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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. He is an ignoramus, but he was having a private conversation and what he said is really no one's business. I would like to see him sue and emerge victorious in court, because I think what is happening to him is wrong. On the other hand, he seems like a real A-hole, so I'm not going to cry about it, if he gets screwed by the system.

    Totally agree with your sentiments. This smacks of the 'Big Brother is Watching You Syndrom'. A 'private' conversation should remain 'private'. I feel sure, that nearly all of us could be accused at sometime in our lives of making remarks that could be construed as 'racist'.

    If, and it's a big 'IF'; he had made these remarks at a public event, then I would agree with the ban, but not because he was secretly recorded, by someone having a private conversation.

    Actions like this, can and will bring about the possibility of the removal of freedom of free speech and should not be tolerated by rational people of the world. There are already enough of the 'PC Speech Police' about in the world, without giving them more power to take action against 'innocuous private conversations'

    • Like 1
  2. Unfortunate, but true. This monk perhaps does symbolize what has become of Buddhism in Thailand where the cult of personality is so widespread and conspicuous consumerism within the Sangha is not only normal bit, indeed, widespread celebrated. The temple has become a fairground and a haven for criminals on the run from the law. I am often bemused when I hear this oh too common refrain from visitors to the Kingdom....."oh Thailand is such a wonderful country, the people are so friendly, happy an gentle.....it must the religion, Bhuddism..." Actually I disagree. People's shape their religion to suit themselves. Have a look at how Theravada Buddhism is practiced in Sri Lanka and Myanmar ans you will see a different version than the ones the Thais have re-invented for themselves. The one which has all the hallmarks if greed and vanity. Is that a reflection of broader Thai society perhaps?

    I agree with your sentiments about some of the issues here but are you suggesting that Thai's should add the systemic massacre of Muslims to their culture as happens with the full support of Buddhist bah.gif leaders in both of these countries.

    Also, Buddhism is not a religion which any true Buddhist would know.

    Then why do they need all of these expensive 'Wats', paid for by the poor Thai's mainly. A 'philosophy' doesn't require (or need) temples/ buildings; it's just another way of providing for the parasites found in most religions to have somewhere to live!

  3. About time. pensioners especially will have 30 years plus of NH payments

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that even before this announcement of intent; any person holding a British Passport aged 65 and over WAS entitled to free NHS services.

    Would be grateful to the op, who said he'd had to print out the info that enabled him to get the free service, to give us the details of where we can find same please.

  4. The people filming the boys when they drown are much worse than the boat owners.

    With all due respect to your statement about the people filming this appalling tragedy,and judging by the poor quality of the picture they could have been 600+ yards away; what with the very long zoom lenses that we have today. So apart from trying to alert the 'Authorities' (ha ha) they could have done very little to assist the drowning boys. As to one of the people that suggested that the boats were travelling at 45mph just look at the front of the boats - hardly a fast flow of water showing, so much for moving fast eh? I don't care how many times these cretins suggest that they may have been 'duped' before; it is NO EXCUSE not to have assisted in their rescue - shame on them and their dubious 'Merits' earned, but I suppose that all they have to do is go to some temple somewhere to reconcile their lost Merit points?

  5. The approved budget for the road markings and hiring of road marshals was officially listed as 7.6 million US dollars.

    You could put up a helluva lot of road signs for that kind of money. Don't you just love the tenacity of the 'Local Authorities' ???

    Now if it was us 'Farangs' who didn't obey the new road signs we'd be fined to kingdom come, but Thai's ---- OK carry on, sorry for the trauma it's caused you. It's a wonder that the Thai's are not suing the local authorities for upsetting their day; how dare they make me change my route???? I suppose that the biggest problem, is that very few (if ANY) Thai's would even recognise a 'NO ENTRY' sign. Yet another great step forward for the Hua-Hin road traffic control upgrade. Well, at least they can all go out and have a blxxdy great piss up this weekend on the money they were intending to spend on this new 'system'.

  6. saw this on the thai news this morning, heartbreaking.

    I will bet you a pound to a penny that the BBC don't report this, or any of the other tragedies that have happened in the last six months in Thailand. It seems that they have the greatest reluctance in reporting ANYTHING negative about Thailand. Begs the question WHY? Are they scared of being sued like Reuters? The Australian networks seem to have the balls but the UK doesn't.

  7. I've been eating out in this country for 20 years and could probably count on 1 hand the number of times I have seen a Thai top more than 20 baht

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well, I've only been here for 7 years and I've got to say that your experiences are exactly the same as mine. 99% of Thai's don't tip ; at least this is what I've witnessed, they also never say 'Please' or 'Thank you', but that's another matter!

  8. Unfortunately there is a lot of pollution in Hua Hin.

    I was speaking with another farang at my hotel and he said look at the fog and I said it's 38c there is no fog unless pollution based

    But after spending 1 month there I could hardly breathe and coming from a very clean air invironment it was difficault as a matter of fact one of the Thai monks I was traveling with devolped asthma from it as well

    What utter rubbish I have lived here four years never seen one bad day

    I've got to admit that I don't know where this guy is coming from; or he's got the wrong HH. I have lived in HH for over 7 years and NEVER seen FOG.

    With regard to the statement that 'pollution' causes asthma, then you know a heck of lot more about the causes of it than the asthma specialists that I have known

    Maybe the guy just didn't like HH and wanted to bad mouth the place with his comments!

  9. Unfortunately there is a lot of pollution in Hua Hin.

    I was speaking with another farang at my hotel and he said look at the fog and I said it's 38c there is no fog unless pollution based

    But after spending 1 month there I could hardly breathe and coming from a very clean air invironment it was difficault as a matter of fact one of the Thai monks I was traveling with devolped asthma from it as well

    What utter rubbish I have lived here four years never seen one bad day

    I've got to admit that I don't know where this guy is coming from; or he's got the wrong HH. I have lived in HH for over 7 years and NEVER seen FOG.

    With regard to the statement that 'pollution' causes asthma, then you know a heck of lot more about the causes of it than the asthma specialists that I have known

    Maybe the guy just didn't like HH and wanted to bad mouth the place with his comments!

  10. This is a review of the past month,

    It starts with record lows in rain in SE Australia 100 year lows,

    I dont know if they grow food there, but there will likely grow less

    What was your last IQ test result and how come you've got such a good internet connection from the 'Institute' you are presently in ?

    I presume that you are one of the American nutters that has 'landmined' your property/institution and have a loads of guns and ammo to protect yourself from the coming apocalypse?

    Suggest that you calm down and take the medication more regularly and see your doctor more often.

    Thailand is NOT situated on the ring of fire, unlike LA, Chile etc and has a history of very few minor earthquakes.

    Watch out for 'Yellowstone Super Magma Blowout' pal, this will be the mother of all explosions that will affect us all world wide when it comes, but I don't suppose, that Fox or CNN have ever told the American public about this kind of thing - they'd all be too busy watching stupid low IQ shows.

    FACT:- There are hundreds, if not thousands of earthquakes EVERY day all around the ''Ring of Fire' and this will continue for the life of the earth - get used to it, Yes, some WILL cause massive damage - answer DON'T live on a fault line.

    I hope you find your tablets soon.

    Further to the above. If you don't believe me take a look at this website http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/?view=18

  11. This is a review of the past month,

    It starts with record lows in rain in SE Australia 100 year lows,

    I dont know if they grow food there, but there will likely grow less

    What was your last IQ test result and how come you've got such a good internet connection from the 'Institute' you are presently in ?

    I presume that you are one of the American nutters that has 'landmined' your property/institution and have a loads of guns and ammo to protect yourself from the coming apocalypse?

    Suggest that you calm down and take the medication more regularly and see your doctor more often.

    Thailand is NOT situated on the ring of fire, unlike LA, Chile etc and has a history of very few minor earthquakes.

    Watch out for 'Yellowstone Super Magma Blowout' pal, this will be the mother of all explosions that will affect us all world wide when it comes, but I don't suppose, that Fox or CNN have ever told the American public about this kind of thing - they'd all be too busy watching stupid low IQ shows.

    FACT:- There are hundreds, if not thousands of earthquakes EVERY day all around the ''Ring of Fire' and this will continue for the life of the earth - get used to it, Yes, some WILL cause massive damage - answer DON'T live on a fault line.

    I hope you find your tablets soon.

    • Like 2
  12. Well, departing for HH tomorrow. Sounds like I will have clear skies and good seafood very soon. I want to take a moment to thank all the HH TV members for their valuable insight and overall helpfulness. Seems like a really hospitable group there in HH. Many thanks again for your time and your friendly replies. Any time any of you plan a trip to Chiang Rai and need some advice, please do not hesitate to send me a PM!



    Hi Stix,

    I forgot to ask you what time of the year you would advise a trip up to Chiang Rai?

  13. Well, departing for HH tomorrow. Sounds like I will have clear skies and good seafood very soon. I want to take a moment to thank all the HH TV members for their valuable insight and overall helpfulness. Seems like a really hospitable group there in HH. Many thanks again for your time and your friendly replies. Any time any of you plan a trip to Chiang Rai and need some advice, please do not hesitate to send me a PM!



    Hi Stix,

    Have a safe journey down. Don't know if you have already booked somewhere to stay for the week, if not let me know and I can suggest a good clean, place in the centre of town where I stayed whilst my villa was being finished. Nothing fancy but very clean and slap bang in the middle of HH and they have a secure car park at the back of the place.

    If you like curry, try the place at the end of soi 80, my friends have told me it's really good.

    Hope to hear from you whilst you in HH.

    I will be tapping you for information re Chang Ria, as I have not visited your area as yet and hope to spend a few weeks up that way exploring and having a few games of golf.

    Take care on the roads

  14. Unfortunately there is a lot of pollution in Hua Hin.

    I was speaking with another farang at my hotel and he said look at the fog and I said it's 38c there is no fog unless pollution based

    But after spending 1 month there I could hardly breathe and coming from a very clean air invironment it was difficault as a matter of fact one of the Thai monks I was traveling with devolped asthma from it as well

    I personally have never seen 'Fog' in HH, where were you staying?

  15. Cheshiremusicman: is this the site you found the visibility for HH? http://www.aws-observation.tmd.go.th/web/climate/climate_past.asp

    No, that's a new one on me and I having looked at it, it seems to be missing a lot of data. The site I was refering to is the 'Thai Meteorological dept'. This contains the data from the daily observations and pressure maps etc, plus the daily forecasts for various cities. You will find visibility observations here - normally HH has about 10kms or better. the only time we seem to get any pollution here is when the upper wind is coming from the North/ North East and the dirt comes down from China; otherwise very little in the way of pollution caused by burning of crops etc.

  16. Sat outside now enjoying a cold one, air is great, just a bit hot and humid. Welcome and enjoy next weekthumbsup.gif

    Music to my ears (and lungs)! Many thanks!

    I live in HH, have been here now 7 years. The air quality here is some of the best overall in Thailand. If you you want to check this out just go on the Thai meteorological site and you will find they give the distance that can be seen in kms, so you can compare various places.I hope you enjoy your visit. Take a trip south from HH some 10 kms to the beach at Khao Toa. The beach is called 'Pine Beach' and is some 7 kms long, well worth a day out. There is a good beachside restaurant there that is very cheap for food and beers; the whole of the area is under Army control and is kept nice and clean; they charge you some 20B to enter.

    Really appreciate the info! Will definitely give Khao Toa a visit. I have visited HH before but only for a few days. Can you recommend a couple GOOD seafood restaurants that offer Thai pricing rather than the prices they charge at the night bazaar area? I really enjoyed the grilled seafood there but their prices, I suspect, were elevated for the tourist crowds. Thanks again cheshiremusicman!

    I am not a great 'fish eater', but at the very end of the Khoa Toa beach (the golden budha end) you will find a beachside restaurant - it looks a bit scruffy, but they do some wonderful seafood dishes at reasonable prices. Crab in yellow curry is one of my favourites. I'm sorry but I don't know the name of the restaurant, but it is the only one actually ON the beach. I presume that you are driving down? if this is the case I can probably give you reasonable directions as to how to get to this place if you'd like.
  17. I shipped about $30,000 US worth of goods to Thailand from the US and only paid about $100 in fees. I'm not sure what the fees covered as I used a shipper in the US and a Thai agent to receive the goods in Thailand.

    FYI, I had a non-immigrant visa based on a Thai wife.

    I have a Thai wife, but she will have a US passport, does anyone know if I still qualify for duty free, I will be shipping from Minnesota, does anyone know of any shippers in this area, would like to do the 20 foot container

    I imported my household goods from the UK some 7 years ago and used a company in Bangkok called ' Asian Tigers'. My 20 foot container arrived at my house unopened and I only paid something like 300B to the driver of the lorry for a piece of paper that he had with him. Some 30 mins later 6 men arrived in a mini van, all smartly dressed in 'Asian tiger' overalls and proceeded to unload/unpack and put everything where the wife (British) wanted it to be.They took about 3 hours to unload the whole lot and then took all the packing materials away with them - fantastic service, and not a single item damaged.

    Guess that I was just plain lucky ????

  18. Why is it that with millions starving around the world the UN wastes valuable time and resources on producing endless toss like this?

    Simply because this is the only bloody thing that they can do. What a total waste of resources the so called 'United Nations ' is. They are willing to spend millions of dollars and time even deciding what to call their totally useless projects. Pigs in the trough, travelling the world with their entourages, having useless meetings in very very expensive places and sitting on the sidelines whilst women and children get raped and tortured. A completely useless organisation.

  19. I don t believe a word of this and other stories from people electrocuted by their chargers. The modern chargers have a output from 5 Volt DC. Older ones 12 Volt DC. With voltages like that you can 't even kill an ant.

    An the inlet side of the charger is 220 V. This side is normally well shielded.

    Stories like this belong in the "dog in microwave" story corner.

    You are, of course, aware that Thai buildings have no grounding system at all, and all the internal wiring is just 2 wires, live and neutral/return?


    Maybe in your house, but not in mine! I DO have earthing connections on my sockets, but I feel sure that your comment does apply to a lot of installations here in Thailand. I had to send a wiring diagram to get two way lighting switches fitted in my villa and how simple is that?

  20. The cheap charger (or imitation ones) people buy from China are the problem. It has nothing to do with the grounding of the charger although it would help if it did. It has to do with the cheap microcircuit inside the voltage converter that plugs into the wall. It the board that converts 100-220 volts to 5 volts has a chip of poor quality it over heats and it shorts out. Now you have anywhere from 50-220 volts and a lot of Amps running down the wires to the phone. Touch the phone...Bam! It's over. And in many cases already reported people get very bad burns.

    So now you have the facts straight.

    Correct description of the problem. Simple answer is NOT to touch your phone when it is on charge; CONNECT OR DISCONNECT THE CHARGER before plugging in or unplugging the phone and NEVER EVER use your phone whilst it is connected to the charger; then you will be perfectly safe.

  21. This is the kind of positive action that more countries should be willing to take to protect their people. The threat of a HUGE percentage of their tourist market being warned off by their country's government.

    I have lived here for 6 years and this stuff is every day. You work your life around it and eventually find yourself well away from it in a lovely piece of normal Thailand. You work your transportation options around it as best you can, etc. The problem is that the average tourist is being led and everybody is looking for a margin so you end up with 30 people being driven on a bus by somebody's "cousin" who turns out to be a dim-witted drug abusing f-tard with zero common-sense....but he was cheap!

    Until TAT understands its true raison d'etre these problems will continue and Thailand will see the revenue streams from tourism continuing their steady marginalisation. This year alone we have had incidents with tourists including:

    Train crashes

    Bus crashes

    Plane crashes

    Political unrest including roads seized next to THE biggest tourist ghetto

    Drugged tourists

    Robbed tourists

    Murdered tourists

    Scammed tourists

    Oil slicks


    and so many more that I can't be bothered to research right now that have all made news outside of the Kingdom.

    It is not a pretty picture and people ARE wising up. Time will come when Thailand will start asking the question "where did the money go?". By then this will be too late. The normal people of Thailand should be aware of how important tourism is to this country not just for the obvious "heads in beds" equation but also people experiencing the country and deciding this is the life of them, moving their money and starting new businesses. Visitors to the kingdom are NOT 1 dimensional.

    Does 'falling off balconies', come under 'murder' or should we add that as well?

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