all work towards awarding ourselves, and one that many of the 'Top Achiever Countries - medal wise' are severely lacking in - obesity reigns in so many of them.

    Keep fit, keep healthy, work at it, you'r a long time dead and remember you golfers -ALL the putts are uphill from then onwards!

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  18. Hi ,

    As JohhnyK says the best beach (in my opinion) is about 10mins south of the centre of HH. It is also known as 'Pine Beach' because of the numerous pine trees that grow very close to the sandy beach and offer lovely shade for picnics. If you are willing to 'walk' about 400 metres from either end of the beach you will normally find nobody else with you - laziness on the part of all concerned. To reach this beach just travel south from HH and after crossing the flyover look out for the second petrol station on the left with quite an imposing entrance drive. You will see a check point, manned by the Military after about 150 yards upon entering and they will charge you about 10 or 20 bahts entrance fee - unless you say 'Golfing?' as there is a driving range and golf course in the complex.

    There are many good restaurants at either end of the 7 km beach; one run by the military (at Pine Beach complex) and the others as an independents art either ends. There is a nice, good class 'Military R&R Hotel' ( don't know the name) situated at PB that has quite a decent restaurant and you can also stay there - not just for the Military. The staff here have always been most attentive, as they have very few customers and like to practice their language skills.

    Be aware of 'Jelly fish' in the sea - they seem to come in closer after any rain fall (in all areas), but normally not a problem. Always wise to carry some vinegar with you for treatment of any stings, wherever and whenever you go sea bathing.

    Hope that this is of some help. Enjoy your visit to Hua-Hin.

  19. This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

    I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

    What else would you use for sampling at very high altitudes, if you already have the technology of a U2 plane on board and tested over many years of flying? I agree, it could be used for all kinds of 'Research', but just for once let's give the USA the benefit of the doubt. I personally think this is a very sad loss for everyone and hope that NASA will get another base in the region to conduct the studies. Very sad that the xenophobic Thai Government reacted the way that they did, another nail in the coffin for Thailand.

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